You are in a restaurant with some friends. One of your friends receives a call and speaks to the person for ten minutes while sitting at the table....

Vous êtes au restaurant avec des amis. L'un(e) d'entre eux (elles) reçoit un appel et parle avec son intercuteur pendant 10 minutes tout en restant à la table...

Hmm... That's kind of annoying... but I forgive them because they're my friend.

I would glare at the person on his/her phone and act distant toward him/her. Definitely think less of him/her.

I would keep eating at first, then check my phone, or get up and find something else to do until they got done talking. After they hung up, I would ask them why they talked for so long.

I would probably give them a look and then start up a conversation with my other friends at the table. If it was just my friend and I, and they were talking on the phone, I might get up and go to the bathroom or call one of my friends on the phone until they got off. Then once they got off I might say something to them but I wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

If it's a parent, I don't care. If it's another friend and they need help, I don't care. If it's more than just the two of us at the table, I ignore it.

ignore them, if it is a meal with friends it isn't formal or anything.

It is rude and I might ask them to get off the phone unless it was very urgent

just ignore it and continue to talk to your other friends.

They should have left the table out of politeness to the other three, and apologized before taking the call for having to take it.

C'est incorrecte donc je lui fais remarquer plus ou moins discrètement qu'il n'est pas seul.


J'attend ou je fais exprès d'aller au toilette pour la laisser tranquille.

Je discute avec les autres.

Je l'ignore et continue de discuter avec mes autres amis.
Si je suis seule avec cette personne, je lui mets la honte de sa vie.

Je lui demande d'aller plus loin.

Je lui demandes d'aller telephoner ailleurs!

Je lui fais remarquer qu'on est ensemble pour profiter les uns les autres et que si son appel est important l'estérieur est plus approprié.

Je me tais et je fixe la personne d'un air excédé jusqu'à ce qu'elle comprenne que son comportement est impoli.

Va t'en tu nous emmerde!!!