

allies, essential, war

alone, quiet, insular

alone, quiet, tranquil

being alone, quiet, pensive

community strength unity change

firmness, political movement,

important community group


love, togetherness, hope

loyalty, truth, trust

person, individual, quiet, peace


stability, responsibility, trust

standing together, brotherhood

steadfast, individual, group

stick together,

Stoicism, Unity, Determination


the card game Solitaire, cut-off borders, less interaction with the world


Together, Friends, Commitment

together, joint effort, companionship

union, community, responsibilities



Aide ; Générosité ; Humanité

aide, bénévole

aide, générosité, société

aide, obligatoire, coeur

aide, ouverture, ensemble

aides, amitié, besoin, compassion, sourire

amis, aide, soutient

amis, soutien, entraide

amis,amitié,s'entraider, se comprendre

amitié, partager, soutien



donner, partager, dons, bénévole



entr'aide, respect

entraide soutien action

entraide, altruisme

entraide, écoute, amitié

entraide, camarade, gentillesse

entraide, dons, conscience


esprit de groupe, aide

gens, entre-aide, nécessaire

inéxistante pourtant éssentielle

nécéssaire, valeur, restos du coeur

union force partage

vital, France, besoin


J'ai remarqué que nous avions à peu prés la même vision sur la solidarité, même si du côté français sont plus souvent évoqués les mots comme "amis", "aide", l'idée reste similaire pour les deux cultures.
J'ai cependant étais surprise de voir à deux ou trois reprises le mot "alone", qui ne me semble pas trop aproprié, j'aimerais savoir pourquoi ceux qui ont employé ce mot l'associent à la "solidarité".

I think it's not a word very commonly used in the United States. I almost picture it as facing something horrible and having a few people around to support you, but knowing that their support and encouragement won't actually help your problem. In that sense you are alone. It's a very serious word that seems to have almost an underlying panic. I was actually a bit surprised when I translated solidarite to english and came back with "interdependence" which I think fits the French connotation much better than the english word solidarity.

It's true that the word solidarity isn't common in day-to-day usage but it actually does mean essentially the same thing as the French word "solidarite". It means people who are working together in a community towards a common goal or standing against a common enemy. It also stands for people who have obligations towards each other to help out in times of need. It doesn't mean alone, it means that a group has formed to protect the group members. So the words are actually equivalent. I think that the difference is in the frequency of usage.

I actually came across the word and almost went blank - I wasn't sure waht to think of it. The only thing that came to mind was the Polish (if I remember correctly) political movement. It did seem to me as well that the word had a connotation of requiring strength during difficult time, an almost heavy, burdensome feeling.

cela est assez étranger que finalement on est un sens totalement différent sur la notion de solidarité. En fait pour vous cela renvoie plutôt à la solitude tandis que nous c'est plutôt à relier à la notion d'entre aide, de soutien et ça renvoie aussi à quelque chose humanitaire, venir en aide aux plus démunis.

Le fait est qu'en France, le solidarité c'est aussi "les restos du coeur" et toutes ces associations pour "venir en aide aux plus démunis", comme le dit justement Amandine.
Vous semblez penser davantage à 'avoir besoin de soutien' plutôt qu'à offrir le vôtre, en fait. Je ne dis pas ça comme pour vous traiter d'égoistes, simplement chacun va dans un sens différent.
