J'ai vraiment aimé discuter avec vous (américains et vous aussi français!!)
J'ai appris des choses que j'ignorais, mon idée des Etats-Unis a un peu évolué grace a vos réponses aux questionnaires, vos réactions sur le film et aussi un peu grace a vos photos.
I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed corresponding with you guys, and I learned a lot about french culture. It was a great resource to use for learrning, and I really liked hearing what you all had to say about each of the subjects. I hope you have a great summer, and maybe someday when I get back to france I will look you all up!
my e-mail is lwild@brandeis.edu if you are ever in Boston or Alaska! I would love to have visitors from overseas!
It was really awesome talking with all of you this semester. I feel like I learned a lot about your culture, and I hope you enjoyed learning about ours. You most definitely should come visit Brandeis and we can show you around our school and Boston. Perhaps I can see you when/if I ever get to France?
As a final note, I just want to mention that my hometown had a snowday yesterday, as in no school because of too much snow...and my school district almost never closes, so the weather must have be really bad! Yet I wish I had been there to see it, since I love snow. So, if you're ever in the mood for a snowy April, come to Upstate New York!...but I can't promise anything because sometimes it's ridiculously warm in like February. Silly weather!
It was amazing talking to you guys! Keep in touch!
I'm pretty sad that we'll all be going our separate ways soon. I haven't had much time for correspondence this semester (shame on me; I was the one who suggested it!) but I'm going to try in the future. Also, although my family's not keen on guests they don't know, if anyone wants a place to stay while I'm at school rather than home, you all have a standing invitation to my floor and sleeping bag. :)
C'est vrai que ce n'est pas forcement évident de correpondre avec des gens tout au long de l'année scolaire...
Mais j'ai quand même bien aimer tout cet échange et je suis vraiment contente d'y avoir pris part même si cela demander peut être un pu plus de travail que les autres cours...!
Et puis, qui sait, peut être que je viendrais faire un tour aux Etats Unis un jour !!! ;-) En tout cas, "if anyone wants a place to stay while I'm at school rather than home, you all have a standing invitation to my floor and sleeping bag. :)" marche aussi pour moi !!! Alors si vous venez en France, n'hesitez pas à me contacter je serais plus que ravie de vous recevoir chez moi !
Enfin... je suis aussi contente que vous ayez presque tous facebook ! c'est pratique pour garder contact !! Sauf qu'il semble que je sois l seule des français à m'y être inscrite... Alors, come on ! All The French-Speakin' People On FaceBook !!!
Euh nan en fait facebook n'est pas un site de rencontre puisque, techniquement, tu dois connaître les gens qui y sont inscrit.... enin je te done l'adresse et tu verras par toi même...!
Bon ben je commence,
J'ai vraiment aimé discuter avec vous (américains et vous aussi français!!)
J'ai appris des choses que j'ignorais, mon idée des Etats-Unis a un peu évolué grace a vos réponses aux questionnaires, vos réactions sur le film et aussi un peu grace a vos photos.
Passez de bonnes vacances et d'ici la:
SaracitrOn ooOOOooo!
I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed corresponding with you guys, and I learned a lot about french culture. It was a great resource to use for learrning, and I really liked hearing what you all had to say about each of the subjects. I hope you have a great summer, and maybe someday when I get back to france I will look you all up!
my e-mail is lwild@brandeis.edu if you are ever in Boston or Alaska! I would love to have visitors from overseas!
hey guys,
It was really awesome talking with all of you this semester. I feel like I learned a lot about your culture, and I hope you enjoyed learning about ours. You most definitely should come visit Brandeis and we can show you around our school and Boston. Perhaps I can see you when/if I ever get to France?
As a final note, I just want to mention that my hometown had a snowday yesterday, as in no school because of too much snow...and my school district almost never closes, so the weather must have be really bad! Yet I wish I had been there to see it, since I love snow. So, if you're ever in the mood for a snowy April, come to Upstate New York!...but I can't promise anything because sometimes it's ridiculously warm in like February. Silly weather!
It was amazing talking to you guys! Keep in touch!
I'm pretty sad that we'll all be going our separate ways soon. I haven't had much time for correspondence this semester (shame on me; I was the one who suggested it!) but I'm going to try in the future. Also, although my family's not keen on guests they don't know, if anyone wants a place to stay while I'm at school rather than home, you all have a standing invitation to my floor and sleeping bag. :)
C'est vrai que ce n'est pas forcement évident de correpondre avec des gens tout au long de l'année scolaire...
Mais j'ai quand même bien aimer tout cet échange et je suis vraiment contente d'y avoir pris part même si cela demander peut être un pu plus de travail que les autres cours...!
Et puis, qui sait, peut être que je viendrais faire un tour aux Etats Unis un jour !!! ;-) En tout cas, "if anyone wants a place to stay while I'm at school rather than home, you all have a standing invitation to my floor and sleeping bag. :)" marche aussi pour moi !!! Alors si vous venez en France, n'hesitez pas à me contacter je serais plus que ravie de vous recevoir chez moi !
Enfin... je suis aussi contente que vous ayez presque tous facebook ! c'est pratique pour garder contact !! Sauf qu'il semble que je sois l seule des français à m'y être inscrite... Alors, come on ! All The French-Speakin' People On FaceBook !!!
A bientôt !!!
Euh nan en fait facebook n'est pas un site de rencontre puisque, techniquement, tu dois connaître les gens qui y sont inscrit.... enin je te done l'adresse et tu verras par toi même...!