A good job is ...

Un bon emploi est ...

a job that relates to one's expertise, is interesting, has decent salary.

Always have new challenges; work with a group of smart people; the outcome is meaningful or useful in the area.

both something one is passionate about, and one that provides wealth and security without creating too much stress.


difficult, but fun.

fulfilling, challenging, worthwhile

fun, easy, pays well

fun, exciting, and pays well.

fun, rewarding, pays well.

interesting and challenging.

interesting and challenging.

is one whose work & environment you enjoy, and is accompanied by a satisfying salary.

one that excites you,
one that lets you make enough money,
very important

one that is enjoyable to the person, but is also worthy and productive.

one that pays well, one with freedom.

One that you enjoy and is able to provide for you and your family.

one that you enjoy doing.

one that you enjoy, that pays well.

one that you would do if you were not paid to do it. Then you will like it regardless and will not mind the down times.

satisfying, fulfilling, challenging

something that gives enough time at home, super-interesting, brings money, and flexible enough.

something you are passionate about and don't mind working on for 50 hours a week.

well paying, flexible and enjoyable

well-paying, secure, fun

when one is proud of the quality of the end product.

bien payé et intéressant.

bien payé, diversifié, dynamique

bien payé, intéressant, non répétitif,

bien rémunéré, plaisant, un lieu agréable

intéressant, bien payé, dans une bonne ambiance

intéressant, bien payé, pas envahissant

intéressant, utile, bien payé

passionnant, motivant, bien rémunéré

passionnant, non-répétitif, bien payé

passionnant, proche du domicile, bien rémunéré.

stable, adapté au reste de ta vie, non routinier

stable, agréable, suffisamment rémunéré.

stable, présentant de grandes possibilités d'évolution, épanouissant et bien rémunéré.

un emploi au sein duquel on s'accomplit.

un emploi auquel on va avec le sourire, qui est passionnant et qui rapporte de l'argent.

un emploi intéressant, éthique, valorisant socialement et pécunièrement.

un emploi pas forcément stable, mais qui rapporte et permet de s'épanouir.

un emploi que l'on aime, dans lequel on s'investit sans contraintes en s'épanouissant.

un emploi que l'on aime, mais qui ne paie pas forcément,

un emploi qui plait, qui est intéressant et qui rapporte beaucoup d'argent.


Je remarque que vos réponses et les notres sont quasiment les mêmes. C'est surtout le fait de ne pas s'ennuyer au travail qui à l'air important pour tout le monde mais aussi le fait que le job soit bien payé.Personne n'a mentionné la localisation géographique du lieu de travail ce qui me semble aussi important dans le choix d'un "bon emploi"

Effectivement ce n'est pas surprenant, nous avons tous globalement les mêmes attentes concernant nos futurs emplois.

Cependant, il semble que les étudiants du MIT semblent préférer le défi et le challenge constant, alors que les étudiants de l'ENSAM vont plutôt citer la mobilité et la non répétitivité du job.

Un mélange des deux ne serait-il pas la solution optimale ?

Je voulais savoir combien gagne par an en générale un étudiant qui sort du MIT?

I also found that both sets of students had similar answers, as most people wanted a good paying job that they enjoyed.  After these two qualities, one difference I did notice is that some American students were looking for a job that would be "difficult" or "challenging", while French were happy with a job that was non-repetitive and fits into the rest of their lives. 


In the opinion of the French students, does this reflect the way the two cultures approach work and pleasure?  In other words, for many Americans their work is their life so it is important to having a job that is challenging and that is intellectually rewarding, while the French seem to value a more balanced lifestyle and therefore these qualities may not be as important for a job.  What are your thoughts?

I noticed the same things as well: American students are looking for a "challenging" job while French students are content with a non-repetitive job close to home.

I think that this might relate to the difference between how Americans and the French view a "good" student. To Americans, a "good" student is mainly associated with a person who gets good grades whereas the French view a "good" student as someone who can find a balance between academics and a social life. By extension, more Americans are thus interested in a "challenging" job, upholding the idea that academics are most important, while the French want to strike a balance between their job and their life outside of work just as they have done during their school years.

Oh, this is for Hugo. According to a salary survey done by MIT's Career Development Center in 2005 (I couldn't find a more recent one), the average yearly salaries for each type of degree are as follows:

Bachelors: $59,484   Masters: $74,625  Doctoral: $86,376


Question: In France, at what age do most people begin working as well as starting a family?


I agree with Marc that a combination of the American and French responses describes a good job. To me, jobs that are challenging and jobs that are non-repetitive are not mutually exclusive. I want my job to be challenging in the sense that it requires thought. A job that isn't challenging would probably become perfunctory very quickly, and I'd end up doing the same thing every day. I want my job to be challenging enough to be interesting, but not so challenging that I feel as if I'm constantly competing with everyone.

What kind of benefits do French employers provide their workers? I've heard that you get a lot of vacation time. Are health, insurance, or retirement benefits important for a good job?

The emphasis that the french responses to different forums seem to place on jobs make me wonder: how difficult is it to find a job in france? Or, I guess the more accurate question would be, how difficult is it to find a "good" job (based on our responses, I guess)? It seems that in France, students start preparing for jobs (or at least thinking about them) before most people here do. For example, most people here are focused on being students, and many people don't know what they're doing (job, grad school, etc) when they graduate until senior year. Is this the same for the French?

Many people I know are taking the academic track: phd-> post-doc-> professor. They probably do not need to worry about jobs in college. Many students in MIT do the undergraduate research opportunity program. That usually arouses students' interests in doing research and solving real-world problems, which are both very challenging, but fun. Even though the problems are hard to solve, it is more rewarding to solve them.Jobs should be challenging in the same sense. It's always exciting to see new things, instead of repeated work.

How many students in engineering schools in France are there planning to get a phD? Is the number higher in cerntain majors?

Is it common for French students to get involved in Internships during the summer? Many MIT students find jobs in various companies or take up research opportunities to better prepare them for a permanent position after graduating from college.

Il est vrai que le challenge est important, voir indispensable, mais peut être allons nous lui préférer l'équilibre. En fait votre challenge et notre non répétitivité ont le meme role : échapper à l'ennui pour toujours s'épanouir dans son job. La forme diffère mais le fond reste le meme.

Pour répondre aux quelques questiions posées : en France la majorité des BAC+5 (cinq années d'étude) commencenet à travailler vers 23 ans. Cependant il ne s'agit la que des étudiants ! J'imagine que la moyenne nationale doit être dans les 18 ans. Construire sa famille vient généralement après mais c'est très variable.

Il y a peu de doctorant dans les écoles d'ingénieurs en France. Les doctorats sont plus fréquents dans les université.

Enfin, il est très courant (obligatoire) d'effectuer des stages pendant les vacances d'été. Ils permettent de s'introduire dans le monde du travail et de confirmer (ou infirmer) des choix concernant notre avenir. Nous devons notament en faire un de 3 ou 6 mois cette année, à partir du moi de Juin.

I found it interesting that more French students than American students though a good job is one that pays well. Is getting a large summary something that people really strive for? In America, I think this is the case, but in Russia, for example, someone who just wants to make a lot of money is considered a "careerist," which has a bad connotation.

In response to Marc's answers, is it common for student's to come to the US to do doctoral research?  I have met a few PhD students here at MIT from France, and a few PostDoc's as well.  Is it an aspiration for many to come to America to study?  Maybe for those who would like to be professors?

Do you have to have a PhD (or equivalent, ScD or MD) to be a professor in a French university?  In the US this is a requirement for any technical field (Science, engineering, medicine).
