Scene - Sylvia's return / Retour de Sylvia


In the french movie, Sylvia does tell us that she is returning in 6 months....where as in the american movie, all she says in the letter is that she can't handle this anymore and is going away. Is there anyway that this has any bearing on how family systems are in the US and France. Americans tend to be a little more independant and sometimes aloof from their families. Here the mother, just leaves her baby and goes away, where as in the french version, she says that she will come back after a break. Why is this so?


Dans la version française, Sylvia me semble distante aussi car même si elle précise la date de son retour, elle part quand même pour une longue période laissant son bébé derrière elle. De plus, elle laisse sa fille aux hommes une deuxième fois lorsqu'elle est trop fatiguée. Donc la version française est loin de présenter un modèle familial soudé, en tout cas dans la relation mère/enfant. Dans le film, les hommes se démènent pour s'occuper de la petite. Les valeurs familiales sont représentées par les hommes, mais je ne suis pas certaine que ceci corresponde au model français.

In the american version when sylvia returns she apologizes for being gone so long hoping it hasn't been too much of a burden for the three men. In the french version however she does not apologize at all. We thought that a there would be more sympathy towards sylvia if she was scene as weaker. This doesn't seem necessary in the French version however. Is it more appealing to the French to have a stronger seeming woman?

En effet, je l'ai également remarqué. Mais je trouve que la version Française est TRES mal faite ! Sylvia revient comme ça, de nulle part et elle se préoccupe à peine de Marie. J'ai trouvé la version Française très absurde!! La version Américaine fait moins "comédie", les acteurs sont plus proches de la réalité.

In the French version one gets the impression that Sylvia is there to stay when Michel finds her in the baby carriage. However, unlike the American version this prospect is never discussed. Could this represent the French dislike for vocalizing what they might think obvious, and would you say this is reflected in the endings of the French version?