Scene - Jack's mother / Mère de Jacques


Jacques mother can't watch Mary because she's busy while Jack's mother won't watch Mary because she wants to teach her son a lesson in responsibilty. It doesn't seem that there is any cultural reason for this. Its probably just another addition to the American movie that shows how Jack had become more and more responsibility by caring for his daughter. I wonder if there are many families in France where the grandparents have a large role in caring for their grandchildren. I think that might actually be the case here.

Je pense que beaucoup de grands-mères s'impliquent dans la vie de leurs petits enfants mais dans le bon sens du terme. Les jeunes grands-mères notamment ne sont généralement pas là pour faire la leçon mais principalement pour donner des conseils aux mamans ainsi qu'aux papas. Je trouvent que les grands-parents s'investissent de plus en plus pour le bien-être de leurs petits enfants, que ce soit financièrement et de l'ordre de l'affectif, sans pour autant envahir l'environnement maternel et paternel.Mais ceci n'engage que moi.

i was just wondering what other people thought of jack's mothers response when he asked her to take care of the baby. weather it was a lesson, or infact, her being frustrated



Je pense que la mère de Jacques réagit ainsi pour qu'il se rende compte qu'il doit prendre ses responsabilités. C'est à lui d'élever sa fille et non sa mère, même si elle pourra intervenir de temps en temps pour s'en occuper mais plus tard.

Il est important pour un enfant d'être auprès de ses parents, c'est à eux de faire son éducation.

J'espère que ma réponse te convient!


C'est plutôt une leçon, car on voit bien qu'elle adopte sa petite-fille dès le premier regard, le fait d'être grand-mère a l'air de la ravir. Elle veut surtout que Jack se prenne en main, qu'il adopte une position de père et non pas d'enfant face à Mary, car l'attitude de Jack - fuir les responsabilités - n'est pas digne d'un comportement d'adulte mais plus de celui d'un gamin. Elle veut que son fils se comporte en "homme", en "père de famille".

I definately feel that there was a lesson in that Jack's mother refused to look after the baby. She obviously feels that Jack has been shying away from responsibilty his whole life and maybe this , will help him not only think about himself, but teach him that he must take responsibilty for his actions.

Is it possible that the French grandmother is lying about her travels? At the very least it is interesting that she doesn’t offer to cancel her plans in light of the developments. Perhaps she is doing the same thing as the American grandmother yet in a more subtle way. The producers of the American version may have shared this interpretation and felt that it needed to be more obvious for American viewers.

Jack's mother and Jacque's mother seemed to have very different personalities. Jack's mother was much more direct and business like while Jacque's mother seemed a little aloof and less to the point. In your eyes does this represent different views of single mothers in our two societies, the American mother the lone, determined individualist and the French mother (who was with a friend), the more social fun lover?
