The American Dream
Le rêve américain
Chinese, Black, European
Family, Colors
freedom, equality, opportunity
Hard Work, Luck, Skill, Merit
hope, aspiration, motivation, opportunity
Horation Alger, rags-to-riches, self-made
house with a yard. family of four
Ideal, immigration, individualism
idealism, possible, difficult
immigration, rags to riches, liberty
impossible, rare, overrated
multiculturalism, hard work, freedom
opportunity, succeeding, goals, liberty.
prosperity, liberty, success, family
rags to riches, equality for all,
unrealistic, hope, second chances
Wealth, Success, Happiness
work, reward, capitalism, hope
Agent, Sexe, Drogue et Rock'n'roll
argent , travail , famille
argent, réussite, popularité
argent, relations, succès
aventurier, difficile, tentatives mais peu réussissent
casino, villas, stars
Démodé - Concept - idéal
Echelle, Richesse,
entreprise; espoir; optimisme;
immigrés, el rio grande, la statue de la liberté, la réussite
la réussite, ascension, succès
Liberté, argent, réussite, grands espaces
liberté, seconde chance, réussite, échec
réussite, montée sociale, argent
rêve, illusion, utopie
richesse; stabilité; prospérité
ruée vers l'or, faire fortune,
travailleur émigré, chance
un idéal, un concept
volonté de s'enrichir
From the responses, it seems as if Americans see the "American Dream" as only a dream, a concept that is unattainable but also as symbol of freedom and liberty. Yet, the french associate this concept as a possiblity to acquire money and success. I believe this is just a matter of perspective, America has an interior view while France has an exterior view.
As french citizens, would living in America be something you have considered or want? A lot or just a little? In which country do you think it is easier to live, prosper, succeed, and/or climb up the social ladder?
Je pense que le rêve américain évoque la possibilité d'une seconde chance et de la liberté d'entreprendre.
Si on estime avoir "mal réussi" sa vie, l'Amérique est une voie possible pour recommencer sa carrière. En France, cette deuxième chance est moins envisageable. Par exemple, si l'on fait de la prison, on restera ( à tort ) considéré longtemps comme quelqu'un qui a enfreint les règles et qui risque de les enfreindre à nouveau.
La possibilité de créer son entreprise, de faire des affaires semblent largement plus facile en Amérique qu'en France. D'où la possibilité de prospérer. On parle alors de l'eldorado américain.
En ce sens, vivre en Amérique est un choix de vie vers plus de liberté. Pour ma part, je reste pour l'instant très attaché à l'Europe.
L'Amérique et les pays anglo-saxons en général, restent des pays où les possibilités de briller, de s'épanouir, de gravir l'échelle sociale sont fortes.
Je pense que le rêve américain n'est plus vraiment une possibilité de nos jours:
Premièrement, le contexte de la crise joue un rôle important. Il y a eu 600 000 pertes d'emplois pour le mois de janvier aux Etats-Unis. Ensuite, je pense que, contrairement à avant, le meilleur moyen de réussir sa vie c'est d'avoir des diplômes. Et la crise renforce cette idée car la hausse du chômage augmente le nombre de demandeurs d'emploi. La compétition entre les demandeurs d'emploi est plus rude. Aujourd'hui, il faut donc se démarquer, avoir des diplômes et des compétences. Un employeur ne peut plus prendre de risque à l'embauche.
Biensur je tiens à nuancer mes propos car les Etats-unis semble être LE pays le plus stratégique pour entreprendre. C'est le cas des nombreuses start-up...
Est-ce que vous nous conseillerez de tenter le "rêve américain" ?
Let me start off by saying my family is originally from Mexico. We immigrated into the country a little over fifteen years ago. My parents had five kids ranging from a newborn to a seventeen year old. It wasn't easy for them at all to adjust themselves to a new culture and it was definitely a very hard path to settle down into a good lifestyle starting from almost nothing. My mother has told me that there were times when they had little business in the restaurant they owned and they barely made any profits. It wouldn't have been as bad if she had payed all her bills before her bank account contained less than 25 dollars. My parents struggled so much to give us all a good life. Now they are still working hard, especially to put me through college, but we live very comfortably.
There are many people who come to America hoping to prosper but sadly, a lot of people struggle their entire lives. I think that if you are determined and you push yourself, it is possible to live the life you dream of.However, you should not let the economy pull you down with it at any time.
In respect to an education, I think that even a diploma may not even be able to save you. My brother is an electrical engineer. The company that he works for has recently, since january, had two "break periods" in which all the employees must take a forced vacation for two weeks without pay.
I know America is the "land of dreams" but would you recommend France for any of us?
I have a somewhat different take on the American dream. I think that its literal meaning has had its time and is now outdated. Originally it was the dream of immigrants to forge a new life for themsleves in this grand new country or the dream of poor city folk in new england to strike out to the west for new land and a better life. Ultimately, the dream was to have one's own little house on one's own piece of land and to raise a family there. There are two reasons I see this as outdated. First, this worked great when much of America was open for the taking but now America is filling up. It no longer wants immigrants. The time has passed when it will take your tired and huddled masses. And the west has been settled. There is no great unexplored territory to conquer any longer. And second, do most Americans, or immigrants for that matter, want just a little house on a little piece of land, where they can raise a family. I'm sure some do, but most people now wouldn't be satisfied with that; they want to get rich or live in a mansion, not a little house on the prairie. And that's why I think only the essence of the American Dream really means much anymore. The idea that you can do anything if you work hard enough at it. That no race, gender, social, or political differences can hold you back. Barack Obama becoming the first black president certainly lends some credibility to the Dream. On the other hand, it took us 44 presidents and we are currently having many issues with civil rights, such as the debates about gay marriage. And so I guess I'm just wondering if the American Dream is still alive and well or slowly being lost to history. I'd love to hear both American and French opinions on this.
Je suis daccord sur le fait que le rêve américain est aujourd'hui quelque peu dépassé. C'était auparavant le rêve de nombreux de migrants,pour qui il était impossible de gravir l'échelle sociale, avoir des projets d'avenir et une vie meilleure. Cependant aujourd'hui l'accès au territoire américain est très surveillé et il est donc difficile de s'y installer pour réalisé ce "rêve américain". Je pense qu'il en est de même pour la France.
Comme le dit Beatriz, je pense que le rêve Américain s'est dépeignit au fil du temps. Pour nous, c'est surtout l'idée de partir avec ses économies et de monter son business en toute liberté et simplicité (plus qu'en France). Maintenant du point de vue des Américains il y a : les différents problèmes qui ont bousculé et qui bousculent les USA mais aussi le fait que l'économie, les villes sont déjà hyperdeveloppées. De ce fait je pense que les opportunités sont bien moins importantes que celles associées au vieux Rêve Américain auquel nous les Francais pensons toujours, non?
A mon avis maintenant ce serait plutôt le rêve Asiatique..
Personellement, quand on me dit "American Dream", il y a evidement une connotation historique. Pour moi, aujourd'hui, tenter l'American dream, ça me fait penser aux immigrants clandestins mexicains qui essayent de traverser le désert de Sonora pour atteindre les Etats-Unis.
On ne peut pas parler réellement de "French dream" mais beaucoup de retraités anglais viennent s'installer en france car ils aiment la qualité de vie.
Personnellement, je trouve que le rêve américain est encore beaucoup présent dans notre envie...
Il n'y a qu'à allumer la télé pour le voir; combien de séries se bases sur l'histoire dune personne pour qui la vie estun echec, et d'un jour a l'autre, grace a tel ou tel declic, il reussit a completement changer sa vie ?
Combien de séries nous montre les Etats-Unis comme un pays ou tout le monde peut se payer une belle voiture, une belle maison et vivre avec un mannequin ?
Pour moi c'est cela le rêve améicain,qui nous est vendu par la télé tout les jours, et qui continuera certainement a être vendu pendant encore longtemps
I think there is a large disconnect between current world perceptions of America and the actual state of our country. I actually have a lot of friends from different places, especially South America, and most of them seem to hate America pretty strongly. I think Obama has done a lot to restore our image, as so many people seem to respect him, but in general people have a vision of America that is not at all correct (i.e. what is displayed by Hollywood). Definitely there are places and people where the Hollywood stereotypes are strongly evident, but all my life in America I have been surrounded by students and adults who put all of their effort into doing their best and striving for excellence in all they do, and who are very caring about the people around them (and not simply more shallow people obsessed with making a fortune, a huge mansion, and a beautiful wife). Those types definitely do exist (and probably carry a lot of the fault for our current financial crisis), but in general, I think America functions very effectively for what it is. Certainly there are areas in which I feel we are very lacking (like our foreign policy). But in general, I think things proceed incredibly smoothly here...we have such amazing infrastructure, so many incredible job opportunities, great transportation, etc. I haven't travelled outside of the country that much, but the countries I have visited (Taiwan and particularly Mexico and Peru) have had serious issues that make the U.S. seem like a paradise. We have a lot of problems, and our economy is having big issues, but compared to a lot of second and third world countries, I'd say we're doing pretty amazingly, and I would say the American dream...cliché as it probably still going strong.
For me, the American Dream represents the ability to make yourself into whatever you so desire by working really hard, and not being inhibited by what family you are born into our what disabilities you might have. Of course we have a long way yet to go (I like the mention of the gay marriage debate...just the existence of that debate makes me so angry)... but in general, if you put in the effort, you can go so far here.
We can only hope that the economy improves, so that this will remain true in years to come.
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En France, les situations sociales dans l'administration ou dans les grandes entreprises sont protégées par des règles bureaucratiques créant une distance entre les individus qui se trouvent ainsi à l’abri de toute remise en question.
L’état conserve en France un poids massif, tant au niveau des dépenses publiques que des prélèvements obligatoires. Les tentatives destinées à réformer l’Etat ou à faire diminuer son poids ont pour l’instant échoué.
Il excite donc des blocages importants en France.
Cependant, les possibilités de réussir sont réelles, de nombreuses PME françaises évoluent rapidement dans des secteurs comme le luxe, le tourisme, le nucléaire.