

"the world is flat," business

communication, commerce,

Communication, Privatization, Access

conquer, expansion, everything


economy, industrialism, money

equalization, opportunity, international, multi-national corporations

fairness, concern, network

inevitable, destructive, unifying, anti-diversity

inevitable, uknown consequence

interconnected, money, worldwide

interdependence, relationships, international

Internet, English, commerce

mobility, technology, development

outsourcing, capitalism, communication

Small world, technology, level playing field.

Starbucks, Google, America

succesful, world, protectionism

the poor, architecture, developing nations

trade, imperialism, money

united states, imperialism, capitalism

useful, technology, industry

wall mart, india, the US

Actualité, argent

américain, mac donalds, dangereux, ouverture, chance

échange, partage, inégalités, développement



flux commerciaux, transactions, tiers monde,

futur, réseau, communication, cultures


inégalites, exploitation, ouverture culturelle, aide

partout, américanisation

profit, incohérent

unification, gain, corporation


There does not appear to be a cultural difference between the interpretations of globalization by the Americans and the French. There are supporters and critics on both sides. However, Americans use more words centered around unity and the sectors that benefit from globalization. It is also interesting that the French think that Americans are the major players in globalization, while Americans feel that other countries are also benefiting.

I thought the American responses were mostly centered on the economic aspects of globalization, while the French ones included a significant portion relating to culture. It seems to me that the French responded more positively (though most of the responses were negative).

It is interesting to see that both the French and the Americans associated America or "Americanism" with the term globalization. I am curious though as to why China wasn't mentioned on either of those two lists. I feel that many products that are sold worldwide today have a "Made in China" sticker attached to them. If this is the case, how come China doesn't come so quickly to mind when the word globalization is used?

C'est vrai! On parle beaucoup de la Chine, en tout cas en France, et ça nous fait très peur! Je pensais que les réponses françaises seraient plus négatives, dans la mesure où il me semble que beaucoup de Français considèrent la mondialisation comme un péril

Does France consider itself a major player in globalization? If not, would France participate in free trade and the expansion of multi-national corporations into other countries?

It's interesting to look at how attitudes of a culture change with times. A couple centuries ago, Napoleon attempted to lead France to taking over Europe in an attempt to instill better culture for all; other countries of course viewed this negatively. Later, this globalization focus moved to the African continent, where many of the leading European nations were players; of course the Americans looked on in disapproval. Since World War II, the United States has been the key world player; and now the world looks on in disapproval. Now people believe that the Asian powers will take the lead in globalization. What do others think of this?

Daphne: Sais-tu que la France est la 5ieme economie mondiale, et que donc evidemment elle se considere comme acteur. Ce qui est vrai c'est que la majeure partie de ses echanges se fait plutot avec l'Europe... Et dans une certaine mesure, comme cette mondialisation met plutot des produits des pays 'moins developpes' donc moins chers sur le marche, la France a peur. Peur de la Chine qui concurrence le textile francais (par exemple), qui force les entreprises a toujours plus d'innovation pour survivre. Mais cela lui ouvre aussi des marches importants pour les produits de luxe (penser louis vuitton, dior, chanel, et meme l'oreal) qui representent une part tres importante de nos exportations. La France fait d'ores et deja partie de la communaute europeenne (on peut difficilement faire mieux en terme de libre echange!), et la plupart de ses grandes entreprises sont des multinationales. Je n'ai peut etre pas bien compris tes questions, mais il me semble que tu consideres la France comme un pays d'importance minime, ce qui est surement de plus en plus vrai, mais pas a ce point.

Gleb: je trouve ce que tu dis tres interressant, mais il me semble un peu perilleux de comparer les episodes de colonisation a la mondialisation. Ce qui s'est passe dans le passe etait franchement imperialiste: les pays europeens ont debarque en Afrique et ont litteralement annexe un continent! Certes cela a participe a un echange plus important de marchandises, mais la mondialisation, c'est quand meme sense etre base sur des accords librement consentis par tous les acteurs. Et je me demande qu'est ce qui te fait dire que le MONDE desapprouve le role des Etats-Unis dans la mondialisation. En fait, pourrais tu developper un peu plus ce point?
