What the US needs most ...

Ce dont la France a le plus besoin ...

  • a more uniform education system, political reform, reason
  • a new president, equality for all people, healthcare for everyone
  • collaboration, balance, wisdom
  • healthy food
  • Is a better head of state.
  • is acceptance and depolarization
  • Is a chill pill, lesson on love and respect, and renewable energy.
  • is a reality check, is a competent government, is a country that actually cares about them
  • is better gun control, is racial equality, is better education
  • is more discipline.
  • is more tolerance.
  • is to learn from its diversity. (Also, better food.)
  • is to learn more about the news in other countries, is a less complicated voting/election system that allows many citizens to participate without having to go through all the details, is a new president and a better understanding of what immigrants mean to this country
  • is to stop being one side versus the other in politics.
  • is to stop interfering indiscriminately in the affairs of other countries
  • is to think more about happiness and less in profits.
  • love
  • love, compassion, and patience.
  • more educated people, strong leadership, less technology for children and less deception of the consumer.
  • safety from public shootings.
  • understanding, compassion, to respect science
  • argent
  • arrêter de râler, s'unir, relativiser
  • c'est d'unité
  • c'est de moi
  • C’est d’une meilleure répartition des richesses
  • d'écouter le peuple, d'abolir les inégalités sociales, de trouver des compromis pour plaire à tous
  • de plus de droits et d'écoute du peuple
  • de positivité
  • de rembourser les dettes de l’Etat
  • De solidarité
  • d’emploi, d’investisseurs
  • est d'être unie
  • est un leader.
  • est un objectif commun
  • humanité, logique, égalité
  • Patriotisme, nationalisme
  • plus d'égalité, plus de transparence, de bonne foi
  • se rendre compte de la chance qu'elle a
  • unie, écouter, évoluer, se détacher d'anciennes idées
  • être apaisée.


I find it very interesting that the vast majority of the comments about the US are political in nature, changes desired in regards to the government and political division, and almost all are specific issues. The responses in reference to France, however, are all more general in nature and not as political as those of the US. There are also many more repeated responses in regards to France. Could this be because this is more so a critique of French society in general, while the US responses reflects very specific grievances against the government? Does the general population of France have similar issues against their government, or is it more against the norms of society? And for the US, why didn’t we mention specific problems we have against society? In my opinion, I believe it may be because we see these same issues as manifesting themselves in our current government…

It seems as most of the focus in French is on a new reform that includes equality, new leadership, and unity. In comparison, the United States changes emphasize similar positions yet a push for love and tolerance. Would you say that France is going more towards a professional change rather than an immediate more direct change that seems to be needed in the US?

It seems as most of the focus in French is on a new reform that includes equality, new leadership, and unity. In comparison, the United States changes emphasize similar positions yet a push for love and tolerance. Would you say that France is going more towards a professional change rather than an immediate more direct change that seems to be needed in the US?

I would like to change my answer. What the US, France, and the whole world needs most is an effective anti-viral medication. That aside, I’m not so sure that the intent of the question was understood in the same way between the two groups. It seems that us Americans interpreted it as what the leadership of the US needs to fix. The French interpreted it as what the citizens should strive for. Maybe this difference of interpretation means something about the way we each perceive our countries?

En France, les gens sont par nature assez pessimistes et râleurs, tout en accusant le gouvernement d’être responsable de leur malheur. Je pense qu’il y a un problème de mentalité chez tous les Français, qui se reflète également au gouvernement, ce qui empêche l’unification des Français. Cette mentalité est pour moi le changement qui doit être opéré. Les Américains peuvent penser que leur principal problème est politique car leur gouvernement est très extrême et est à l’origine de beaucoup de conflits. Pour vous le gouvernement est-il le seul changement à opérer?

At any given time in our country, it seems that about half our citizens tolerate the officials in power and half do not. This stems directly from the two-party system, which is a byproduct of the way that our elections are run using the electoral college. It seems to be the source of the extremity we see in politics here, as the parties push further apart over time to appeal to their bases while more moderate voters are stuck with two bad options. In France, you can sustain multiple political parties because of the runoff voting system, and therefore people are allowed much more granularity in the policies that they vote for. In general, I think that apathy is a problem in American politics, but I also find a general sense of patriotism and a love for America in most people that I meet who are not political extremists. So to answer your question, I would reduce extremism and change our voting system to improve politics here.


JT”, tu as dit qu’en France, grâce à notre système, nous avions plus de choix au niveau politique. C’est à la fois vrai et faux, en effet techniquement nous avons du choix, mais dans la réalité ça se termine souvent par un choix gauche/droite, un petit peu équivalent à votre choix républicain/démocrate.

En effet quasiment à chaque fois, c’est soit un partie de gauche soit un partie de droite qui est élu, donc les gens qui souhaite voter pour des parties plus modérés se disent qu’ils n’ont aucune chances de remporter la victoire, alors il se contente de faire un choix entre la gauche et la droite. C’est ce qu’on appelle le “vote utile”.

Je pense que le problème vient de notre système de vote, qui nous restraint à un choix oui/non (aucune nuance), et en plus on ne peut dire oui qu’à un seul candidat. Il existe d’autre système de vote qui permettent des choix plus nuancés et non restraint à un seul candidat, comme la méthode du “jugement majoritaire”.

En avez-vous déjà entendue parler ? Si oui, aimeriez-vous avoir ce système de vote dans votre pays ?
