You find out that your best friend has been lying to you about something that is important to you...

Vous découvrez que votre meilleur/e ami/e vous ment à propos de quelque chose qui vous tient a coeur...

I ask them why they did it and then I distance myself.

i feel hurt, but they are my best friend so i have to forgive them.

I would ask them why they had lied, and if there wasn't a good reason for it, I would probably be upset with them until they apologized.

I would be hurt, and confront my friend about it. I would ask why they felt they needed to lie but I would not end our friendship but it would be damaged

I would be shocked, hurt, and discontinue all contact with said "best friend".

I would talk to them about it and try and find out why they weren't telling you.

tell him that he's a douche and he should have told me

Well GEEZ... I hope they have a good reason.

ce sera dure de se racheter

il m'a déçu, mais il reste mon meilleur ami et on s'explique

j'en parle avec lui

Je cherche à savoir pourquoi elle m'a menti.

Je lui demande pourquoi elle ment, je réagis en fonction de sa réponse.

Je lui demande se s'expliquer, si ses raisons sont cohérente et qu'il s'excuse je lui pardonne, sinon je l'oublie.

Je m'explique avec, et après à voir.

Je ne sais vraiment pas ce que je ferais.

Je suis très déçue mais je pardonnes.

On a tous des secrets, mais je cherche quand même à savoir pourquoi il/elle ment (manque de confiance...)


The consensus seems to be ask them why they did such a thing. 

Why WOULDN'T you ask them?  After all, it's something important to you and you TRUST your friend, and they've broken a part of that trust.  Wouldn't you be curious to know why?