If someone in the street asks me for money, I...
Si alguien en la calle me pide dinero, yo ...
depending on their character at a glance, i would give a couple of bucks or just keep walking.
do not give it to them because I do not know what they will do with it.
give them money
give them money if they look homeless or poor.
honestly usually say no, because you do not know their motives.
offer to buy them a coffee.
tell them that I don't have much, but give them a few dollars.
walk away without saying anything.
walk by them.
le digo otro dia porque hoy no tengo.....
le doi algo que tenga
le otorgo el dinero, "Haz el bien y no mires a quien"
Lo ayudo.
lo ignoro
no le doy
no le doy que trabaje
se lo presto pero que me lo page
yo no le doy, ni le hago caso a extraños
yo lo ayudaria
noté que en Estados Unidos, algunos respondieron que prefieren ir con la persona que les pidió dinero a comprarles una café o algo de comida. En Costa Rica dificilmente alguien da dinero cuando un extraño le pide, y en caso de que sucediera, simplemente le dan algo de dinero pero nunca irian con el/ella a comprar un café
It's not that we would go with them to buy themselves food, but we may just go and buy a sandwich and give it to them instead of handing them money. In the United States, sometimes it is hard to trust that people will use the money for something they need instead of something they want; like alcohol or cigarettes.
no le doy dinero, que busque trabajo