You find out that your best friend has been lying to you about something that is important to you.

Vous découvrez que votre meilleur/e ami/e vous ment à propros de quelque chose qui vous tient à c?ur.

ask him why he has been lying to me.

be upset and probably not talk to her fow awhile. not trust her ever either because she has given me a reason not to.

Confront him or her about the situation and talk it out.

confront my friend and talk about it

confront the person,be honest

Confront them about it, not nessaccarily meanly though

Confront them about it.

Confront them about the situation.

Confront them immidiately

I ask why.

I confront my friend about it and ask why she felt the need to lie to me.

I confront that friend about why he or she lied to me.

I tell them that I value their opinion but I need their honest opinion.

I would ask her for the honest truth. If she lied again I would tell her that I can not trust her anymore.

I would be mad but what I would do depends on the importance of the issue.

I would be really upset and confront them then probably not speak to them for a while until it blows over.

I would be sad, but I wouldn't confront her until after the whole situation blew over.

i would be upset

I would bring up the topic and try to work through the issue didacticlly.

I would confront her about it and ask why she felt like she had to lie to me. I would be angry with her because I feel like she can't trust me.

I would confront my best friend and tell them that I was hurt because they were lying to me.

I would confront them about it and ask why they didnt tell me about it first.

I would confront them and find out why they have been lying.

I would consult them about it.

I would most likely confront her, then never be able to trust her again. Id be friends with her but make sure I never told them anything too personal or trusted them.

i would no longer bother being friends with them.

I would probably forgive that person and give he or she a warning.

I would probably try to discuss it with them and find out why they would have lied about the situation.

i would talk to my friend about the situation and try to fix it

I would talk to my friend and discuss what was going on.

I would tell him or her that I'm very upset and disappointed.

I would tell my friend to please be honest with me.

I would yell at him or her and give them the silent treatment.

I would yell at my best friend and not talk to them until I get over it or need their homework.

I'd be pretty upset. It all depends on what they had lied about.

I'd probably get mad and then we'd talk about it.

I'd talk to them and get to tht bottom of it

I'll tell him, that it touched me and ask him for explanation.

Not trust them for a long time.

Shake it off I'd get over it why waste my time being angry

talk to the friend about the situation

talk to them about it but dont get angry.

talk to them about it, maybe they had a good reason

Tell them. See their side and then judge whether or not they're my friend.

c'est plus ma meilleure amie

j'ai une franche explication avec cette personne et je tire les affaires au clair sans attendre

J'en parle avec elle/lui, pour connaitre les raisons de ce mensonge.

Je le prends très mal et essaye de lui en parler

je lui demande de m'expliquer pourquoi il m'a menti.

Je lui demande de s'expliquer, de ne plus recommencer, et je la pardonne.

Je lui demande pourquoi elle ne m'a pas dit la vérité.

je lui en parle

je lui en parle

Je lui en veut.

Je lui pardonne mais je n'oublis pas.

je lui parle plus

Je m'explique avec elle, et lui demande pourquoi elle m'a mentie.

Je ne lui fait plus confiance.

je ne lui parle plus

Je suis blessé(e) C'est alors quelqu'un que l'on ne peut pas considérer comme un(e) ami(e).

Je suis très déçu

je vais le voir et lui demande des explications...

On lui en parle franchement

