a good neighbor is someone who ...
un bon voisin est quelqu'un qui ...
does not disturb those around them.
does not park in front of your driveway, is not annoying, you enjoy talking to
help when I am in trouble.
helps in a time of need, is respectful, is considerate
helps out when there's a problem, is friendly
helps out.
helps their neighbor and does not negatively impact them
helps you, does not bother you
is always available to help, who looks out for you while you are gone
is always polite and nice
is courteous and mindful.
is friendly, is helpful
is friendly, is helpful, is respectful
is friendly, is understanding
is respectful, courteous, and friendly.
is there for you, keeps an extra set of your keys for you
keeps up with his property
minds their own business
offers contact information, helps if able
respects people, is friendly, does unto others as he would have done unto him
shares, is involved with one's life
smiles, says hi, waives
talks to you, helps you,
walks your dog while your out
waves to you, says hi, is friendly
you can talk to, is friendly
respecte les règles de courtoisie
vous aide en cas de problème et qui vous dit bonjour tous les matins
aide en cas de problème, dit bonjour
apporte son aide quand on en a besoin
arrose les plantes quand on est absent
arrose les plantes quand tu n'es pas là
baisse la musique après 22h30
boit l'aperitif
dit bonjour, fait de son mieux pour garder de bonnes relations avec ses voisins
donne quand on en a besoin
est prêt à aider en cas de besoin
est sympathique
est sympatique
garde mon chat
me respecte, qui est compréhensif, est gentil.
ne fait pas de bruit
ne me parle pas
nous respecte
peut vous dépanner
range bien ses poubelles
respecte autrui
respecte l'autre
reste discret tout en étant aimable et gentil.
sait plaisanter
Il n'y a apparemment pas enormement de différences entre les francais et les américains : on veut tous que nos voisins soient gentils avec nous et on ne veux pas de personnes "chiantes" ou qui posent problèmes, ce qui me semble logique !
La seule différence que j'ai remarquer concerne le fait que plusieurs personnes du côté français aient mentionné l'arrosage de plantes !!! Apparemment le voisin qui vient s'occuper de la maison pendant que l'on est en vacances n'existe pas aux Etats Unis...! (enfin je me doute bien que ce n'est pas vrai mais vu que personne n'en a parlé...!)
Alors j'ai une question : comment faites vous pour vous occuper de vos plantes quand vous partez en vacances '? :D
People in the US frequently ask neigbhors to water their plants while they're away; I don't know why no one mentioned it. I have also fed neighbors' cats while they were away and they do the same for me, and it is very common to have a neigbhor take in the mail while you are gone so that the mailbox does not overflow.
For my family, we ask a family friend to come stay at our house and walk our dog, as well as water our plants. Usually though, my family doesn't go on vacation together. There is always someone left at home.
Is it common in France for families to take vacations together often? Does your family go away once or twice a year? more? less? How do your parents deal with their schedules at work?
pour nous, soit personne ne part en vacances, soit on part tous ensemble. En general, mes parents partent deux ou trois fois par an, et maintenant qu'on n'habite plus avec eux, ils nous demandent à ma soeur et à moi de venir arroser leurs plantes. maintenant, ils partent en amoureux!!! ;-)
Hello Clemence,
I noticed that as well! I also noticed that "la courtoisie" and "le respecte" was written more by the French than the Americans. I have an idea, tell me what you think...
We already discussed the word "individualimse" in the word associations. In America there is more of a focus on independence and on helping oneself to be sucessful, "chacun pour soi" etc. So, although we think that neighbors should be helpful and nice, we also see a person's "property" as "his/her own property."
In the French responses, we see, "l'arrosage de plantes", perhaps Americans didn't talk about that because one's plants and house etc. is seen as belonging to that person only! Cutting plants, keeping one's house + lawn in order, is not seen as "being a good neighbor" as much..
What do you think?
I was talking with a Francophone friend about the responses for this list and he suggested that for "donne quand on en a besoin" that giving money was implied. I would translate the sentence as 'giving when one is in need' but for some reason the image of money doesn't come to mind.
Was it meant as just giving in general, or giving money?
Also on words, there's a difference between the verbs "aider" and "depanner." We might take one a doing big favors, and the other as doing small favors. Can you give some examples of one "peut vous depanner?" Would that be any different from "on peut vous aider?"
bon, je vais essayer de repondre a ta question de maniere claire et comprehensive
quand on depanne quelqu'un, ça peut etre au niveau de l'argent ( je te depanne 5euro for exemple), ou bien rendre un petit service qui aide la personne dans le besoin
aider, selon moi c'est plus volontaire, on aide les gens moins bien lotis que nous et on depanne nos amis quand ils en ont besoin,
le mot depanner est plus pejoratif que le mot aider s'il fallait faire un choix entre les deux
mais l'un comme l'autre s'utilise
le mot aider est plus jolie et me semble plus volontaire quand on demande a quelqu'un s'il a besoin d'aide c'est qu'on veut vraiment l'aider on y tient, et ca nous fait plaisir
voilà j'espere avoir pu repondre a ta question
dis moi ce qu'il en est
a bientot
Thanks!! That does help alot :)