You see someone cheating on an exam.
Ves que alguien copia en un examen.
At the end of the exam, I would report the incident to the Professor.
I try not to get involved in the matter.
I would just speak to the person after the exam- attempt to instill in him/her the value of honesty.
I would mind my own business, unless the person were cheating off my exam.
I would not do anything knowing that my own work is honest.
I would not do anything unless the person was cheating off me, in which case I would make it so they couldn't see my exam.
I would not say anything, as I would not want to become involved. I have no business watching others while I am taking a test, the same way they shouldn't be staring at others' papers.
I would not support that decision, however, I would not tell on the student because he/she is only cheating his/herself.
I would tell them to stop
Is their problem, they are affecting themselves. As long as I don't get into trouble (like if that person is copying my exam) I let them be
Stay out of it, and maybe mention it to the Professor after class and/or exam.
Esperaría hasta el final de éste, para decirle que lo que ha hecho no es correcto y que si lo vuelvo a ver haciendo lo mismo, le comentaré al profesor, para que así el profesor tome cartas en el asunto.
hablaría con el sobre lo sucedido.
le digo que es un mal hàbito y que no le traerá nada bueno.
lo ignoro
no digo nada
no digo nada, es su problema, al final le dire, deberias estudiar para evitar copiar.
No digo nada, puede que a la persona a la que este copiando este mal y esa persona se perjudica a si misma. El profesor se da cuenta siempre quien es quien copia, si no sucede las personas que no están seguras de si mismas y que copian en un examen solo se engañan a si mismas y tarde o temprano, las personas que los rodean se dan cuenta de eso, creo que es algo mucho peor que acusarlos o algo por el estilo.
no digo nada.
no hago nada
no hago nada
no hago nada a mi no me afecta
No le tomo importancia y me apuro a mi examen.
no me entrometeria, no es mi asunto.