A well behaved child ...
Un enfant bien élevé ...
can participate in adult conversation.
does as they're told.
does not cry or whine
doesn't complain, is respectful, and is quiet.
doesn't cry and whine.
doesn't destroy things or cause scenes in public.
is a mature child who is not rebellious to parents who mean well.
is curious but well mannered.
is making his parents proud.
is obedient and studies hard.
is one who obeys his/her parents and has a good temperament in public places
is quiet when he/she needs to be, but is still curious and social.
is respectful of others
is respectful towards adults and does what he/she is told.
is someone who follows instructions.
is someone who is very tranquil
is the one who has basic measures of control on his or her behavior.
listens to her parents, eats her dinner, smiles all the time.
listens to his parents and doesn't throw temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way.
listens to their parents, uses common sense and treats everyone with respect.
minds their manners during church.
needs to learn that others' expectations of what one should do aren't always right.
will obey their parents, not cause trouble, and is quiet.
a de bons parents
écoute, et fait
dit merci quand on lui donne quelque chose
est de moins en moins courant.
est poli et respectueux
est respectueux; a de la considération pour les personnes âgées.
est toujours poli.
a de bonnes manières à table et en classe.
écoute plus qu'il ne parle.
est un enfant bien éduqué
est un enfant poli.
est un enfant qui sait rester enfant en sachant se tenir, sans caprices ni pleurnicheries.
est un enfant qui sait se poser des limites dans son comportement avec l'autre quand c'est nécessaire.
l'est grâce aux parents
le doit à ses parents
ne chipote pas dans son nez (c'est pour la rime).
qui respecte les autres
respecte les autres
un enfant qui connaît les limites de ce qu'il peut faire et ne pas faire.
The American students made several references to a well behaved child being quiet while the French students did not. Is the omission because the children are quiet or because noisy children are not considered to be misbehaving? Perhaps children are not put in situations where they would need to be quiet...
Je n'ai pas l'impression que le bruit que peuvent faire les enfants est signe d'une mauvaise éducation. Cela ne signifie pas qu'ils hurlent sans arrêt mais peut être simplement qu'ils s'expriment.
Qu'est-ce qu'un enfant bruyant selon vous?
There are a lot of scenarios where children are meant to remain quiet. When growing up, you are taught that you only "speak when spoken to". This is often the case when children are in the presence of their elders. This rule can also apply to dinner time, when the family is sitting around the table eating their dinner. I noticed that there was a reference to table manners. What kind of table manners exist in France? What is considered rude and what is considered polite?
Un été j'ai travaillé dans un "summer camp" dans l'état de New York, j'ai bien sûr adoré cette expérience mais je profite de cet échange pour revenir sur quelque chose qui m'avait choqué. A table, les animateurs américains lançaient parfois un jeu : ils criaient : " piiiig ! " et les enfants devaient alors continuer leur repas sans s'aider de leurs couverts ni de leurs mains... c'est à dire la tête la première dans leur assiette... Evidemment ce jeu était très amusant pour les enfants et pour les adultes qui les observaient aussi... mais personnellement j'étais très choqué. Connaissez-vous ce jeu ? Qu'en pensez-vous ?
Interesting. Personally, I've never been to a summer camp and this is quite new to me. I think that table manner is important but it also depends on the situation. Since it is a game, having fun is the main objective; so it is reasonable. Anyways, it sounds like a scary game.
I have never once heard of this specific game. It does not surprise me, however. Parents send their children to summer camps so that they can have an opportunity to have fun without having to worry about societal pressures and influences. The idea is that there are much greater lessons to be learned at a summer camp than how to eat properly at a table.
I have never heard of this game, but it sounds hard. Is this your only experience with American children and their manners? This is just a game; I don't think that a game can define people and their mannerisms.
I am shocked too! I went to summer camp for many years and I never did anything like that. Summer camp was a chance to meet new friends, learn to lead, learn to work as a team, and learn new skills or sports. I will say that Americans do eat more food with their hands. Pizza and fries are my best example. What do you think causes this difference? Are you appalled when you see this? Is there anything we eat with a knife and fork that you eat with your hands?