Good bye


Au revoir et merci! It was a pleasure working with you all. I wish you the best in any of your future endeavors.

Au revoir et merci! It was a pleasure working with you all. I wish you the best in any of your future endeavors.

Wow, I can't believe this is over. It has really been a pleasure speaking to all of you. Guillaume thank you also for your lengthy responses. You really put our French translation abilities to the test. Also, thank you all so much for your help, kindness, and friendships when I visited Polytechnique. I really hope that we can keep in touch because meeting all of you was seriously one of the best experiences of my life. You are such amazing people! Thanks again! I prefer not to say au revoir because I am sure that some of us will meet again. After all, the world is small and I am sure that we will run into each other again. If you come to the U.S. e-mail me and I will take you out for a good time. OR, you might see me someday sitting on a bench in Paris eating a giant baguette or pain au chocolat.

Thanks a lot for a great semester! It was really interesting to read all of your comments and insights on the forums-- I certainly learned a lot about the French language and culture! I can't wait to go to Paris this summer! (and maybe we can meet up!)

I just wanted to thank all of you for everything. I really enjoyed meeting you in France and over the forums. I have learned so much! Thanks so much for your responses and all you guys did to make us feel so welcome when we came to visit. I really enjoyed getting a glimpse into your lives and talking with all of you. I learned so much from all of you and enjoyed getting to know you as friends! To echo Daphne, definitely email me if you ever are in the United States and I'd love to see all of you guys again! And feel free to email me too over the summer-I'd love to hear what you guys are up to!

Thank you all for the fantastic exchanges we have been engaged in this semester. The forums were an invaluable part of my French course experience. It was good to interact with peers in another country and gain insight into a different cultural perspective on common themes and motifs. Through the word associations forum I was able to get a glimpse of the thought processes of my French peers. It’s interesting to see how ideas are connected within the minds of individuals in another culture, in comparison to my own, so to better understand the other culture. The situation reactions were interesting as well, though, I think personally witnessing reactions to these situations would be more valuable than our hypothetical responses. After reading the forums and analyzing the differences, I’ve come to the conclusion that in fact students here (at least at MIT) are not too different from those at the X. This is not necessarily too surprising (and without trying to sound elitist), but we have worked hard all our lives to make it to these great schools, and we are united by a common passion for science, technology, and engineering. I wish you all luck in this summer’s endeavours and in future pursuits. Hopefully I will be able to live in France at some time in my life and that all of you will be able to come to the United States so that we may experience each other’s worlds, both the bad, but more importantly the good.

Au Revoir et Merci!

This has definately been a really enlightening experience and I really appreciate the wonderful dialogue you have contributed this semester. It is one thing to read a textbook and another to actually hear a real person's perspective on things. Thank you!

Good-bye and thank you!
ca vient de commencer et c'est deja fini.
Au revoir!!

Merci à tous pour cette experience géniale. C'était vraiment sympa de discuter et d'échanger, mais vraiment trop court! Merci beaucoup pour votre accueil, je ne pourrais suffisamment le dire, vous avez été formidables! Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec Gleb, pour dire qu'on n'est pas si différents, même si nos cultures ne sont pas tout à fait les mêmes. En tout cas, quand vous passez en France, n'hésitez pas à me (nous) contacter! Bonne chance à tous pour la suite (surtout Daphne, bonne chance pour ton entrée dans la vie active...)!

Bon, je pense que c'est un peu tard déjà pour dire au-revoir... mais de toute façon j'aimerais laisser ici mon petit mot avant la fin du cours Cultura. Merci pour toutes vos réponses. Merci pour toutes vos questions. Et merci Daphne et Renee pour le temps que vous avez passé avec nous à Paris. Ne vous inquietez pas, je vais vous écrire si un jour je vais aux USA. A bientôt!!!

The semester went by a lot quicker than what I expected, however all good things must come to an end. I think that everyone agrees that this has been an unique and very insightful. Thanks guys for making this experience as enjoyable as possible. Marie and Helene it was pleasure to meet you two in person, and I hope that your stay here was pleasant. Everyone stay in touch and take care until we all meet again. -Giorgio

Thank you all. I have learned quite a bit about both cultures from this project. Au revoir et merci!

Je pense que la c'est vraiment vraiment tard pour dire au revoir ;) mais "vaut mieux tard que jamais" comme l'on dit chez nous
j'ai vraiment apprécié cette expérience et aussi la visite des 2 "petites" américaines chez nous ; je pense avoir pas mal appris.
en espérant que quelqu'un lise encore ce forum... bye bye

Au revoir, on a appris beaucoup de choses grâce à vous. La meilleure façon de connaître une autre culture est de savoir ce que les individus pensent des différents sujets et ce forum m’a beaucoup aidé à connaître un peu plus les américains et les français…Merci à tout le monde

Au revoir. Je suis content de vous avoir connu. Bonne chance pour les examens de fin d’année !