A classmate speaks about his/her personal religious beliefs in a class discussion.

Un/e camarade de classe parle de ses croyances religieuses personnelles lors d'une discussion de classe.

Don't feel like listening

I don't think that is a problem

I listen

I would be interested in hearing my classmate's beliefs and would also share my own.

I would be very interested in what they had to say and compare it to my own beliefs.

I would feel indifferent. Good for them I guess.

i would feel very interested in hearing his/her beliefs and would probably ask many questions.

I would listen with interest.

i would wonder what other people's reaction might be

I'd be interested and have respect for that person for sharing their personal views

I'd listen and that's all, I don't care about other people's religious beliefs.

I'd listen, and try to understand/learn about their religion.

In some circumstances that is ok, but in others I would be annoyed and frustrated.

indifferent / religion is a personal matter and I would agree/disagree with anything

listen and observe

listen attentively

Listen respectfully, feel that it's inappropriate

listen to his/her point of view

listen, learn, compare, discuss

normal, educated

Remind them not to be too personal

ça la/le regarde

c'est son point de vue

ce n'est pas mon probleme

cela ne me dérange pas je suis très ouverte d'esprit!!

Chacun a le droit de croire en ce qu il ou elle veut .

chacun est libre de s'exprimer

en voilà un qui assume ses convictions..

il a le droit de s'exprimer

j'en discute avec chaque personne peut avoir les croyances qu'il veut

je l'a questionne pour en savoir un peu plus sur cette religion

je l'écoute afin de comprendre ses convictions

je l'ecoute

je l'ecoute mais ne me mele pas de la conversation

je l'ecoute pour comprendre sa religion

je la laisse faire, aprés tout ça peux lui faire du bien, tant qu'elle respecte la croyance et les opinoins des autres

je la laisse parler sans prendre part à la conversation

je la laisse parler, elle a le droit de parler de sa religion librement

je la respecte

je le laisse dire meme si je ne suis pas toujours d'accord

je les respecte même si je ne suis pas d'accord

je lui explique mon atheisme

je lui explique que même si Dieu avait existé il est de toute façon mort depuis longtemps

je lui fais part des mes croyances religieuses

je ne dis rien

pas de problème

si cela se prête à la discussion il n'y a aucun problème à cela, sinon je laisse le professeur intervenir s'il y a besoin.


Wow, I started a forum topic. Cool! ... anyhow...

From what I saw, most people, on both sides of the Atlantic, wouldn't mind if someone talked about his religious beliefs in a class discussion. Do you really think that it is always ok? I mean, I don't mind if they use it to show their point of view, or to make a connection, or because the class is on religion, but can you think of times when it would not be appropiate? Is there ever a time when the topic would get too religious for a casual class discussion?

I think it's sometimes not okay just because it might make others feel uncomfortable. I know free speech is important and usually one person's right to say something trumps another's right to not be made uncomfortable. However, I feel like if I were in a class where I were in the religious minority and everyone else was talking about their religious views, I might feel uncomfortable or marginalized. Especially at a school like Brandeis, where I don't share the same religion as most of the students and sometimes feel like a bit of an outsider because of it, I would not appreciate being subjected to religious discussions in class.

Je crois que ceci doit être vrai dans le primaire et le secondaire mais à la fac nous devons être assez mature et réfléchi pour pouvoir parler de différence de religion même si l'on est minoritaire, du moins je ne pense pas qu'il y ait ce problème de marginalisation religieuse en france (dans la fac)!?

Je fais moi même parti d'une minorité religieuse de la fac mais ce n'est pas pour autant que je me sens marginalisée.

A partir du moment où tu laisses ta religion en dehors de l'enceinte scolaire tu es l'égal de l'autre. Et j'espère que les autres étudiants me vois comme une étudiante plutôt qu'une personne qui n'a pas la même origine qu'eux.

Et c'est l'un des avantages des écoles françaises: je n'ai jamais eu l'impression d'être différente des autres.

While I know that religion can be the source of heated disagreement, I am surprised that so many on both sides are somewhat uncomfortable discussing it in class. I would be annoyed and maybe even offended if someone discussed religion in a way that I saw as preachy or prostletizing, but I would feel that way no matter where we were. I take a lot of philosophy classes, and it is completely normal for us to discuss the views of our religions, both to compare in a geopolitical sense and to analyze views on ethics, our creation, and life's purpose, and where we get those views.

What is intimidating about this type of discussion outside of the philosophy classroom?
