a thing of the past
best, smart, rich
dislike, money, attitude
Dominant position, traditionalism, Power
expert, snobs, accomplished, closed-circle
Few, Culture, Power
Hollywood, Main Line, Gossip Girl
Math, Rich, Gossip Girl
money, ivy league, stuck up
money, power, status
Money, sophisticated, knowledgable
segregated, MIT, money
silver spoon, extravagant, wasteful,
smart, achievement, rich
smart, better, arrogant
snobbery, fashion, overrated
special, high-ranking, on top
Tip of the iceberg, The best, The richest
top, best of the best, achievement
Upperclass, bourgeois, rich
wealthy, intelligent, privilege
wealthy, powerful, aristocracy
brillant, intelligence, meilleur
don, talent, non accessible
haute, hiérarchie, minorité
Hiérarchie sociale, Prestige, Richesse
Leader, Prépas, PDG
meilleur, rare, distingué
noblesse, meilleur, grandeur
polytechnicien, milliardaire, génies
pouvoir, études, responsabilités
Premier, leader,
Premier, meilleur,
Privilégié, Domination, Riche
Riche, savants, pouvoirs
J'ai remarqué que pour les étudiants français, le mot "élite" évoque uniquement des personnes ayant réussi grâce à leurs capacités intellectuelles, tandis que pour les étudiants américains ce mot évoque aussi des personnes nées dans la haute société. Selon vous, à quoi ces différences de point de vue sont-elles dues?
A mon humble avis je pense que cette différence est due au fait qu'en France il ya très peu de personne de la haute société contrairement aux Etats Unis, si je ne m’abuse. Le français en général est un français moyen qui a dû se battre soit à l’école, dans les affaires ou autre pour construire sa richesse. De ce fait, je pense qu’il est un peu normal qu’en France en rattache l’élite à la réussite grâce aux capacités intellectuels.
It is true that there are members of the elite in the US who did not have to work for their status and I think they were mentioned in the word association because we are constantly reminded of them in the media. Still, I believe that the majority of the elite in the US achieved success through hard work. I think that it is true anywhere that a person born into a higher status will have more opportunities and more help towards achieving their goals.
The terms we have such as "geek" and "nerd" along with others have negative connotations that show the general disdain for those of high intellectual abilities who aren't afraid of showcasing them. There are lots of shows and books that have a character who is somehow socially inept as a result of their intense focus on uncommon things such as math. Those who are more intellectually gifted in the liberal arts aren't looked down upon but are assumed to not lead the life of an elite person because the liberal arts aren't seen as something as practical. I think the American idea of elite is based primarily on material wealth that comes about from working while the French value other aspects of life because they aren't working all the time and see that there is a place for everything. It also seems as though the French try their best to ensure that socioeconomic status doesn't put you at a disadvantage early on in your education so achieving is a great thing while in America the education system is very segregated and the poor are often start off behind as a result in the difference in education available to them so the privileged continue to reap the benefit of those before them while the poor have no such thing to look forward to. This leads to an association money with the elite although I think intellect is in a way ingrained in the idea of the elite as well.
From my experience, money is not necessarily a requirement for being considered "Elite". In my academic community, there are many cliques depending on how talented one is perceived as being. Is this also the case at L'Enseirb Matmeca?
I agree that the media, especially movies, does play a large role in the American conception of the word "elite". Because of this it is certainly associated with wealth and high society. When I think of this word, I think of a lifestyle and attitude, not just ordinary successful people. I would like to be successful, but I don't ever imagine myself being "elite", because I want to live as a normal person and not have a fancy life.
I think that the word elite is most connected to the high class families. That is to say, it refers to people who are born into rich families. These people are usually expected to maintain a good image for their family through wealth and success. There are some people that are able to join the elite class. However, there are many people who want to work to become wealthy, but not join that society. I think this case is due to how one is raised. The children of the elite are usually expected to remain in the elite class. Is there a large and distinct social class difference in France?
I think for us elite and success don't really mean the same thing like Erin said. When used, elite tends to refer to an attitude or behavior. Do you feel like there is a difference in how people are treated based on their social status? I think that the reason for the negative connotations to the word elite is due to the fact that there is a huge difference on how you're treated at times based on your social status.
Personnellement, je n'aime vraiment pas ce mot : élite... Comme s'il y avait des hommes supérieurs à d'autres. Quand j'entends ce mot, je pense tout de suite aux nazis qui voulaient créer une race élite.
@ valentin
I definitely agree with you, although my first thoughts are not of Nazis, the word "elite" has a very negative connotation, and it makes me think of people who think they're better than they are, or better than everyone else, because of wealth or connections.
Je pense pas que l'élite sont des hommes supérieurs, car pour moi l'élite peut être vu plutôt comme une classe sociale que l'on peut atteindre si on s'en donne vraiment la peine.
Plus tard vous aurez une bonne situation social, vous pensez quoi de vôtre situation par rapport à une situation social moins "élevé"???
Valentin je suis d'accord avec toi qu'il faut éviter certaines connotations qui placent certains au dessus des autres.
Cependant on est élite dans une dimension bien précise donc ce n'est pas suffisant pour se sentir superieur. Au terme "élite" moi j'avais l'habitude d'associer la dimension scolaire (les élèves de l'X) mais je n'avais jamais réalisé le lien entre "élite" et "classe sociale".
C'est certe un atout d'être issu d'une bonne famille, d'une famille qui a de l'histoire mais est-ce que c'est suffisant pour faire partie de l'élite?
La situation de la famille peut suffire car dans les élites sont considérés les hommes ou femmes riches. Puis des personnes sont riches sans forcement avir travaillé dans leurs vies ^^.
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Dans la société de consommation dans laquelle on vit, je pense que les personnes que l'on dit appartenir à "l'élite" se distinguent par le nombre de riche que la famille a cumulé.
Bien sûr en travaillant dur on peut, aux yeux de la société, entrer dans cette classe, mais je pense qu'appartenir à « l'élite » n'est pas un signe de réussite pour autant.