

Accomplishment, hard work, ability

achievements, happy, overcoming obstacles, wealthy

ambition, happiness, hard work

CEO, famous, authority

famous, rich, happy

glory, worry, different, future

goal, money, fame, pride

happiness, contentment, passion

happiness, financial security, family

happiness, goals, fulfilled

happiness, hard work,

happiness, health, wealth, wisdom

happiness, realization, freedom

Happiness, Work, Effort

happy, network, money, position

happy, productive, win

Money, Education, Career

money, happiness, fortune

money, power, fame

money, power, family, love

near, difficult, lonely

Not measured in dollars

personal fulfillment, satisfaction

relative, oppressive, unrealisitic

stable, happiness, job

wealth, recognition, status

well-known, promising, hard-working

argent, famille, travail, équilibre

argent, heureux, valorisation

école, travail, argent, amour

éducation, travail, chance

équilibre, très personnel, bonheur

bonheur, développement, utilité

bonheur, succès, accomplis

intellectuelle, familiale, économique

investissement, épanouissement

liberté, argent, bonheur

opportunités, détermination, succès

Organisation, études, bonheur

partage, richesse, content

profession, famille, bonheur

Richesse, famille, image

sociale, bonheur, effort

travail, étude, chance

travail, chance, relations

travail, mérite, relations

travail, succès, récompense


It's interesting that many French students feel that having a family is an indicator of success, which was rarely thought of by the American students!

Yeah, another popular answer for American students was also fame, which was not even mentioned once by French students.

What role does media play in French society? That is, do people often look to media stars as successful?

I also noticed that American students tend to view success as something to be achieved; money, power, fame, and thoes types of things.  However, the French students seemed to view it as something to be earned; travail, etude, education, merite.  It seems to be a subtle difference where Americans focus on where they are going, and the French focus on how they are going to get there.

Do you agree?  Do the French see success as something to be earned? Or is it something you can achieve?

Je rebondis sur le coté célébrité: Je pense qu'en France on utilise moins les exemples, les stars même si bien sur il y en a.Je me trompe peut etre mais cela correspond en partie au reve américain.

Le coté famille et non célébrité résume la différence entre succes collectif ou succes par soi meme ! En fait sur le terrain, on veut un peu les deux ! A t on réussi dans la vie une fois pour toute ou doit t on continuer à reussir? euh...un peu des deux car même le coté fonder une famille + boulot correspont à une partie de la vie : on pourrait ainsi "juger" si à 30 ans on a réussi ou non sa vie ?? En tout cas, achieved sous entend c'est fait, en un instant c'est décidé alors que earned sous entend un effort ca, oui je pense que c'est un notion des mots "réussir sa vie".

The most common word for both American and French students was happiness (bonheur).  Success is clearly a positive thing for both, but Jon is correct - the method seems different.  For us, it seems like "glory, power, and money" are high on the list.  For the French students, "work, family, and education" were the most frequent words.

For MIT students:  Why do think we place so much emphasis on the materialistic view of success?

For Lille students:  Is having a family of your own (getting married, having kids) a measure of succes, or is it simply being family-oriented with your own parents, siblings, etc.?

Bonjour Tina,

   Je pense que pour les français quand on parle de réussite en évoquant la famille, on parle bien être marié et d'avoir des enfants.Ceci vient du passé, une famille devait marier ces enfants avec une famille de même classe sociale dans le but d'agrandir la richesse global de la famille (c'était une réussite).Maintenant il n'y a plus les problèmes de classe mais le coté réussite par le mariage est resté.

Est-ce que fonder une famille c'est une réussite pour vous ou une banalité?


Bonjour Hugo!


Thanks for answering my questions!

For me personally, I would certainly consider it a type of success to have a family of my own one day, and I intend to do so. As for Americans in general, I'm not sure most of them put "have a family" at the top of their list of things that will make them feel successful.