a good citizen is....
un bon citoyen c'est....
a citizen of the world. a global thinker. someone who cares about the people not just within their city or country's borders but outside them as well. someone who cares about living things and the environment and the greater good of the world. peaceful.
always watching out for opertunities to help others.
educated, kind, thinks for his or herself, gives back to the community, respects others, and votes in elections.
one who cares for the needs of his/her fellow citizens
socially conscious and respectful of others and their community.
somebody who contributes to the society in terms of wealth, ideas, knowledge.
someone who is well informed, who shares their experiences and intelligence
someone who looks out for everyone else.
someone who looks out for their country and the people in it.
celui qui respecte les lois
pas moi.
quelqu'un qui aide ceux dans le besoin.
quelqu'un qui respecte la loi
quelqu'un qui respecte les lois, mais qui sait aussi les critiquées. C'est aussi quelqu'un qui va voter.
quelqu'un qui va voter
quelqu'un qui va voter
Un citoyen qui va voter, qui est au courant de l'actualité, un citoyen qui réfléchi (relativement) indépendamment de l'influence des médias.
un citoyen qui vote, solidaire, critique.
un individu qui respecte autrui, les lois, l'environnement...
I agree with the French responses. Voting is something that is important for citizens, but I think that educated voting is ideal so not just voting but being educated about what you are voting for.