
la France

an ally of the US


bread, french people

bread, language, eiffel tower

cheese, bread, food

cheese, vine, hexagon

class europe

crepes exchange

crepes, eiffel tower

crepes, Eiffel Tower

crepes, wine, cafe

eiffel tower

eiffel tower escargot

Eiffel Tower, baguette

eiffel tower, croissants

eiffel tower,language,europe

Europe, Eiffel Tower, Paris

Europe, EU

European, beret, eiffel tower

european, laid back

fashion, cheese, wine

flag,french language, french food


french flag, eiffel tower

french flag, paris

French Language, Baguette

french, europe

great food, romantic

Healthcare, Bread


interesting,and different

Mona Lisa, Cheese


Paris, Eiffel Tower

Paris, Eiffel tower, baguette

socialist, mean, different

socialists, culturally similar


Tour de France, Eiffel Tower

tours, fancy, exciting

very nice, good food

wealthy, cheese

Wine and Cheese

wine, style, couture

Chanel, Sarkozy, Renault véhicule

fromage, richesse, belle culture

gastronomie : fromage et vin, Tour Eiffel

gastronomie, la tour eiffel, le ski

gastronomie, traditions


la gastronomie, la tour eiffel

La Tour Eiffel

la tour eiffel, égalitée ,libertée

les vignes,paris,

Lyon, Paris, Hiver.

mode ; parfum ; N.Sarkozy


Nous, baguette de pain, Tour eiffel

Paris, Tour Eiffel

paris, tour eiffel

paris, vin, foot

Sarkozy, tour Eiffel, Molière

Tour Eiffel ; Paris

tour eiffel, Paris

Tour Eiffel, Sarkozy, Carla Bruni

Tour Eiffel,Droits de l'homme,littérature
