A well behaved child ...
Un enfant bien élevé ...
disciplined, educated, good manners.
does not throw temper tantrums, is polite, and can go out in public without drawing the negative attention of others.
does what they're told
doesn't go looking for trouble
Is a child who knows self restraint.
is good at hiding things.
is kind, happy, polite
is not excessively loud.
is one who respects and obeys his/her parents and does not deliberately talk back or anger the parents.
is one who respects the wishes of those around them, such as his/her parents, and doesn't deliberately try to be disruptive.
is polite.
is quiet and respects adults.
is quiet, patient, and well-mannered
is respectful to his parents, keeps his future in mind when making choices, is mindful of how his actions affect his parents
knows and follows his parents' and society's expectations.
listens to adults, follows directions, and treats others nicely.
listens to his or her parents.
listens to its parents and never cries in public.
obeys her parents, even when no one is watching.
est une personne ayant recu une bonne éducation de la part de ses parents.
a des bonnes manières et sait se tenir en compagnie d'adultes ou d'autres enfants.
a du savoir-vivre.
c'est un enfants qui ne fait pas de crises pour rien
débarrasse la table
de poli, de modèle, et qui a appris à vivre en société.
est gentil, respecte les autres, et travaille bien
est poli,
est sage,
est curieux
est poli, se tient bien
est quelqu'un qui est poli, qui sait faire plusieurs choses par lui même
est un enfant poli
est un enfant poli, courtois, non capricieux
est un enfant qui a reçu des limites mais sans trop être privé cependant
est un enfant qui dit bonjour, qui respecte les adultes et l'autorité
est un enfant qui est capable de vivre en société.
est un enfant qui sait où sont certaines limites à ne pas dépasser avant de manquer de respect à quelqun
gentil, sage et propre
Poli, Qui sait ce qui est bien et mal, Qui respecte autrui,
quelqu'un qui est poli, qui va dire "merci" "s'il te plait" "bonjour" "au revoir"
qui respecte les règles de savoir vivre et de savoir être
qui se tient bien au restaurant, qui ne se rebelle pas pour n'importe quoi
Both American and French responses indicate that respect and politeness are two important well-behaved children. I am curious as to whether you guys think children in France are well behaved in general? I know I find myself often thinking that kids in America are not very well behaved. They often start yelling and throwing temper tantrums in public as well as talking back to their parents. Is this sort of behavior prevalent in French children? Do you guys think that there is a difference between how children act now and how they acted when you were little?
The questions Rachael raises are quite interesting. At least in my case, I have found that small children tend to be loud and obnoxious no matter what part of the world you're in. :)
I would also like to point out an interesting difference between American and French responses. Almost all American students said a well-behaved child is one who listens to his parents an elders, without exception. However, some French students pointed out that a well-behaved child is curious, wise and who knows how to think and act by himself. Do you believe that parents should generally not try to impose many limits on their children's behavior? How do you teach a child the difference between being independent and doing something that is "wrong" by society's standards?
Je pense qu'il n'y a pa de différence entre la façon actuelle d'agir de quelqu'un et ses comportements étant petit. En effet nous reproduisons en général ce que nos parents nous ont inculqué lors de notre enfance. Nous avons tous des valeurs et des principes et à notre tour nous les tranmetrons à nos enfants. Je prend un exemple au hasard: une personne jette un mouchoir par terre. Un enfant a qui on a dit de ne pa le faire, attendra la prochaine poubelle pour jeter son mouuchoir. J'aimerai savoir si il en est de même aux Etas Unis?
I agree that parents tend to pass on their principles and values to their children, or at least they try to. I'm not sure that American children always hold steadfast to the values that their parents have taught them. Maybe when they're young, they do, but as they get older, Americans tend to make their own decisions about what principles they really value, and which ones they only hold onto in order to please their parents. In other words, Americans like to make their own decisions about what values and principles they live by.
As for the example you used with the person throwing the tissue on the ground. I think an obedient American child would throw his away in a trashcan, but many American children would simply copy the behavior of the person they saw throw it on the ground and throw theirs on the ground as well. If asked why, they would probably respond that they saw someone else do it, so they thought it would be okay.
But now, would there be a difference if the child was taught to clean up if others littered? I want to say that a child who was taught to not only throw their trash in the trashcan, but was taught to clean up for others would be more inclined to pick up the trash and throw it, along with their own trash, in the trashcan. If someone was just taught to throw their own trash away, then they would be more likely to be persuaded by someone else's actions to litter as well.
Certains peuvent ramasser les détritus des autres, d'autres ne jettront que les leurs et quelque uns n'hésitent pas a les jeter dans la nature sans scrupules. Je ne pense pas que les enfants copient sur leurs camarades dans la mesure où les parents sont derrière pour leurs dirent ce qu'ils doivent faire et dans quelle catégorie ils doivent se situer. Cepandant j'ai une question qui n'a pas du tout de rapport avec l'éducation des enfants. En France, les gens sont de plus en plus soucieux de l'état de la planète. Il n'est pas rare de voir des associations se regrouper pour néttoyer les plages, les forêts, les montagnes... De plus en plus de français font attention a leurs comportements vis à vis de la nature. Aujourd'hui une très grandes majorité de français trient leurs déchets (le verre, le plastique, le papier..). Chaque catégorie de déchet a sa poubelle. Est ce qu'au Etats Unis, l'écologie est quelque chose d'encrer dans les moeurs?