A good citizen

Un bon citoyen

cares for the nation, has extreme nationalism, and contributes to the world.

continues living as best as he or she can

does not commit treason.

follows the law, thoughtful, respectful, fair

follows the laws of the government and has personal integrity and morality.

follows the rules, votes, pays taxes

has a conscience and a semblance of moral responsibility.

is a person who is generous to the community.

is kind, considerate, and helpful.

is someone who does good to his country.

isn't self-centered.

obeys the laws, works for the common good, participates in government (voting etc.)

obeys the laws.

participates in government and is aware of its doings. He tries to maintain a broad and levelheaded vision for his country, not the scattered whims so often carried by mobs.

pays tax, abides the law, votes


respects the country's rules, wants the best for his country and people, is peaceful and clean :)

responsible, aware of surroundings, active

turns in the bad guy.


votes, discourages crime, promotes societal health and prosperity

apporte à la société, s'intègre

c'est quelqu'un qui est solidaire et assure le bon développement de son pays dans toutes les affaires qui demandent la responsabilité citoyenne.

doit voter, s'engager pour de bonnes causes s'il le peut et être tolérant.

est honnête

est quelqu'un qui a des droits et qui respecte ses devoirs, qui construit un pays

est quelqu'un qui s'intéresse et participe à la vie politique

est une personne qui sait s'investir pour son pays.

paie ses impôts, respecte la laicité, participe à la réussite du pays

prend soin de sa ville et de ses concitoyens et s'implique dans la vie civile.

qui respecte les règles et normes sociales, va voter

respecte les autres

respecte les lois et devoirs

travaille pour la communauté, respecte les autres, vote

va voter et s'intéresse à la politique

vote et qui respecte les lois

vote et se sent concerné par son pays.

vote, ramasse les crottes de son chien, cède sa place aux personnes agées ou enceintes, est prêt à aider

voter, être solidaire, respecter l'environnement


From the data, I gather that French people are much more involved in politics that Americans. The term vote appeared twice as often in the French side. This confuses me a little. Does this mean that the French people do not believe in their politicians' decisions so that they themselves must be involved in their nation's affairs, or does it mean that they trust their political system and as a result they are more enthusiastic about it. Living in America, the image of a politician here is that they are a bunch of liars who are only interested in fame and money and sex. This image may or may not be untrue, but it is clear that the majority view them as conniving and unreliable.

aaaah...je me verrai bien politicien aux Etats-Unis ;-)

Salut Dong,

En France les citoyens ont des "obligations":

- ils doivent respecter la loi et s’efforcer, grâce à une attitude civique, de la faire respecter.

- les citoyens, par leurs contributions fiscales, doivent participer au financement des charges.

- les citoyens doivent participer à la défense du pays, en temps de guerre, mais aussi en temps de paix.
Le droit de vote est un droit mais aussi un devoir par principe.

Nos politiciens sont aussi pourris que les vôtres. Notre président a été accusé dernièrement de détournement de fonds (enfin je crois car ca a été très vite étouffé), du fait de sa position de président il est durant son mandat intouchable. Il s'est arrangé pour faire passer un décret qui lui permet de rester intouchable même après son mandat, donc les faits ne pourront jamais lui être repprochés et il ne sera jamais jugé pour ça. De plus, il a placé dernièrement un de ses amis comme procureur général de Paris (le premier représentant de la loi à Paris), il est donc bon de discuter de l'indépendance entre l'Etat et la justice.

Salut à celui ou celle qui répondra à cette question...

Qu'est ce qu'un bon citoyen aux USA ?

Salut à celui ou celle qui répondra à cette question...

Qu'est ce qu'un bon citoyen aux USA ?

Hello Matthieu,
To me, a good citizen of the United States is someone who respects the laws and follows them. Good citizens are moral people who can judge for themselves what is right and wrong and act accordingly. Good citizens should vote, but of course, the United States has probably the worst voting statistics out of any country. Only half of the people who can vote in our country vote in presidential elections, and I believe only 30% of people in their states participate in voting for their state representatives to the senate and the house.

Hi Matthieu. There are two ways to answer your question. The first way is to answer the question from the perspective of society as it is interpreted by me. The second way is to answer it from my perspective completely. Personally I think that being a good citizen doesn't require much except paying your taxes, participating in the democratic process, and not stomping on your fellow citizen's constitutional rights. I think that the US society's perspective, being a good citizen requires always obeying the laws and conforming to cultural status quo. For the country this makes things like solidarity and democracy easier but I don't think that all the laws that are created should be necessarily accepted (for instance laws like the us patriot act). I think it is important to note that I think most Americans would agree with me.

I do not really know what a good citizen is in the US. I am myself not a US citizen. I came from a stricter society, and I am completely fine with it. TO me, to be a good citizen is to be a good person. You have to prioritize everything that is dear to you. For me, a good citizen is someone who pledge theur loyalty that follows this list from most important to less important things.

1. Love
2. Country
3. Family
4. Yourself

As long as you follow your heart and do not disappoint yourself, I think that is enough for being a good citizen. I know that sounds cheesy, but it is my utmost belief.