A good parent is someone who
Un bon parent est quelqu'un
acts with love, not with the mind
disciplines her children but shower them with love.
doesn't throw their children out of the house, develops a friendship with their children
expects a lot but loves you no matter what
genuinely cares for the welfare of their children
gives their child the freedom to develop their own ideas.
gives you advice, gives you money, loves you unconditionally
guides you, encourages you, loves you
is able to advise his/her child in difficult situations, has unconditional love.
is responsible and teaches his kids morals
lets her child make his own mistakes
loves his children, prepares his children for life
loves you unconditionally, sacrifices their well-being for their child's.
nurtures and instills the values of honesty, hard work, self discipline, and respect in their offspring. They are always there for their children as a guiding hand, Not as a "friend"... there is discipline in their household but not too much. They bring their children up to try their hardest and get the very best that they can for themselves.
provides loving support unconditionally.
respects their children, wants the best for their children
spends time with his/her children and corrects what is bad
supports their child.
teaches his/her children well, is responsible.
treats kids like people
trusts their kid, gives freedom but to a limit, eventually becomes your friend
who cares for their child, loves unconditionally, and has firm expectations.
who is considerate and helpful when you need it.
who will sacrifice anything for their children
a le sens des valeurs
aimable, affectif
aime et qui aide ses enfants
aime et respecte ses enfants
aime et éduque ses enfants
aime son enfant, compréhensif
donne une bonne education à son enfant
est présent
laisse passer ses enfants avant lui
m'aime et m'écoute et me conseille, m'encourage et me donne confiance en moi
m'écoute, me conseille, ne juge pas
qui nous éduque correctement
s'occupe de ses enfants
sait écouter et donner de bons conseils.
t'eduque dans le droit chemin
te guide, que t'acompagne dans les moments difficiles et qui t'aide à être responsable
vous aime
vous aime et qui vous aide
écoute et conseille
écoute, aime
éduque correctement ses enfants
éduque ses enfants
éduque ses enfants avec des valeurs fortes
Here's the website - http://www.ifop.com/europe/sondages/opinionf/peres.asp
Un bon parent est quelqu'un qui fait tout pour que son enfant réussisse dans la voie que ce dernier a choisi. Les notions d'amour, d'entraide et de solidarité sont, je pense, autant présentes en France qu'aux Etats-Unis.
Je ne pense pas qu'il y ait de bons ou de mauvais parents, tous les parents aiment leurs enfants quelque soit la situation. Je veux dire par là qu'une personne alcoolique peut battre ses enfants car elle n'est pas dans un état normal mais ce n'est pas pour autant qu'elle n'aime pas ses enfants. Je pense que c'est un sujet trés délicat où il est difficile de porter un jugement.
I once read an article in a magazine such as Discover or Popular Science a while back that discussed a future of children designed by their parents, and it also touched upon the idea of regulating who can become parents or not in the case of population control (and idea that is not that far-fetched, if you look at China). Theoretically, there would be a bureau of some sort in charge of this, and if you wanted to have a child, you had to be 1) economically able to support a child, 2) pass various psychological exams and 3) also have your own genes looked at to see if you would pass on any bad diseases or behaviors. What are reactions to this??
What do the french think about homosexual parents? I found an article in the Figaro that stated that there are 100,000 homosexual families in France. Are the gay mariage laws strict in France compared to other countries?