The biggest problem at my university is ...
Das größte Problem an meiner Universität ist ...
... the limited majors/minors. There are not a lot of options for a student. For instance, there is no Psychology minor or a major where one masters different languages as opposed to only one.
...UCen charges more for books than Borders (a book store). After four years of tuition and thousands spent, I still don't know where half of my money goes. Also, the lagoon makes me wish I had no sense of smell.
Budget cuts, large class sizes, and sometimes an inability to take the courses you need to graduate.
Fraternities who come to symbolize the absolute meathead culture and give the university a bad name
it is hard to concentrate on work sometimes.
people mixing school with social activities at the cost of school.
schedule conflicts w/ work.
that classes are always full and you can not enroll in them. Money is cut back from all the facilities making us pay more. We are forced to take too many General Education classes that we do not enjoy while there are upper division classes that would interest us more, but unfortunately they do not count as credit for the requirements.Another problem is that you meet people for a quarter, barely know their name and then switch again, so it is hard to make long time friends.
that it would be nice if normal people could afford to study there,andd to part there, and. . . . Also, it would be great if a certain percentage of the student population stayed sober on weekends.
that people tend to slack off and get sidetracked by the many options available. i.e. surfing, partying, laying on the beach, etc. Plus, the university lacks ethnic diversity. There are too many stereotypical people on campus.
The biggest problem is that it costs so much money! I also feel like no one has ever heard of it. It is a majority affluent white people, which some people might not feel as comfortable with?
We suffer from a strong strain of dissembling political correctness that at times can be arbitrary and in itself discriminatory
dass es insbesondere im Vergleich mit Universitäten in den USA immernoch an der Ausstattung mangelt. Trotz der eingeführten Studiengebühren gibt es nur wenige PC-Räume und sogar die Sitzmöglichkeiten außerhalb der Hörsäle sind eingeschränkt. Allerdings denke ich, dass die meisten Studenten nicht bereit wären mehr Studiengebühren zu zahlen.
die Studiengebühren, die soziale Ungleichheiten vertiefen und nicht sinnvoll eingesetzt werden, wenig Stipendien!