The best information sources are...

Las mejores fuentes de información son...


books and reliable online sources.

books and teachers.

books and the internet.

books, primary sources, if not secondary source documents.




my teachers and my siblings.

Aquellas que nos ayudan a retroalimentarnos sobre nosotros mismos, sobre el dia a dia y ver siempre hacia adelante.

el internet

el internet.

facebook i la tv

internet, enciclopedia,libros

los amigos y la familia

los libros, el internet

los libros.


My generalization of what Costa Ricans think the best information sources are is that the internet is very reliable. In the United States, the internet is seen as an unreliable source at times and books are much better information sources.


1. Do you ever use Wikipedia that is edited by many different people?


2. Why is the internet a good information source?


3. What types of projects do you use the internet for?

1. Bueno yo a la hora de utilizar wikipedia verifico que la informacion que se encuentre en esta pagina sea real y no falsa, ya sea consultando otras fuentes de informacion en internet o bien libros.

2. Supongo porque es mucho mas facil accesar a internet que ir a una biblioteca publica a consultar.

3.Por lo general para consultar datos historicos, si es algo que requiera de investigacion utilizo los libros.

It was interesting how frequently "books" appeared on the U.S. side compared to the Costa Rican side. Perhaps there was a different interpretation of the word "best"--for example, best meaning most researched and reliable information, or best meaning most easily accessible. Also, a conversation followed about how books are not always the best option. For example, to find out when Laura Chinchilla (the president of C.R.) was born, it would be quite difficult to do so by looking in books. If we were to use the internet, it would take 10 seconds.

la verdad es que internet es el acceso de mayor facilidad  para lo que yo necesite y ahi encuentra uno de todo