A good boss

Un bon patron

allows you to grow within the organization, even beyond his or herself.

challenges his employees

directs work intelligently.

doesn't get mad when you are late.

encourages growth, is efficient and successful, keeps workers' needs in mind

is a leader with good work ethics.

is always questioning into the works of his employees; gives praise when it is due; is sharply calculating.

is clear, instructive, and patient.

is like a good friend, more like a co-worker than a boss.

is not too strict but not too lax, helps you rise to your fullest potential, is patient

is someone that makes you work.

is someone who respects the employees, intelligent, and successful.

is understanding of extenuating circumstances, considerate, understanding, good leader

is understanding, supportive, organized

makes you feel important.

motivates people to work, promote productivity, and has good leadership



treats his employees with respect understanding patience care, is able to motivate them, and bring out their best in the work field

tries to consider the opinions of others, but is still a firm decision maker

understand you and earns respect.

écoute ses employés et les prend en considération

c'est quelqu'un qui arrive à bien manager une entreprise, de bien savoir prendre une décision à temps voulu, c'est aussi quelqu'un qui possède le carisme, l'honnêteté, maîtrisant la communication en internationale et qui possède le goût de la lutte.

cherche la réussite de chacun de ses employés.

confiance, respect, délègue

est à l'écoute de ses employés

est à l'écoute de ses employés

est compréhensif, présent pour ses salariés et qui ne les exploite pas au travail.

est juste et chaleureux

est quelqu'un qui dirige bien, prend les bonnes décisions, communique

est quelqu'un qui donne de véritables responsabiltés

est une personne qui comprend ses employés.

est une personne qui sait diriger sans hypocrisie tout en se faisant aimer

est une personne qui sait reconnaître les qualités de ses employés, est l'esprit de l'entreprise

impartial, prend les bonnes décision, écoute les employés

pense à la santé de son entreprise et à celle de ses employés et communique avec eux

professionnel, amical, respecte

qui tient compte de ses employés, paie bien, qui intervient dans l'entreprise, qui est présent et accessible

sait s'entourer de gens compétents, qui est à l'écoute et qui sait prendre les bonnes décisions.


I notcied that while both the Americans and the French had similar ideas about what makes a good boss, we went about things different ways. Americans tended to think of a boss as a friend, a motivator, and a guide. He or she would be someone who made the company or office successful by making his or her employees successful and happy. Americans seemed to prefer a very personal approach to management. The French responses, however, said a boss should be able to manage well, make good decisions, be impartial, etc. (There were also responses more like the American ones, like "listens well to employees, understands his or her workers.") How do you view your bosses now (if you have one)? Do they fit your descriptions, or do you wish they were more like that? And for those of you who didn't mention the more personal aspects, do you think that a boss should be more removed from his or her employees and focus on what's best for the company? (That's not to say that that is bad, because the one thing is not always good for both the company and its workers.)

Salut !
On pense que les dirigeants devraient écouter leurs employés pour prendre des décisions. cela permet de prendre à considération les opinions et le respect des personnes qui représentent les petites mains de l'entreprise. C'est ce qui manque souvent dans les entreprises. Mais c'est vrai que le patron n'est pas la pour faire du social, alors qu'en France, c'est sensé être un acquis. Votre idée du management est intéressant. Vos patrons sont ils sociales envers les employés ?

Hi Laurent! To answer your question, I think bosses here are, to agreat extent, socially involved with their workers. I personaly have had 4 different jobs so far and all of my bosses have been very close to all of the employees. One of my jobs had parties very often where all of the empleyees and the boss went out to lunch or dinner or a back yard barbeque. Also, during the work hours, the boss would talk to the empleyees about his/her personal life, his/her day, his/her opinions on certain subjects. I think that people here, in a way, expect the boss to be very friendly and understanding, almost like friend!
