This is a picture of a typical residential block in Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY. where I live. Most houses in my area are called "brownstones" like the one in the picture. I live in one, but not the ones pictured here. The neighborhood slopes upward towards a park called Prospect Park, hence the name of the area.
waou! J'aime vraiment ce style de maisons, dés que je vois ce style de maison dans les films américains, je me dis que ce serait chouette de vivre dans ce genre de maisons.
Thanks :) I really love my neighborhood...and you're right, they often show homes like mine in movies, and a lot of movies are filmed in Park Slope, like The Duplex (I watched them film this one with Drew Barrymore and Ben Stiller), and part of The Royal Tennebaum's, The Squid and the Whale, etc...I guess filmmakers like Brooklyn too :)
So this is my hometown of Chattanooga. It rocks. It's really fun to just hang out in at nights with friends. You can walk everywhere since it's a small city and there's great places to just chill, eat, etc.
1. This is the Tennessee Aquarium. On the right is the old part that's mostly fresh water and the newer salt-water part is on the left. The Tennessee River, the focal point of downtown, is in front. In the summers especially, there are tons of boats on the water and at the docks.
2. This is a picture of the Walnut Street Bridge at dusk. It is the world's longest pedestrian bridge, meaning no cars can go on it. Just for people (and their bikes, pets, etc.)!
3. Coolidge Park, a place to just hang out and relax in. Lots of stores, shops, eateries, etc. This picture was taken on July 4 when there's a big concert by the local symphony with free patriotic music for Independence Day. People bring picnics and hang out with their friends and family. The evening concludes with fireworks. This concert and Coolidge Park are two of my favorite things Chattanooga has.
4. This bridge goes from the aquarium to the Hunter Art Museum, a museum with American art. The bridge is glass-bottomed so you can see through it. It connects two main parts of downtown, the Bluff View Art District with the Aquarium area.
5. This is the Hunter Art Museum again. It's composed of three buildings. On the left is the part built in the 1980s. In the back center with the white columns is the old mansion, built in the 1920s I think. On the right is the newest part and most modern-looking. It was built just a few years ago. The area around the museum is called the Bluff View Art District since it is, obviously, on a bluff above the river.
6. This is my house. We, like almost all houses in Chattanooga, have a front and back yard with lots of grass and space. Sorry about the random people jumping!!
7. This is the riverfront with the aquarium in the background. The fountains on the left are part of the "Passage," an area just recently opened that commemorates the Cherokee Indian tribe, as Chattanooga and much of Southeastern Tennessee used to be their land before whites took it from them in the Trail of Tears.
8. This is me and a friend, Bekah, at Rainbow Lake, a place to hike on Signal Mountain, the suburb of Chattanooga where I live. Lots of Chattanooga and surrounding areas in Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, and Georgia are like this with lots of woods and unspoiled nature and wilderness. It's great for hiking, mountain biking, and just spending time outdoors in general.
Sorry about all the pictures! I kind of went nuts and am obsessed with my town which completely kicks ass. It really makes me miss it!
Tes photos sont vraiment très belles! Ca me donne vraiment très envie de visiter cette ville! Mais quelques unes de tes photos auraient très bien pu se trouver dans la série architecture ^^ On ne voit pas souvent ce genre d'architecture en France :)
Yeah...Chattanooga has lots of interesting architecture. There are many old houses and mansions and buildings from the early 20th century and even earlier, but there are also new, modern-looking buildings such as the aquarium, addition to the Hunter Art Museum, and various other buildings.
We even have a Frank Lloyd Wright House! Have you heard of him? He's a really really famous architect. I'll attach a picture of what is probably his most famous house, Falling Water in Pennsylvania. His designs are very non-traditional and modern-looking. All buildings and houses of his are VERY expensive!
Many older houses on Missionary Ridge, a famous Civil War battle location, have old cannons in their yards. Also, my high school was located on Missionary Ridge, and if you dig in the ground, you can find bullets, bullet casings, and other artifacts in the soil!
J'ai vu cette maison dans mon cours d'Art américain ! Ce type d'architecture est très proche de la nature, c'est très paisible et agréable mais je ne sais pas si j'aimerais vivre dans ce type d'habitation.
Je ne connaissais pas de nom, mais la photo est connue! En tout cas je l'ai déjà vue dans un bouquin d'architecture ^^ (Je ne m'y connais pas vraiment mais j'aime bien feuilleter de temps en temps ces bouquins juste pour me dire que je ne pourrais jamais avoir ce genre de maison..(trop cher ;) )
wow ! J'adore ^^ ! Ca a l'air trop trop trop beau !! Je me vois deja faire du snowboard dans vos montagnes =P vous voudriez pas m'inviter ' svp svp svp =P par contre...quelle est la température moyenne ? =/ Il semblerait qu'il y fait super froid non ?
I live in Southeast Alaska, which is a temperate rainforest. So it is always raining, cold rain! But we do get some nice weather in the summer (60 and 70 degrees farenheit) and in the winter it does snow a little bit. Some winters, like this winter, it snows a lot, so right now Sitka has almost a meter of snow! The average yearly temperature is around 40 or 50 degrees farenheit....
Yeah, it is absolutely beautiful, and I am probably one of the luckiest people in the world. You should all come and visit me sometime!!! I love having visitors and showing them around. We do lots of hiking, camping, kyaking, skiing, biking, boating, and all sorts of outdoor activities. It is very rural so there aren't shopping malls or big cinema's to hang out in, which means we are forced to play outside all the time!
No, we don't have a month of darkness in the winter and a month of sun in the summer. You have to go farther north for that, but we DO have really long days in the summer and really short days in the winter. In the winter you can wake up and go to school in the dark, and come home when the sun is setting. It gets pretty depressing for some people, but when you grow up there, you are used to it. In the summer, the sun sets very late, and rises early, so sometimes it never really gets pitch black. Not really dark.
Anyway, that's where I live. In some of the more northern towns it does stay light for days in the summer and dark for days in the winter.
wow donc c'est vraiment comme ça dans certaine villes au Nord! Tu dois etre trés fiere de o tu viens et tu as raison. Tu dois egalement etre forte en ski et tu dois faire beaucoup de ballade en raquette l'hiver!! awesome!! j'adore la montagne et c'est une des raisons pourquoi je prévoit m'installer dans les hauteurs du monde.
This is the skyline of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It's a pretty unique city, as it's an island surrounded by 3 rivers. It's known as the "City of Bridges," because of the 60+ bridges across the 3 rivers to different parts of Pittsburgh. Pittsburghers are very proud of our city, and we even have our own vocabulary!
** I know there's a lot here, so feel free to just look at a few of them **
Here are many pictures of different parts my town (Hull, Massachusetts). It's a very small, but fairly typical suburban town, maybe a bit more "blue collar."
1) First, here's my highschool. This is a picture of a hallway before it was "renovated." It hadn't been renovated in over 50 years... so it was REALLY old and FALLING APART. It was built in 1948 and is called "Hull High School." It is basically the only high school in my town. Some people in Hull go to private high schools in other towns, but a lot of people go here.
2) Here's a stairwell where you can see the bay. My town is a tiny 7 mile long thin penninsula, so there's water everywhere! It's surrounded by the ocean, a bay, a river, and there's even a lake! Outside you can see a parking lot for students.
3) This is a hallway AFTER being rennovated. It's a big improvement. It's too bad that they didn't finish the renovations before I graduated.. :-(
4) School bus picture :-) Many/most kids take the bus to school. Some walk, some are driven by parents, or drive themselves.
5) Here's the main street in my town, "Nantasket Ave." Yes, the only main street...
6) My mom and my sister "kayaking" on the Weir River in my town. People can rent kayaks and go kayaking on the river during the Spring and Summer.
6) This is the Carousel ("Paragon Carousel") in my town. It is the only remenant of an amusement park that was in my town, called "Paragon Park." (The rest of the park got taken down to build condominuims.... :-( )
7) My mom and my sister "kayaking" on the Weir River in my town. People can rent kayaks and go kayaking on the river during the Spring and Summer.
8) View of my street (Samoset Avenue) from my house.
9) This is the inside of the carousel.
10) This is "Fort Revere." First built and used by the colonials and then by the French (ha) during the Revolution from 1778 - 1782. The hill was refortified starting around 1900 and was part of the Fort Revere Military Reservation. It was also active in WWI and WWII.
11) Aerial view of my town.
12) This is what the amusement park, "Paragon Park" used to look like. It was taken down in 1985 to built condominiums...
Sorry I know this is a lot! If any of you from Lille 3 come to the States, come visit me and my town! :-)
I know, it remind me ofmy childhood too because I used to have all my birthday parties there until I was 12 or so.
Also, you said "de mémoire je ne pense pas que l'on ait ca chez nous, pas aussi beau en tout cas ;) )"
Didyou mean that you didn't think there was that much scenery or undeveloped land in the US? Because different parts of the US look very different. Some arevery developed cities with basically no natural land, and other parts are vast epanses of land, forests, plains, etc.
So I'm from Syracuse, NY... as I assume you can guess from the subject line. So I kind of went a little crazy finding lots of pictures, but I love Syracuse, so hopefully once you see these, you will too!
1) Carousel is the big mall in Syracuse. It's really pretty, but a bit too big for everyday mall going, so a lot of the people who live near me only go there on occasion. The biggest movie theater is also in there. For the past few years there has been talk of expanding the mall into the biggest mall in the US and renaming it "DestiNY USA," but there's been a lot of talk and controversy, and not much action, so who knows?
2) This is an aerial picture of Onondaga Lake. It once was a really nice lake, and it still is...from a distance. Over the years it has gotten more and more poluted from all the factories that used to dump it's waste in there, so now it's one of most poluted lakes in the US. Luckily, they have been working to reverse this process, and now it's supposedly safe to eat one fish from there a month...but I wouldn't suggest you do it.
3) Green Lakes is a State Park. It was formed by a glacier way back when and is rediculously deep. The park grounds were supposedly used for something during the world wars, but I don't remember the facts on that. Nowadays, it's just a nice place to go camping, hiking, swimming, or boating.
4) P&C Stadium in where the Syracuse Sky Chiefs Baseball team plays. They are a minor league team.
5) JDHS is my highschool. Not the most exciting picture, but I spent a significant amount of my time there the last 4 years, so it seemed worth it to include it.
6) SHDS was my elementary school. When I started in kindergarten, only the right side of the picture was built, but since then there have been some major additions. The school is still small though, with only like 120 students to fill all 7 grades.
7) This is where I worked as lifeguard and swim instructor this past summer.
8) Snow, snow, snow! Look at all the snow in Syracuse! Since Syracuse is near Lake Ontario (one of the Great Lakes) and it never freezes over, Syracuse gets the famous "lake effect snow" which in essense means we get your everyday snow plus more.
9) This is my high school's new gym. The sports department was very excited about it. Unfortunately, that meant we had to have our junior prom in there, but that's ok. That also let us have a free senior I'm not complaining.
Yay! So that's basically Syracuse. I hope you enjoyed it! :)
Voila, quelques photos de la ville ou je vis (plus pour tres longtemps, je l'éspère... ^^
Je n'ai malheuresement pas grand chose a dire sur cette petite ville, je n'y suis pas souvent, et j'espere la quitter au plus vite. C'est vous dire... Cependant les photos en disent long sur l'archtecture a la Francaise.
Unionville is a very tiny town in Pennsylvania. It's so small that we don't even have our own postal mailing address so we have to use the neighboring town's. Unionville is a mixture of developments (spread out neighborhoods) and farm land. I've included a picture of my house, my neighborhood, kids standing at the bus stop in my neighborhood (my little brother is among them), and an aerial view of my area.
The biggest attraction in my area is a place called Longwood Gardens. It is HUGE and lavishly beautiful and the product of one of DuPont brother's fortune. YOU MUST SEE the montage of photos of Longwood!!
That's not depressing, it's cool! It kind of reminds me of the country house in the movie "Ballet Shoes" that I used to watch a lot in elementary school. They used to spend time there when they wanted to escape from city life for a while.
ok,ok j'avoue pour faire le tour de ta maison a poil ça peut etre bien mais tout les matins je me tape 3km à pieds pour aller à la gare ensuite 40 minutes de train et enfin 20 minutes de metro ce qui explique le peu d'engouement que j'éprouve pour cette ville...
et vous toujours interressé?!?!?!si il y a un américain qui désire échanger sa maison avec la mienne c'est sans!!!!!
bon c'est vrai que le choix de cette photo n'est pas le meilleur parcequ'elle n'est pas vraiment représentative de ce maudit vous décrit un peu la situation:beuvry est un village immense à coté de béthune(plus étendu que classe!!!lol!)et ou il ne doit pas y avoirplus de 10 000 habitants...ça fait peur hein?!en plus les gens parlent un patois particulièrement immonde(bon j'avoue je suis du nord et donc il m'arrive de le parler...)
mais bon c'est la vie et je n'ai aucun espoir de sortir de ce trou paumé avant la fin de mes études...
Ben euh... 10 000 habitants c'est déjà pas mal, nan ? (il y a même une maternité à Beuvry... ;-) !!) Moi j'habite dans un village de 1500 (ou 2000 je sais jamais avec tout ces nouveaux...!) habitants dans la marne alors bon.... (mais je suis à 10 minutes de Reims avec ces 200 000 habitants er à partir du 10 juin je ne serais plus qu'à 40 minutes de Paris !!!! et toc !!!)
Alors, on pourrait dire que c'est paumé un village de vache mais on oublirait l'essentiel: c'est très joli!!! Et il y fait bon vivre. C'est sûr qu'il n'y a pas de pollution comme en ville!!!
Quel dommage!!!!
By Dias Moreira, Amandine on Tue, 03/27/2007 - 06:55#
That's totally and completely awesome! I want to visit there! ;).
rahhh, les Ardennes, j'en suis fan, encore plus des Ardennes Belges. Quand j'aurai 182 ans et que j'aurai fait 15 fois le tours du monde, j'ai toujours dit que je m'installerai sois en Normandie, sois dans les Ardennes.
je te conseille vraiment les ardennes c'est très, très bien quoique q'un peu paumé quand même!!
By Dias Moreira, Amandine on Tue, 04/03/2007 - 05:19#
Moi je vote pour la Normandie, avec les vaches!!!
Y'a plein de truc en Normandie, il y a les jardins et la maison de Monet à Giverny , il y a Deauville, Etretat et son fameux rocher! Rouen, c'est quand meme une sacré ville qui a été bien bombardée. Pis sa cathédrale , non La Normandie c'est là où il faut vieillir!!
Deauville's really expensive though. My pere (my French host dad) said that Deauville is where the rich Parisians go on the weekend. He said that they'll decide on a whim on Friday to go to Deauville for dinner that night.
Ah oui, Deauville... C'est une ville très riche, et faite pour les riches, pratiquement... C'est la "ville secondaire" des parisiens bourgeois, en effet.
This is a picture of a typical residential block in Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY. where I live. Most houses in my area are called "brownstones" like the one in the picture. I live in one, but not the ones pictured here. The neighborhood slopes upward towards a park called Prospect Park, hence the name of the area.
je trouve cela vraiment beau, c'est vrai que c'est typique !
waou! J'aime vraiment ce style de maisons, dés que je vois ce style de maison dans les films américains, je me dis que ce serait chouette de vivre dans ce genre de maisons.
Thanks :) I really love my neighborhood...and you're right, they often show homes like mine in movies, and a lot of movies are filmed in Park Slope, like The Duplex (I watched them film this one with Drew Barrymore and Ben Stiller), and part of The Royal Tennebaum's, The Squid and the Whale, etc...I guess filmmakers like Brooklyn too :)
Oui ils doivent, c'est vrai que c'est trés fréquent.
J'ai adoré "The Royal Tennenbaum's"!!! j'ai trouvé ça trés original!!
see U
So this is my hometown of Chattanooga. It rocks. It's really fun to just hang out in at nights with friends. You can walk everywhere since it's a small city and there's great places to just chill, eat, etc.
1. This is the Tennessee Aquarium. On the right is the old part that's mostly fresh water and the newer salt-water part is on the left. The Tennessee River, the focal point of downtown, is in front. In the summers especially, there are tons of boats on the water and at the docks.
2. This is a picture of the Walnut Street Bridge at dusk. It is the world's longest pedestrian bridge, meaning no cars can go on it. Just for people (and their bikes, pets, etc.)!
3. Coolidge Park, a place to just hang out and relax in. Lots of stores, shops, eateries, etc. This picture was taken on July 4 when there's a big concert by the local symphony with free patriotic music for Independence Day. People bring picnics and hang out with their friends and family. The evening concludes with fireworks. This concert and Coolidge Park are two of my favorite things Chattanooga has.
4. This bridge goes from the aquarium to the Hunter Art Museum, a museum with American art. The bridge is glass-bottomed so you can see through it. It connects two main parts of downtown, the Bluff View Art District with the Aquarium area.
5. This is the Hunter Art Museum again. It's composed of three buildings. On the left is the part built in the 1980s. In the back center with the white columns is the old mansion, built in the 1920s I think. On the right is the newest part and most modern-looking. It was built just a few years ago. The area around the museum is called the Bluff View Art District since it is, obviously, on a bluff above the river.
6. This is my house. We, like almost all houses in Chattanooga, have a front and back yard with lots of grass and space. Sorry about the random people jumping!!
7. This is the riverfront with the aquarium in the background. The fountains on the left are part of the "Passage," an area just recently opened that commemorates the Cherokee Indian tribe, as Chattanooga and much of Southeastern Tennessee used to be their land before whites took it from them in the Trail of Tears.
8. This is me and a friend, Bekah, at Rainbow Lake, a place to hike on Signal Mountain, the suburb of Chattanooga where I live. Lots of Chattanooga and surrounding areas in Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, and Georgia are like this with lots of woods and unspoiled nature and wilderness. It's great for hiking, mountain biking, and just spending time outdoors in general.
Sorry about all the pictures! I kind of went nuts and am obsessed with my town which completely kicks ass. It really makes me miss it!
Tes photos sont vraiment très belles! Ca me donne vraiment très envie de visiter cette ville! Mais quelques unes de tes photos auraient très bien pu se trouver dans la série architecture ^^ On ne voit pas souvent ce genre d'architecture en France :)
Yeah...Chattanooga has lots of interesting architecture. There are many old houses and mansions and buildings from the early 20th century and even earlier, but there are also new, modern-looking buildings such as the aquarium, addition to the Hunter Art Museum, and various other buildings.
We even have a Frank Lloyd Wright House! Have you heard of him? He's a really really famous architect. I'll attach a picture of what is probably his most famous house, Falling Water in Pennsylvania. His designs are very non-traditional and modern-looking. All buildings and houses of his are VERY expensive!
Many older houses on Missionary Ridge, a famous Civil War battle location, have old cannons in their yards. Also, my high school was located on Missionary Ridge, and if you dig in the ground, you can find bullets, bullet casings, and other artifacts in the soil!
J'ai vu cette maison dans mon cours d'Art américain ! Ce type d'architecture est très proche de la nature, c'est très paisible et agréable mais je ne sais pas si j'aimerais vivre dans ce type d'habitation.
Je ne connaissais pas de nom, mais la photo est connue! En tout cas je l'ai déjà vue dans un bouquin d'architecture ^^ (Je ne m'y connais pas vraiment mais j'aime bien feuilleter de temps en temps ces bouquins juste pour me dire que je ne pourrais jamais avoir ce genre de maison..(trop cher ;) )
And this is Southeast Alaska, where I come geoffrey I am also very obsessed with my town, Sitka, but I will try to contain myself! :)
1. arial view of Sitka
2. the islands around my town - that passage is called the Inside Passage
3. A harbor downtown
4. Sunset out on one of the small islands my friend lives on
5. The famous volcanoe, Mt. Edgecumbe, in the winter
Enjoy! come visit!
wow ! J'adore ^^ ! Ca a l'air trop trop trop beau !! Je me vois deja faire du snowboard dans vos montagnes =P vous voudriez pas m'inviter ' svp svp svp =P par contre...quelle est la température moyenne ? =/ Il semblerait qu'il y fait super froid non ?
I live in Southeast Alaska, which is a temperate rainforest. So it is always raining, cold rain! But we do get some nice weather in the summer (60 and 70 degrees farenheit) and in the winter it does snow a little bit. Some winters, like this winter, it snows a lot, so right now Sitka has almost a meter of snow! The average yearly temperature is around 40 or 50 degrees farenheit....
wow c'est magnifique!!
j'adore la montagne que ce soit l'été ou l'hiver!!
ça doit beaucoup te manquer non?
OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
J'adooooore !!!! Je suis jalouse...
Tu as vraiment de la chance de pouvoir vivre dans un endroit pareil... C'est vraiment magnifique !
Yeah, it is absolutely beautiful, and I am probably one of the luckiest people in the world. You should all come and visit me sometime!!! I love having visitors and showing them around. We do lots of hiking, camping, kyaking, skiing, biking, boating, and all sorts of outdoor activities. It is very rural so there aren't shopping malls or big cinema's to hang out in, which means we are forced to play outside all the time!
Oh oui c'est super joli! J'ai presque la même vue de chez moi :p ... un canal c'est pas mal non plus lol
C'est sympa de voir que tout n'est pas encore ultra-urbanisé... ;)
moi je serais ravie de fair eun petit tour en Alaska ;)
et sinon, est- ce que tu as ce phénomene? que il fasse nuit pendant 1 mois en hiver et inversement en été?
No, we don't have a month of darkness in the winter and a month of sun in the summer. You have to go farther north for that, but we DO have really long days in the summer and really short days in the winter. In the winter you can wake up and go to school in the dark, and come home when the sun is setting. It gets pretty depressing for some people, but when you grow up there, you are used to it. In the summer, the sun sets very late, and rises early, so sometimes it never really gets pitch black. Not really dark.
Anyway, that's where I live. In some of the more northern towns it does stay light for days in the summer and dark for days in the winter.
wow donc c'est vraiment comme ça dans certaine villes au Nord! Tu dois etre trés fiere de o tu viens et tu as raison. Tu dois egalement etre forte en ski et tu dois faire beaucoup de ballade en raquette l'hiver!! awesome!! j'adore la montagne et c'est une des raisons pourquoi je prévoit m'installer dans les hauteurs du monde.
This is the skyline of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It's a pretty unique city, as it's an island surrounded by 3 rivers. It's known as the "City of Bridges," because of the 60+ bridges across the 3 rivers to different parts of Pittsburgh. Pittsburghers are very proud of our city, and we even have our own vocabulary!
- Erica
je viens de la ville de Douai. Une petite ville paisible, qui est parfaite pour la vie de personnes agées!!
C'est la bas où je suis née et fais egalement une grande partie de mon éducation!
Wow... that picture of Douai is not what I would have imagined at all. It's very cool looking.
** I know there's a lot here, so feel free to just look at a few of them **
Here are many pictures of different parts my town (Hull, Massachusetts). It's a very small, but fairly typical suburban town, maybe a bit more "blue collar."
1) First, here's my highschool. This is a picture of a hallway before it was "renovated." It hadn't been renovated in over 50 years... so it was REALLY old and FALLING APART. It was built in 1948 and is called "Hull High School." It is basically the only high school in my town. Some people in Hull go to private high schools in other towns, but a lot of people go here.
2) Here's a stairwell where you can see the bay. My town is a tiny 7 mile long thin penninsula, so there's water everywhere! It's surrounded by the ocean, a bay, a river, and there's even a lake! Outside you can see a parking lot for students.
3) This is a hallway AFTER being rennovated. It's a big improvement. It's too bad that they didn't finish the renovations before I graduated.. :-(
4) School bus picture :-) Many/most kids take the bus to school. Some walk, some are driven by parents, or drive themselves.
5) Here's the main street in my town, "Nantasket Ave." Yes, the only main street...
6) My mom and my sister "kayaking" on the Weir River in my town. People can rent kayaks and go kayaking on the river during the Spring and Summer.
6) This is the Carousel ("Paragon Carousel") in my town. It is the only remenant of an amusement park that was in my town, called "Paragon Park." (The rest of the park got taken down to build condominuims.... :-( )
7) My mom and my sister "kayaking" on the Weir River in my town. People can rent kayaks and go kayaking on the river during the Spring and Summer.
8) View of my street (Samoset Avenue) from my house.
9) This is the inside of the carousel.
10) This is "Fort Revere." First built and used by the colonials and then by the French (ha) during the Revolution from 1778 - 1782. The hill was refortified starting around 1900 and was part of the Fort Revere Military Reservation. It was also active in WWI and WWII.
11) Aerial view of my town.
12) This is what the amusement park, "Paragon Park" used to look like. It was taken down in 1985 to built condominiums...
Sorry I know this is a lot! If any of you from Lille 3 come to the States, come visit me and my town! :-)
- Elyssa
Oh my goodness. You picture entitled Fgalley looks like Teletubby houses!
I know, it remind me ofmy childhood too because I used to have all my birthday parties there until I was 12 or so.
Also, you said "de mémoire je ne pense pas que l'on ait ca chez nous, pas aussi beau en tout cas ;) )"
Didyou mean that you didn't think there was that much scenery or undeveloped land in the US? Because different parts of the US look very different. Some arevery developed cities with basically no natural land, and other parts are vast epanses of land, forests, plains, etc.
Just wondering :)
So I'm from Syracuse, NY... as I assume you can guess from the subject line. So I kind of went a little crazy finding lots of pictures, but I love Syracuse, so hopefully once you see these, you will too!
1) Carousel is the big mall in Syracuse. It's really pretty, but a bit too big for everyday mall going, so a lot of the people who live near me only go there on occasion. The biggest movie theater is also in there. For the past few years there has been talk of expanding the mall into the biggest mall in the US and renaming it "DestiNY USA," but there's been a lot of talk and controversy, and not much action, so who knows?
2) This is an aerial picture of Onondaga Lake. It once was a really nice lake, and it still is...from a distance. Over the years it has gotten more and more poluted from all the factories that used to dump it's waste in there, so now it's one of most poluted lakes in the US. Luckily, they have been working to reverse this process, and now it's supposedly safe to eat one fish from there a month...but I wouldn't suggest you do it.
3) Green Lakes is a State Park. It was formed by a glacier way back when and is rediculously deep. The park grounds were supposedly used for something during the world wars, but I don't remember the facts on that. Nowadays, it's just a nice place to go camping, hiking, swimming, or boating.
4) P&C Stadium in where the Syracuse Sky Chiefs Baseball team plays. They are a minor league team.
5) JDHS is my highschool. Not the most exciting picture, but I spent a significant amount of my time there the last 4 years, so it seemed worth it to include it.
6) SHDS was my elementary school. When I started in kindergarten, only the right side of the picture was built, but since then there have been some major additions. The school is still small though, with only like 120 students to fill all 7 grades.
7) This is where I worked as lifeguard and swim instructor this past summer.
8) Snow, snow, snow! Look at all the snow in Syracuse! Since Syracuse is near Lake Ontario (one of the Great Lakes) and it never freezes over, Syracuse gets the famous "lake effect snow" which in essense means we get your everyday snow plus more.
9) This is my high school's new gym. The sports department was very excited about it. Unfortunately, that meant we had to have our junior prom in there, but that's ok. That also let us have a free senior I'm not complaining.
Yay! So that's basically Syracuse. I hope you enjoyed it! :)
je trouve le carousel super joli !! J'ai eu un vrai coup de coeur en voyant la photo !!
c'est le musée de la chartreuse de la ville de Douai. Elle est tres connue à Douai! De plus elles est clasée monument historique!!!
That building is a really cool color. What material was that built from?
Voila, quelques photos de la ville ou je vis (plus pour tres longtemps, je l'éspère... ^^
Je n'ai malheuresement pas grand chose a dire sur cette petite ville, je n'y suis pas souvent, et j'espere la quitter au plus vite. C'est vous dire... Cependant les photos en disent long sur l'archtecture a la Francaise.
Oui, les maisons en briques rouges typiques du Nord de la France.
ouais et le nom aussi est typique du nord de la france: Wavrin: on n'a pas idée d'appeler une ville comme ça!!!!!!!!!lol!!
beuvry c'est plus la classe ...
========en français une beuvrie c'est une réunion festive ou l'on boit beaucoup!!!========
la ville porte bien son nom il n'y a que des pochtrons!
c'est marrant mais j'en doute pas trop des pochtrons à Beuvry !! ;)
Unionville is a very tiny town in Pennsylvania. It's so small that we don't even have our own postal mailing address so we have to use the neighboring town's. Unionville is a mixture of developments (spread out neighborhoods) and farm land. I've included a picture of my house, my neighborhood, kids standing at the bus stop in my neighborhood (my little brother is among them), and an aerial view of my area.
The biggest attraction in my area is a place called Longwood Gardens. It is HUGE and lavishly beautiful and the product of one of DuPont brother's fortune. YOU MUST SEE the montage of photos of Longwood!!
DuPont! Chattanooga has a big DuPont plant that employs beaucoup de personnes!
Whoa Nyssa! You really do live with a lot of empty space. Your houses look more suburban than country, though.
...Can I come visit you and you can take me to Longwood Gardens? It's so pretty!
voila c'est le trou paumé d'ou je viens...
ça vous donne une petite idée de l'architecture rurale française...c'est déprimant je sais mais c'est Beuvry!!!
Roh c'est pas si moche ! Mais personnellement, la campagne et moi ça fait 30...
That's not depressing, it's cool! It kind of reminds me of the country house in the movie "Ballet Shoes" that I used to watch a lot in elementary school. They used to spend time there when they wanted to escape from city life for a while.
ok,ok j'avoue pour faire le tour de ta maison a poil ça peut etre bien mais tout les matins je me tape 3km à pieds pour aller à la gare ensuite 40 minutes de train et enfin 20 minutes de metro ce qui explique le peu d'engouement que j'éprouve pour cette ville...
et vous toujours interressé?!?!?!si il y a un américain qui désire échanger sa maison avec la mienne c'est sans!!!!!
biz à tous
Ah oui quand même... Donc quand on commence à 8H/8H30, tu pars de chez toi à quelle heure ?
ah ben je me lève à 5 heure du mat' pour prendre le train vers 6h30...(une demie heure à pieds jusque la gareX'(!!!!)
bon c'est vrai que le choix de cette photo n'est pas le meilleur parcequ'elle n'est pas vraiment représentative de ce maudit vous décrit un peu la situation:beuvry est un village immense à coté de béthune(plus étendu que classe!!!lol!)et ou il ne doit pas y avoirplus de 10 000 habitants...ça fait peur hein?!en plus les gens parlent un patois particulièrement immonde(bon j'avoue je suis du nord et donc il m'arrive de le parler...)
mais bon c'est la vie et je n'ai aucun espoir de sortir de ce trou paumé avant la fin de mes études...
biz à tous
Ben euh... 10 000 habitants c'est déjà pas mal, nan ? (il y a même une maternité à Beuvry... ;-) !!) Moi j'habite dans un village de 1500 (ou 2000 je sais jamais avec tout ces nouveaux...!) habitants dans la marne alors bon.... (mais je suis à 10 minutes de Reims avec ces 200 000 habitants er à partir du 10 juin je ne serais plus qu'à 40 minutes de Paris !!!! et toc !!!)
Bref ! j'arrête de raconter ma vie...! :-D
Alors, on pourrait dire que c'est paumé un village de vache mais on oublirait l'essentiel: c'est très joli!!! Et il y fait bon vivre. C'est sûr qu'il n'y a pas de pollution comme en ville!!!
Quel dommage!!!!
That's totally and completely awesome! I want to visit there! ;).
C'est vrai que c'est beau!!
rahhh, les Ardennes, j'en suis fan, encore plus des Ardennes Belges. Quand j'aurai 182 ans et que j'aurai fait 15 fois le tours du monde, j'ai toujours dit que je m'installerai sois en Normandie, sois dans les Ardennes.
je te conseille vraiment les ardennes c'est très, très bien quoique q'un peu paumé quand même!!
Moi je vote pour la Normandie, avec les vaches!!!
Y'a plein de truc en Normandie, il y a les jardins et la maison de Monet à Giverny , il y a Deauville, Etretat et son fameux rocher! Rouen, c'est quand meme une sacré ville qui a été bien bombardée. Pis sa cathédrale , non La Normandie c'est là où il faut vieillir!!
I've been to all those places!!! Normandie is sooo pretty!
Deauville's really expensive though. My pere (my French host dad) said that Deauville is where the rich Parisians go on the weekend. He said that they'll decide on a whim on Friday to go to Deauville for dinner that night.
Ah oui, Deauville... C'est une ville très riche, et faite pour les riches, pratiquement... C'est la "ville secondaire" des parisiens bourgeois, en effet.