You see someone cheating on a test.
Ves que alguien copia en un examen.
be mad, but do nothing.
Hm. This one is tough...cheating is not acceptable, but I think that people need to be held responsible for their own actions. I feel that this person should deal with the situation with honesty and come forth, because this will only become more difficult in the end.
i dont do anything, unless its too obvious.
I feel a little angry but do not say anything.
I get concerned, however I don't tell anyone
I won't say to the teacher because in the end he is the one who will not learn and wil suffer in the future
I would be angry with them for stealing another person's intellect.
I would feel annoyed and surprised, especially if the class was on a curve.
I would probably let the professor know.
I would probably not say anything but would feel a little betrayed because that ruins the point of the test for everyone else too.
I'll assume they've always been dishonest; I won't trust them in future encounters, and I'll think that they've got no real future because you can't cheat your way through life.
If the test is graded on the performance of everyone taking it I am angered that they would jeopardize everyone else's score. Otherwise, I feel annoyed but understand that their choices are up to them and know that I am doing my honest best. So far I have never reported anyone.
If they were trying to cheat off of me, I would try to cover my paper. Otherwise, I would feel like I was in the presence of something dirty and try to stop them telepathically.
ignore it. if the person is someone who struggles a lot in class i wouldn't think bad of him. i would think someone who tries hard deserves to pass the class. if the person is only cheating to avoid doing work i would think poorly of that person. but it's still not my business.
Ignore them.
Let them deal with it, they're the one who is going to falsely receive their degree.
Look away.
My first thought is to ignore them.
The first time I would probably make sure that the person who was being cheated upon was aware of it. If it happened again I would tell the professor.
Aviso a la maestra
Continuo con mi examen, no es asunto mío
Es problema de la persona que lo está haciendo, no hago nada
Hablaría con mi compañero lo haría recapacitar, pero si posteriormente lo sigue haciendo, hablaría con el profesor.
hablaria con esa persona para hacerlo recapacitar y decirle que eso no es honesto y habla muy mal de quien es –
Le digo que no lo haga porqué se está haciendo mal a él no a los demás
Le digo que sea honesto consigo mismo
Le diría que no tiene sentido copiar, no se aprende nada de esa manera
No digo nada, los mirones son de palo.
no diria nada ya que no debo meterme en problemas que no me corresponden.
no hago nada
No me parece justo ya que tenemos que esforzarnos por nuestras metas.
pensaría mal de esa persona.
pensaria que no aprendera nada al final del curso y que ya esta bastante maduro para saber lo que hace
seguramente no estudió, se está perjudicando a si mismo
sinceramente no diría nada, y fingiría que no vi nada.
Both of us would see the other side and pretend nothing is going on. I personally have not said anything when I see somebody else cheating, but I remember feeling really sad because I did my best to get good grades and that person just had to copy some notes on a tiny paper, or to look at somebody else's work. I don't like it!
Se me hace interesante que Victor diga que se sentiria triste si el viera alguien copiando. De acuerdo a las respuestas de los chicos de Brown, varios de nosotros nos enojariamos en vez de ponernos triste. Y esta diferencia me parece que se debe a que nosotros los de Brown crecimos con la mentalidad de ser muy competitivos y no tolerar esos estudiantes tramposos. Creo que nosotros vemos el hecho de copiar desde la perspectiva de como eso me va afectar a mi. Si nosotros vemos que la persona copiando va hacer mejor que uno entonces nos molestamos porque no se nos hace justo en cuanto uno: básicamente no consideramos la posición que puede estar el que hace trampa.
Aqui es donde los chicos del Tec se distinguen. Muchos de ellos toman ese extra paso y hablan con la persona que copea y tratan de hacerlo/a recapitar. Ellos comprenden que a veces el que esta copiando se encuentra mal o tiene problemas y parece que los del Tec están dispuestos a ayudar por el bien de lo ajeno y no solamente para el beneficio de si mismo.
¿Que piensan ustedes?
En este foro las respuestas de ambas partes son muy similares. Las dos partes no dirian nada sobre alguien que este copiando y fingrian no haber visto nada. Me pregunto si esto es a falta de honestidad o a solidaridad. Creo que en cada persona esta situación daría un resultado distinto. En mi opinion copiar es algo que no deberia de ser necesario por el bien de cada uno. Creo que el copiar es recibir una calificación que no es tuya por lo tanto es algo que no mereces, te estas mintiendo a ti mismo si lo haces.
Pues la verdad me daría un poco de vergüenza o pena ajena ya que eso no esta bien visto en ninguna sociedad y creo que es lo peor que las personas pueden hacer ya que pues solo se mienten a sí mismos al no aceptar que no saben por no estudiar o poner atención ademas de que esto conlleva a malas situaciones y tener en nuestra situación alguna deshonestidad académica que no te permite llevar unos estudios limpios.
I find it interesting that so many students from TEC said that they would talk to the person cheating, whereas that never came up among the Brown students. I guess I would assume that if the person is going to cheat, they'll cheat no matter weather I talk to them or not. However, I'm now questioning weather this is true or not.
Do you think that someone who cheats on an exam would change their behavior if someone brought it to their attention, or will they continue as before, considering the fact that they probably already knew that what they were doing was wrong?
Bueno, la similaridad se mostró en que nadie haría nada, todos sabemos que es deshonesto, pero lo dejariamos para que él solo lo comprendiera y recapacitara, finalmente el mal es para él.
Cada uno se hace responsable de su acciones, pero cómo dijo Cindy en Brown se enojarían porque obviamente se verían directamente afectados y aquí en el Tec hablariamos con él, para hacerle ver nuestro punto de vista, talvez nos ignore o no haga caso a nuestros comentarios, pero al final la culpa y esa mala experiencia quedará en él, lo cual por consecuencia afectaría la imagen que tenemos de ellos.
Es interesante observar que nuestras respuestas fueron similares aunque estemos en países diferentes. Tenemos culturas, tradiciones y valores diferentes pero todos sabemos que copiar es algo malo. ¿Porque creen que nuestras respuestas fueron casi iguales en esta situación aun que estamos en países diferentes?
Although I was surprised how similar the answers were, I think we all have a certain regard for individual intellectual achievement, coming from educated backgrounds. The value we place on independent thought and creation is a product of our upbringing, which emphasized academics. Also, both institutions, el Tec and Brown, (to my knowledge), have honor codes and rules that attempt to stop cheating, conveying the message that it's not an acceptable practice, both by the institution and one's peers.
I agree with Sofia that considering where we've already gotten in our academic achievement, it makes sense that we aren't preoccupied with cheaters' habits. When I say that, I mean that it honestly doesn't matter how other students behave when really it won't affect our strive to succeed.
That said, we all have heard stories of that token cheater who gets into an awesome college. There's a girl from my high school who would cheat off all of my Spanish tests, but now she's at Notre Dame (a very selective university in Indiana), probably doing the same thing. I also know students who try very hard in school who didn't get into Notre Dame. This is the kind of system that angers me, but I think stories like this are highly rare.
I agree with Sonia that the Brown students and Tec students have similar answers because of our backgrounds. We all go to rigorous schools, showing that we all truly value education.
But what some students have touched upon is the idea of the "process" versus the "result." Yes, the student at Benjamin's school cheated off of his test and got the desired result: entrance to an elite college; however, throw that student into a Spanish-speaking country, and she'll have no idea what she's doing. It's easy forget that education is not something completely apart from the real world. As much as we live in a bubble, education, especially a college education, is about preparing us for what's outside this bubble. Our grade point averages may have an effect on our first jobs, but beyond that success in the workplace is about connections and hard work. If you establish yourself as a cheater and get used to copying others' answers, you will have few connections (because people will dislike you) and you will not be hard working (because you're so used to laziness.)
Finally, the problem in cheating lies in the fact that it can only get you so far. Let's say you cheat your way into a high level class, then cheat your way into an elite college and finally cheat your way into a prestigious job. Where do you go from there? How fulfilling is such a life?
I agree with Nora's point, that there's a certain point where one stops to think and reevaluate his/her life, and finds that he/she hasn't earned the position that they're in. It's not an easy reality to face, and it can ultimately lead to said cheater's downfall.
That being said, I'm gonna play devil's advocate and throw into the mix the idea that maybe cheating academically isn't the equivalent of dishonesty in other aspects of life, and knowing how to play the system to one's advantage, by whatever means they find necessary, can benefit the individual greatly. They may not have any respect from the intellectual community but they're highly successful, so who gives?
I think we're talking more about academic dishonesty, however, which will have detrimental effects in one's future when they're truly incapable of independent thought, work, achievement.
yo no lo acusaria ya que eso se me haria mala onda y me sentiria muy chismosa, aparte el debe hacerse responsable de sus actos y si lo ven ya recibiria su castigo, tampoco diria nada ya que no es asunto mio o que el esta haciendo y no debo meterme en cosas de otros, pero no dejaria que copiara de mi examen ya que no esta bien y aparte me podria meter en grandes problemas por dejar que me copiara.
I kind of agree with Sofia's devil-advocated "who gives?" Maybe I'm baised, having gone to a charter (basically public) school, but it just really doesn't bother me. In every class there would be at least three people copying homework at the last minute, and during tests there would always be people psst'ing from across the room. I didn't let anyone do it to me, but as an observer it really didn't bother me, maybe because I usually knew the people. The system rewards innate intelligence and inheretted privilege, not hard work. So, while Benjamin's situation probably would get me mad, small, isolated acts of cheating wouldn't. And, usually the people that cheated on tests in my school were only able to cheat their way from a D to a C.
Funny story: In 9th grade biology, the teacher found an answer sheet to the test he gave the day before in the parking lot. By the time he gave us his serious 'no cheating' talk, we all, including the teacher, knew who cheated. So, it was already hard not to laugh. And then he said "the stupid thing is, these answers aren't even right. 5/12 are wrong." Needless to say, everyone cracked up.
Esto va para la pregunta de Yoali: pienso que existe semejanzas entre los dos grupos de estudiantes por que la idea de copiar o hacer trampa, me imagino, se encuentra en casi todos los salones del mundo. La tentación de copiar no discrimina cultura ni lenguaje. Aunque uno no quiera bajarse a ese nivel de copiar, tal vez nuestros compañeros cometen el acto de copiar y cuando ellos reciben una mejor nota que los que honestamente se lo merecen salen a la superficie sentimientos de frustración y enojo. Y ya estamos a una edad donde la mayoría de nosotros sabemos que copiar no es la manera de hacer nuestro trabajo académico. Por lo menos yo he visto como los que copean tienen que sufrir las consecuencias. Y por eso copear no solamente afecta a la clase (promedio) pero tambíen afecta al individuo.
Looking from the point of view of the school system, it seems that our focus on testing encourages cheating. Instead of rewarding learning, we tell students that if they only pass these tests they can be successful. They end up focusing more on numbers than concepts, grades rather than knowledge. I'm not trying to justify cheating, just to paint the context in which it occurs.
In reference to some of the Tec students writing that they would talk to the person cheating, that sounds like a very honorable thing to do, especially when compared with the usual answer of "ignore it". However, like Inga suggested, I think it would be difficult to change someone's mind. Unless they were willing to have you help them study, the conversation would be useless.
To Diana:
The point that you made about the negative image that other students have of a cheater applies to schools that I have attended here, too. Usually, the rest of the class becomes angry when they know someone is cheating because they must do their honest best. Also, I would imagine that the more common form of cheating in U.S. colleges is student from student, rather than a student somehow finding answers to a test and writing them on a sheet of paper or his/her hand. I feel that most top-level schools make it very difficult for students to to obtain answers internally in this manner. How does cheating play out in schools near you or ones that you have attended?
Las respuestas aquí son muy parecidas, en ambos lados creemos que el copiar es problema y responsabilidad del que lo está haciendo, son muy pocas las respuestas en las que dice que denunciarían a esa persona con un profesor o hablarían con ella para intentar hacerla entrar en razón.
Las respuestas fueron muy similares, ya que tanto los estudiantes de Brown y los del Tec sabemos que copiar es malo. Las dos culturas difieren mucho pero en esto de la deshonestidad las dos culturas concordamos en lo mismo. Ambos sabemos que esto te lleva consecuencias, y si no son en ese momento las verás en el futuro. Pero la pregunta es, si nos sentimos tristes y enojados, ¿porque no decir lo que vimos o lo que sentimos?
Bueno Andrew, respondiendo a tu pregunta, lo que yo he podido notar es que como tu dices, la forma más común de copiar es de estudiante a estudiante, pero pues obviamente existen otras formas y si se pueden llegar a observar, como puede ser de un medio electronico o con algunos apuntes, pero de verdad creo que la imagen que tenemos de esas personas se ven grandemente afectada, y pues es exactamente como cuando te caes: puedes levantarte pero no puedes caminar como antes, así que apesar de que puedas seguir tratando con esas personas, ya no existirá la misma confianza!
Creo que todos sabemos que copiar es malo y muchas veces no hacemos nada porque no creemos que es nuestro problema, pero también en el fondo sabemos que si es nuestro problema porque muchos de los fraudes y problemas comienzan con cosas pequeñitas y si nadie las detiene pues irán creciendo hasta convertirse en un problema muy grave en nuestra sociedad.
Tienes mucha razón, la corrupción empieza con nosotros y es por eso mejor denunciar y sólo así podrmeos mejorar la condición
Yo creo que nuestras respuestas fueron muy similares porque somos adolescentes y eso de copiar no influye directamente en la situacion del pais, y pues copiar en un examen no esta bien porque quiere decir que la persona no se preparo para el examen y pues tendra sus razones. Si yo veo a alguien copiar continuo con mi prueba ya que ese no es asunto mio y alomejor al finalizar el examen hablo con esa persona.