

big brother, immense, complex

Bush, war, gas prices

checks and balances, structure

corrupt, bureaucracy, slow, two-faced

corrupt, debates, annoying

corruption, problem, law

democracy, debates, elections

democratic, representatives, senators

divided, red tape, totalitarian

health care, taxes, patriot

imperfect, power, secrecy,

law, structured, federalism

minister, president, administration

politic, competition, issues

politics, offices, corruption, war

powerful, military, state

powerful, regulation, the capital building, Washington DC

problems, apathy, debate

sad, powerful, corrupt

structure, corruption, taxes, elections

too large, inefficient, wasteful

White house, large and impersonal

autorité, corruption, politique


chaos, lointain, phallocratie

crise, élection, démocratie

décevant, problématique, sensible

de merde

dictature - démocratie - république -


divisé, inefficace, présent

lois, médiatisation, système politique

lois, peuple, démocratie, pays

lois, politique, gestion

politique, gestion, rassemblement

politique, homme, discours, loi

politique, réformes, mesures, partis

politique, république

président, ministre, Elysée

violent, incapable, dangereux


Hello! From the responses, it appears as though that both the French and American perspectives are fairly negative. However, I don't feel like I know much about the French government structure. What is the difference between the president and the prime minister of France? How often are elections held? How politically involved is the average French citizen?
