You are at the office and you see your boss (a man) compliment an attractive female employee on her appearance.

Vous êtes au bureau et vous voyez votre patron (un homme) complimenter une jolie employée sur son apparence.

depends on the nature of the comment. If friendly and complimentary, then nothing. If some sort of harrassment, then take note of it and ask the female about it later.

I don't know what I would think, depends on the boss.

I don't think anything of it and wouldn't do anything

I get angry but I don't let it show that I'm upset.

I have been her. Is the comment a polite compliment or leering with sexual undertones. If it seems the later and the person receiving them seems uncomfortable with it, I would approach her or him and inform them that the other person was crossing the line, that it was inappropriate for the work place and they didn’t have to put up with sexual harassment. It is only sexual harassment if it makes the receiver uncomfortable. Lots of people meet their potential mate through there job or school; so is it a polite compliment, consensual flirting or sexual harassment. If the later, then the employee should tell her boss it made her uncomfortable and if he does it afterwards she should quite or take legal action.

I hope that it is indicative only of the fact that he likes her outfit.

I think he is trying to hit on her.

I will think the comment unnecessary or improper, but will take no action.

I would ask the female employee about it afterwards, when the boss was gone.

I would be concerned but not say anything.

I would not mind.

I would question the man's intentions.

I wouldn't say anything but would talk about it with my co-workers.

I'd ignore it, although depending on what the compliment was, I might find it inappropriate

If it was appropriate I would do nothing. If it was inappropritae I would tell somebody about it.

If this was a recurring incident or one of many such incidents, I would speak to Human Resources about it.


It depends on the manner in which this is said--this is a fine line to cross. If it seems like a sleazy or vulgar comment/intention, I would be disgusted and would lose a lot of respect for my boss.


Roll your eyes.

Talk to the man afterwards to point out it may have been inappropriate.

Think that it's inappropriate in my head but say nothing.

Unless it was in a crude way, I would not assume anything.

Wear appropriate clothes to work.

c'est gentil de complimenter quelqu'un, tant que ce n'est pas intéressé

Cela dépend de la situation, du caractère des gens, de l'ambiance. Toute chose égale par ailleurs, je garde ça en mémoire pour éventuellement réagir autrement la fois suivante.

je le laisse agir

je me dis que j'espère que ce n'est pas comme ça qu'il a eu son poste et me demande ce qu'il attend ou espere que ca lui rqpportera

je pense : "quel salaud!". je parle à la jeune fille après

je pense que mon patron a une grande personalité ou il veut quelque chose avec elle

je regarde si cela ne gêne pas ma collègue

Je trouve cela galant, sauf bien sûr si le patron est trop insistant, auquel cas je trouve cela dégoûtant.

Je vais me fâcher mais je ne le montrerai pas.


Je n'ai pas vu tellement de difference entre les reactions "americaines" et "francaises". Toutes les reactions dependent de la remarque, si il est ou non "appropriee". Peut etre serait-il interressant de s'interroger sur ce qui est approprie ou non selon les cultures? Alors qu'en pensez-vous, a partir de quelles limites considerez vous que c'est inapproprie, voire que ca tombe dans le harcelement sexuel?
Peut etre que nous sommes un peu plus tolerants sur le sujet, dans la mesure ou une personne repond que c'est normal, une autre considere ca comme plutot gentil a priori, et meme galant!
Et, meme si ce n'est pas exactement la meme chose, que pensez-vous si votre boss sort avec une de vos collegues?

Marie, you made some really interesting points and asked some great questions! In my opinion, this situation borders a very fine line between a genuine appropriate compliment and a leering or sleazy remark that is considered sexual harassment. Honestly, I think there is no definitive boundary between the two; I agree that it depends entirely on the situation at hand (as both the French and American responses seem to indicate). I think ultimately it comes down to how the receiver of the compliment feels afterwards--if it is more loaded than just a harmless comment, they will feel uncomfortable. That is when it crosses the line, in my opinion. And in some situations, any comment may not be appropriate at all--there is something to be said for keep professional relationships strictly professional. On the other hand, colleagues are people too and it might be a good idea to have a friendly relationship with them. However, it is a traditional policy here to keep one's work and private lives separate for the most part--namely, it is usually frowned upon to date someone at work (even though I think many people meet their future spouses through work or work-related events), especially one's boss. What are the general feelings about this in France? What is considered appropriate?

Je ne sais pas trop ce qu'il en est, mais je pense que c'est également plutôtmal vu de fréquenter son patron, que dans ce cas on est regardé ave des yeux très suspicieux, tout le monde pensera que la personne cherche à profiter de la situation, s'attirer des avantages! Mais ça dépend évidemment des entreprises. Mais ça m'est difficile de donner un vrai avis dans la mesure où je n'ai aucune connaissance du milieu professionnel.

I think that what marie states is also very true in the US. If a person decides to date their boss, the first thing that people believe is that the person is trying to win points in order to climb the work ladder. And to add on to Elizabeth's comment, I believe that not only it comes down to the receiver of the compliment, but also the intentions of the person who initiates the compliment. Since the receiver might not be able to distinguish a harmless compliment from a more inappropiate remark. What would people in France do if they feel they are the target of an inappropiate remark?

Tout depend de a que point c'est "inapproprie". Si ce n'est pas vulgaire, je pense que la femme sera flattee, peut etre un peu genee, mais sans plus. Si vraiment c'est cible sur son decollete, ou ses formes, c'est surement plus delicat. Mais je pense qu'a par rougir, elle ne reagira pas.
