

achieving personal goals, happiness, being content with one's life

Attainable, goals, personal happiness

creativity, contributions, legacy, work

discovery, improvement,

education, happiness, stability

fame, fortune, happiness

family, job, money

fulfillment, goals, thrilling, happiness

goals, strategy, hard work

good job, making a difference in the world

grade, content, must

happiness, goals, hard work

happiness, wealth, work

hard work, persistence, exciting

job, school, judging

money, career, home in the country

money, unequal, unfair

prestige, satisfaction, wealth

promotion, power, money

self-defined, reachable

smart, happy, having a rich network of friends, making the world a better place, controlling one's own time, always learning

work, goal, persistence, chance


épanouissement, carrière, métier, bonheur

bonheur, efforts, chance

but, avenir, famille

chose rêvée, qui mobilise l'esprit

confiance, mérite

encourageant, avenir, bonheur

joie - encouragement - espoir

joie, bonheur, inextinguible

professionnelle, ambition, vie

relative, création, but

scolaire , sociale, succés, but

sociale, diplôme, chemin

sociale, professionelle, liberté

succès, bonheur, positif

succès, travail, argent


travail, équilibre, être soi


Hey guys!

I feel a little ashamed here. A lot of the american responses were filled with more greedy, individualistic terms like power, money, fame, fortune, prestige and promotion, while all the french responses centered around words like joy, encouragement, future, hope and life. That is really admirable. I always thought that fame and fortune (while certainly not the only standards of success) were preeminent universal ideas of success. I noticed also that more than one person wrote the word purpose, as if success was defined by the way that a person fulfills his or her role in society. Is France a nation more concerned with working towards the greater good, rather than trying to increase one's own social status?

 Il est vrai que vous avez beaucoup cité "l'argent" comme synonyme de réussite. Peut-être que nous pensons plus "réussite"= "bonheur" et que nous savons que le bonheur ne passe pas principalement par l'argent. Vous connaissez sûrement le dicton français :"L'argent ne fait pas le bonheur!"
