alone, sad, isolated
community, group, camaraderie
Company, Caring, Help
freedom, union, socialism
friendship, comrades, bond, loyalty
help, generosity, collaboration
idealism, unifying, desire
loyalty, teams, sister/brotherhood
support, camaraderie
Team, win, friends.
together, tight, unit
together, united, important
togetherness, power, motivation
union, community, agreement
unity, community, cooperation
unity, companionship
unity, goals, group
unity, passion
unity, strength, stability
aide, engagement, conviction, déception
associations, croix-rouge, entraide
beau, aide, soutien, devoir, engagement
bon, dur
charité, sentiment, partout
entraide, responsabilité, socialisme, partage
générosité, aide,
importante, entre aide, devoir, obligations, conventions
société, coopération, progrès
vertu, devoir
was somewhat confused when I first read French list of association words for solidarity. The American and French words are only related in general terms and are fundamentally quite different. There is a distinct variation in their tone. The French word suggests weakness of an individual, failure to be self supportive, and dependence on society, while the American version of the word focuses on the positive ideas of unity, strength in number, and a supportive network.
Is it possible that this could be a reflection on the patriotism on which our countries were founded? Perhaps part of the reason that solidarity has a more positive connotation in English is that throughout the existence and development of the US, a great deal of importance has been placed on the value of united individuals, similar to the value of independent but united states.