You see a mother in a supermarket slap her child.

Al supermercato vedi una madre che dà uno schiaffo al proprio bambino.

be shocked but not say anything unless I consider the child to be in physical danger.

i look away.

I would be perturbed by the ignorance of the mother.

I would do nothing

I wouldn't do anything because it isn't right for me to interfere, but I would feel bad about not doing anything.

Nothing. If later I saw the child I would try to make him happy.

tell a supermarket employee.

That depends on how old her child is, where she slaps him/her, and just exactly how hard the slap is. If the child is at least 4, the slap is not in the face, and it's not hard enough to bruise or hurt for a long time, then I won't say anything. I will cringe, though.

"dai magari se lo meritava..."

dipende dall'azione che ha fatto suo figlio

Penso a quante tristezze simili vi sono al mondo. Fosse per uno schiaffo, riterrei questo perfino educativo in alcune circostanze ma purtroppo accadono cose ben peggiori

penso che sia un modo scorretto per educare i propri figli.

Povero bambino! La mamma ha proprio esagerato...gli schiaffi spesso non risolvono niente.

sto per le mie


By asking about our reaction to a mother slapping her child, this question inquires about our past and our moral views particularly in child development. At the same time it measures how strongly we support these ideas and how we percieve our role in doing this. When analyzing the response we see that on both sides the responses were mostly against the action, but interestingly the type of reactions were significantly different. Students in the U.S. responded with more action descriptive responses such as not doing anything, telling some one else, cringing – actions. Whereas the italian students responses described more thoughtful reactions as to if the act of slapping is really an efficient way of educating a child. As we observe this question we find that it also looks into our past and how we as children were raised, as our past directly influences our response and maybe our tolerance to the reaction. Also based one student’s response that it was not right for he/she to interfere, we see how this question also asks us about our view of our roles and interacions in our different communities as to what is right and necessary to do.

Credo di aver capito cosa intendi e ti do ragione. Infatti, probabilmente chi da piccolo ha ricevuto una o più volte degli schiaffi dai genitori per essere educato, ora farebbe lo stesso con i propri figli, e non vedrebbe in ciò nulla di male; chi invece è stato educato diversamente, non sopporterebbe di vedere una mamma dare uno schiaffo al proprio bambino (infatti alcuni di noi ritengono che sia proprio un modo scorretto di educare i figli).