Economic Crisis
Crisis Económica
inflation, bankruptcy, taxes
no money, recession, inflation
Obama, Great Depression, unemployment
recession, depression, money
recession, global economy, poor
United States
United States
Stock Market
US Current situation, no money, banks
desempleo, dinero, pobreza
desorden, banca rota, pobreza
dolar, inflaccion, impuestos
falta de harina, brete,
What does pa lante mean?
A generalization of Costa Rican success is to fight it and make an effort. Fundamentally, people need goals "metas" and the want to achieve "logro" something.
A generalization of American success is to have an education as a basis. It is easier to be successful if one furthers their education as much as possible "college".
What does brete mean? - Economic Crisis
A generalization of Costa Rican economic crisis is to be poor and unemployed. Fundamentally an economic crisis creates "destructiva".
A generalization of United States economic crisis is that is is occuring now. This is reality for many of us because of our president, "obama" and the current "recession".
Could you explain more about why an economic crisis is related so closely to "falta de harina o brete"?
Both the U.S. and Costa Rica agree that an economic crisis involves bankruptcy, poverty, and unemployment. Costa Rica differed in the fact that someone responded with an agricultural issue--"falta de harina". The answers from the U.S. differed in the fact that many associated the idea of an economic crisis with President Obama and the current recession.
In America the the economic crisis is associated with the President and the current recession that we are faced with. In Costa Rica they associated an economic crisis with agricultural.
Both cultures agree that it is a bad thing and involved negative ideas such as poverty, unemployment, ect.
Why do you associate economic crisis with agriculture?
"Brete" significa trabajo.
"Falta de harina" es no tener suficiente dinero, esta relacionado con crisis economica por la falta de trabajos por consecuente no hay dinero y provoca pobreza
si no hay produccion en el campo de la agricultura no se va ha ver el dinero logicamente