A rude person...
Une personne impolie...
does not help, has no respect
Does not listen to what he/she is told
Is someone who does not respect what other people think
does not respect another person
does not take the time to consider.
does not talk to anyone politly.
does not treat you the way they should, is not kind, selfish.
doesn't accept the beliefs of others; doesn't respect others.
doesn't care about others and only cares about his or herself. A rude person doesn't have manners, and they say whatever they are thinking, even if it will hurt others' feelings. A rude person judges people.
hapless, careless, insensitive, snob
has no care for anyone elses ideals or morals.
ignores friends when they feel like it, believes that they are always correct no matter what
interrupts conversations
interrupts you when you are speaking, does not care about your feelings/opinions.
is arrogant.
is ignorant and only thinks of themselves.
is inconsiderate of other peoples feelings and doesn't think before they speak or act.
is mean and doesn't care about other people's feelings.
is mean and ignorant.
is mean and impolite.
is mean to other people for no reason
is mean,is obnoxious
is not nice and does not help people.
is not open to you
is selfish.
is someone who doesn't care about anyone or how they come off to others.
Is someone who doesnt care about other people.
is someone who ignores another.
is someone who is disrespectful towards other people.
is someone who walks away from you anytime you need help and someone who doesn't care about your feelings.
makes fun of people, ignores other people, is close-minded
mean, doesnt care, stand-offish
offends someone often.
one who makes others feel like they have no importance.
says mean things about others.
should not be rude because they should be nice.
shows disrespect to others.
someone who disagrees with me.
someone who dislike you or does something to you that most people would not do.
someone who talks during a movie.
someone who talks meanly about you behind your back
speaks out of turn.
thinks only of himself/herself and doesn't care about how his/her actions affect others.
thinks only of themselves.
thinks they're better than everyone else and is mean
... quelqu'un qui parle sans les marques de politesse "merci" , "s'il vous plaît" , quelqu'un qui n'est pas serviable .
est individualiste et égoïste,
ne respecte pas les règles de vie de la société,
a un comportement gênant
est irrespectueuse envers les autres, n'a pas de bonnes manières
est quelqu'un qui est insolente et irrespectueuse
est quelqu'un qui ne dis pas "bonjour", qui est desagréable avec les gens, avec qui on n'a pas envie de faire connaissance.
est quelqu'un qui ne respecte pas l'autre.
est quelqu'un qui ne respecte pas les aînés, et qui n'a aucune valeur morale.
est vulgaire,irrespectueuse,intolérante
grossière, sans-respect, intolérente
insulte, ne dit pas bonjour
Mérite un direct du droit.
ne respect pas les codes de conduites
ne respecte pas l'autre
ne respecte pas l'autre,et ne possède aucunes valeurs
ne respecte pas, insulte, s'habille mal
qui est impoli
rote a table
une personne ne respectant rien ni personne sauf lui même. Et qui est souvent grossier
une personne qui a ressu une mauvaise éducation, et qui est insolant.