You have been waiting in line for ten minutes. Someone cuts the line just in front of you.
Vous faites la queue depuis dix minutes. Quelqu'un passe juste devant vous dans la file d'attente.
ask them to get behind you
Ask them to move.
Confront them and tell them to go behind me
cut them back
Depends on what I am waiting for. For example, lunch line I wouldn't protest but if i was waiting in line at a clothing store I would ask them why they did that, and to please move.
depends where. Usually just ignore it
I dont let them.
I tell them that I was here first.
I would ask them to move back as I have been waiting for a long time.
i would be very angry and just go right in front of them in line.
I would confront them and tell them to get to the back of the line.
I would curtly tell them that the line starts behind me.
I would cut them or yell at them and complain. Maybe create a scene.
I would go to another one.
I would probably let it go if they were meeting up with someone or something.
I would probably tell them that the line starts behind us.
I would punch them in the face.
I would say "excuse me the back of the line is over there" or something like that.
I would say "no cuts", but it wouldn't be that big of a deal.
I would still wait and be patient, unless multiple people start cutting.
i would talk loudly behind them and talk about them when they are right there saying how rude it is
I would tell the person to go to the back of the line.
I would tell them I was in front of them.
I would tell them that I have been in line for ten minutes, and ask them to please move
I would tell them that I have been waiting for a long time and that I would appreciate it if they would move to the end of the line.
I would tell them that I was here first.
i would tell them that that was rude and to get in the bacm fo the line because everyone else has to wait in line.
I would tell them they cut and need to go to the back of the line.
I would tell them to get behind me because they're rude.
i would tell them to go to the back off the line.
I would tell them to move to the back.
i would yell at the person who cut
I wouldnt say anything unless a lot of people started cutting infront of me.
I wouldnt say anything.
I'd ask them what exactly they thought they were doing.
If it was one person I would probably let it slide. If it was many people, I would tell them to go to the back of the line.
ignore them
It's not worth making a big deal over. If it were more than 1 person I would tell them to wait their turn
let it go.
Say "excuse me, I have been waiting here for 10 minutes"
say nothing
Speak out to them and tell them they are wrong.
speak up, or depending on my mood, say nothing.
Tell them to go to the back of the line.
Faites la queue
J'attend patiemment
Je fais des remarques à voix haute pour que la personne se sente concernée.
je lui demande de faire la queue
Je lui demande de passer derrière et de faire la queue comme les autres.
je lui demande de retourner a sa place
Je lui demande s'il ne peut pas faire comme tout le monde.
Je lui dit de faire le queue comme tout le monde
je lui dit de retourner derriere
Je lui fais remarquer que j'attends depuis 10 minutes et que son attitude est impolie.
Je lui fais remarquer que je suis là depuis 10 minutes et qu'il doit faire la queue comme tout le monde.
je lui fait remarquer que j'était devant lui et par politesse si il pouvait repasser derrière.
Je lui fait remarquer que son acte est impoli.
Je lui propose de passer juste derriere moi si il veut mais pas devant moi
je lui tapotte l'épaule et lui dit que la queu c'est dérriere
je proteste et dis que je suis aussi pressée que cette personne
Ne vous gênez surtout pas, hein !
on l'interpelle et on lui dit de reculer
On lui fait remarque que l'on etait là avant, et qu'il doit faire comme tout le monde.
Si il n'a pas de raisons valables je lui fait remarquer jusqu'à ce qu'il s'excuse