You are at the movies. The people sitting right behind you make loud comments about the film.
Vous êtes au cinéma et des gens assis derrière vous commentent le film à voix haute.
ask them to be quiet politely
be very annoyed with them but keep it to myself
Count till the third time they do it and then give em the stink eye.
first of all, I am probably make loud comments about the film myself; but if it gets too bad, I would ask them to be quiet
give the evil eye. and if that doesnt work I'd probably say something.
i ask them politely to be quiet or whisper and if they can, then to move somewhere else if they want to talk
I move away from them if possible
I politely ask if they could please keep their voices down.
I politly ask them to be quiet.
I throw popcorn at them.
I turn around a give them a look of disapproval and ask them to be quiet I'm trying to watch the movie.
I wish they would stop talking but I would not ask them to stop.
I would be very annoyed, but I would not say anything to them.
i would either make louder noises or yell at them to stop
I would get annoyed but not say anything because Id want to mind my own buisness.
I would ignore them, but if they continue I would ask nicely for them to be quiet.
I would laugh.
I would probably put up with the talking to a certain extent, then I would kindly ask them to be quiet.
i would say "wow it would be really great if i could actually hear the movie"
I would sit there and do nothing since I wouldn't care at all.
i would tell them to be quite.
I would tell them to please be quiet during the movie.
I would tell them to please be quiet.
I would tell them to shut up or get out.
i would tell them to shut up.
i would think of saying something back that is innapropriate
I would throw popcorn at them.
I would turn around and ask the people to be quiet.
I would turn around and ask them to be quiet.
I would turn around and give them a mean glare and then make loud comments about their rudeness to the person/people I am with.
i would turn around and tell them to shut up.
I would wait for a while to see if they quieted down. If they did not quiet down, I would ask them if they could be quiet and if they couldn't I would suggest they leave.
I would yell at them and tell them to please be quiet
I'd tell them to be quiet as I am trying to enjoy the movie.
if they are younger than me I will tell them to be quiet. If older, I will look at them rudely from time to time.
If they do it more than once, turn around and politly ask them to stop.
Ignore them unless they are too loud
politely ask them to refrain from talking.
The situation depends on what they say; if they are being rude or obnoxious I would turn around and ask them to be quiet.
To me, it would depend on how old they were. If they were adults, I'd ask them politly to quiet down. If they were younger or around my age, I'd turn around and tell them to shut up.
try to ignore them but if they continued i might ask them to be quiet.
Try to ignore them, if it gets too loud politely ask them to quiet
turn around and ask them to please be quiet. If they dont, then i would get them kicked out of the theater.
Wait to see if they get quiet, if not then politely sk them to be quiet.
je le fais remarquer à mes proches et s'il persiste je lui demande poliment d'arrêter
je leur demande d'arreter .
je leur demande de se taire
je leur demande de se taire
je leur demande de se taire
je leur demande de se taire
je leur demande poliment de se taire
Je leur demande poliment de se taire
Je leur demande poliment de se taire, pour que l'on puisse profiter pleinement du film.
je leur dis poliment de se taire
Je leurs demanderai de se taire.
je leurs fait remarquer qu'ils ne sont pas seuls dans la salle.
je me retourne , et je leur demande poliment de se taire.
je me retourne enervé et leur demande de se taire !
Je me retourne fréquemment pour leur faire comprendre qu'ils sont gênants , et s'ils continuent , je leur demande de se taire.
Je participe à la conversation et leur donne mon avis
je sors.
On demande poliment de se taire
on leurs demandent gentiment de se taire.
taisez vous