

america, speech, forefathers

eagle, slavery, flying

Good up to a point, America.

human rights, independence, justice

inalienable right, liberated, democratic

Liberty, America, Statue of Liberty

respect, responsibility, free

rights, America, choice

rights, guantanomo, escape, jail

égalité, fondement, fragile

évasion, bonheur, responsabilité

Bonheur, responsabilité, égalité

choix penser devise française

choix, poème (Paul Eluard), égalité, fraternité

Droit, Choix, d'expression

Droits de l'homme, Absence de contraintes

expression, vote, démocratie


heureux, pas de pression, pas de containtes


Many Americans wrote "America", while only one French person wrote "francaise". The notion that America is a free country is pounded into most of our heads when we are young, is that not the case in France?

Other than that, the responses are very similar.  

I think we have similar ideas about freedom. I had no idea who Paul Eluard was, though. Is he a common association with freedom, or did you study him in school? I read Liberte, it's a very interesting poem.

Yeah i agree with Anna.  Up to this point there have been alot of associations with the americans and America.  It seems like we either just have a much stronger sense of nationalism or we are brain-washed.

Yeah, we clearly associate freedom more strongly with America.

Also, we mentioned many times that freedom was our right, while the French students emphasized that freedom means choice.  It's interesting that they defined freedom while we just made it clear that everyone should have freedom.

I see the American responses indicate Freedom is seen more as a right that is explicitly guaranteed by the constitution. And within it a sense of patriotism.

The French students seems to be only talking about what Freedom entails, and less about national identity pertaining to France

Paul Eluard a effectivement écrit "Liberté", un poème que j'ai étudié quand j'étais plus jeune et qui m'a toujours attiré.


la liberté est le choix de choisir , mais pour les français la liberté est synonime de l'égalité fraternité et egalité

Pour moi la Liberté se définit surtout pas le fait qu'on ait le droit de choisir. Ce sont nos choix qui définissent notre état de liberté. Cependant de mauvaix choix peuvent entrainer un restriction de notre liberté en allant en prison notemment, ou d'autres conséquences, mais on a été libre de faire notre choix initial.

En lisant les reponses des deux écoles je remarque que beaucoup parle des institutions et de choses plus conceptuelles. 

Pensez vous que la liberté a le même sens dans nos deux pays ?

bonjour. je voudrais répondre Anna. il est vraie que les élèves francais n'ont pas fais réference à la france car nous ne somme pas autant attaché a la france que vous l' êtes a l'amerique. peut de jeunes francais sont patriote, on vie juste en france .Mais pour vous est ce que l'amerique est elle vraiment synonyme de liberté?


I guess if we actually evaluated the country as a whole, "America" would not necessarily equal "freedom," but compared to many other countries around the world (although probably not the Western ones) we do have a lot of freedom. It's just something we are taught at a very young age: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Religion, etc. Whether or not these freedoms are followed, we are taught and told to believe that they are the foundation of our country.