College, studying, reading, tests, education, degree
education, difficult
education, student, grade
essay, friends, test
friends, Romania
fun, success, work
hard, all my life, competetive
hard, good
hard, work, training
home, childhood, green, innocence
knowledge, tests
mit, high school
pencils, flags
playground, crayons
public, growing up, learning
Studies, Students
teacher, homework, dull
uniforms, books, school bell
work, student
apprentissage, connaissance, savoir
apprentissage, éducation, vie en societé
apprentissage, respect
chiant, ami
éducation, fête, amis
égalité, chance, travail
élève, apprentissage, reussité
études, cursus, préparation
études, diplomô, travailler
important, éducation, apprentissage, organisation
instruction, apprentissage, professeur
Lecture, Enfance
polytechnique, étude
polytechnique, ingénieur
polytechnique, tradition
réussite , vacances
travail, scolaire
éducation, professeur
lisant les réponses pour école, je remarque que les étudiants
americains ont mis l'accent sur les instruments qu'on utilisent à
travailler dans l'école. Mais les fraçais ont senti plustôt l'amitié et
la vie commune dans l'école, vue qu'il y a seulement deux étudiants de
MIT qui ont parlé de "friends". Par contre,les réponses pour le famille
a montré qu'il y a pas mal de gens qui ont cité la relation avec les
membres de famille. Je veux savoir si vous sentez moindre d'importance
de relation humaine à l'école que à la maison? Ou plutôt c'est
difficile de faire des amis à l'école? Une autre chose que je ne manque
pas de citer, c'est qu'il y a 5 français qui ont cité polytechnique,
alors que seulement une personne de MIT a cité MIT. Ne sentez vous pas
la fierté de être admis à MIT? Ne êtres vous attachés à votre école?
L'école est pour vous seulement un lieu pour apprendre? Je crois qu'on
peut faire beaucoup autres hoses que travail.
sur l'ensemble nos réponses se ressemblent mais il y a quelques points qui m'intéresse:
_ pourquoi le mot flag?
_ les uniformes sont pour les écoles privées uniquement?
_ les études sont dures au MIT?
Have a nice day
Ne tenez pas compte du niveau de français de mon voisin chinois, posez lui plutot des questions sur l'état de sa chambre.....
lisant les mots américains sur l'école, on a l'impression que l'école
n'est pas un endroit très chaleureux, l'idée de difficulté revient
souvent tout comme celle de test et pas en France. Les études
sont-elles tellemet dures au MIT qu'on en oublie le côté 'sympa' de
l'école, à savoir retrouver ses amis...? Avez-vous beaucoup de
A general response to some questions above:
Of course, as students at Ecole Polytechnique, we hang around
with friends and have fun doing various things such as sports. Also, we
are definitely proud of being at MIT and many students and alumni
support the school; the alumni association is active in helping the
school and the students.
There are many good universities in America, but the
education at MIT has a reputation of being especially difficult and
fast-paced. I think that that's the reason why many students associate
words like "work" and "hard" to school.
lookig at the responses from MIT and Polytechnique students, I noticed
that the French students associate school more with the present and the
things they do while at the university. It seems as if they enjoy their
time in the school more than the American students. The American
students usually respond with education, hard, and tests, which I can
understand since you can't do anything else at MIT unless you get all
that stuff out of the way (and it seems as if once you do manage to get
something out of the way, even more comes your way). Also in response
to the questions: I think some of the responses, such as uniforms, are
from students who associate school with high school. At least in my
case, when school comes to mind, I think of high school. If it had said
"university", then my responses would have been different.
Viviana, I have also associated school with "high school" and "general
school". I guess these remind me of my friends and the of Romania. My
answers would have been totally different if the word "university" were
used instead of "school".
It is interesting that although "Ecole Polytechnique" (sorry
for the lack of accents) is in every sense a university, it is called
"ecole". In Romania,there is a very clear distinction between school
(1->12th grades) and university.
I am sure that everybody at MIT is proud to be here and the
reason MIT is rarely mentioned in responses is because people did not
associate MIT to school.
Les pauvres, courage pour vos travails.
Mais n'oublie pas profiter de la vie commune dans l'université.
Quand tu commence à travailler, tu auras peu de chance de jouer.
agree that the university in the States seems to be much harder than
the one in France, and certainly harder than the one in Greece.
However, don't forget that getting into the Ecole is really tough and
competitive and you probably have spent a couple of years of hard work
in order to do so. On the other hand, american high school doesn't
strike me as that hard, nor the SATs as a difficult exam.
je me pose des questions sur le MIT. Vous êtes à combien de kilomètres
de Boston? Est-ce que la vie est cool là-bas? En général, comment
occupez-vous vos week end? Je suis entrain de réflechir à un stage aux
USA et ces réponses pourront m'aider.
We are right across the river from downtown Boston- about a 10 minute walk.
On the weekends, we go shopping, watch movies, just hang out
with our friends, play sports, sleep, maybe a museum, go out to dinner,
go on trips (to new york city, to go hiking, etc.). There are also a
lot of fraternities at MIT so there are usually parties every night.
Some weekends, people will just stay in and do work.