

9 to 5, desk job, unhappy

Annoying, hard, good for you.

boring, time-consuming, tedious, paycheck

computer, suit, minimum wage

Job, Money, Family

money, college, job, company

money, time, stress

school, job, pay, money

stressful, busy, meetings, business- casual

argent plaisant interessant

avenir, ambition, dur

école, argent

gain, bonheur, dur


Investissement personnel, plaisir, formation

métier, ce que l'on aime, contraignant

nécessaire pour vivre, stress, chômage, suicide

pénible, plaisir, réfléchir

Salaire, Bénévolat, Passion


Wow. These are really surprising. The "Work" responses are extremely negative, while "Travial" indicate that it is a place of happiness and fun. In America we see work as something you do to get money to raise the family and have fun, not as fun itself.

When we're young, teachers tell us we can be whatever we want when we grow up, but this isn't really the case. Instead we just work to get money, even if it makes us miserable.

I completely agree with Anna. 

I think all of us said that work is boring, but it's a way to get money.

Some French responses said work was tiring, but most said it's pleasurable.

I think that it is very interesting that even we, fairly priviledged teens, see work as something to dread. I wonder why this is. Maybe it is just the state of this area right now and the extraordinary unemployment rates that make us so cynical.

This is not really on topic. Do you look forward to working? Do you anticipate having a job that you enjoy doing? I'm just wondering how you feel about your future.

I feel like there is a joy that the French take in their jobs that Americans don't have. They look forward to climbing up the ladder to success, whereas Americans just see jobs as boring and a way to get money (6 of the American responses deal with money, whereas only 1 of the french answers mention money)

Je pense que nous choisissons notre métier en fonction de ce que nous pensons du travail. En France, les profs et nos parents nous poussent à faire des études qui nous plaisent car nous aurons plus de chance de réussir que si nous ne le faisons que pour gagner plus tard de l'argent. Mais nous ne sommes pas si heureux que ça d'aller travailler et nous avons surement une vision très idéaliste du travail car nous sommes encore au lycée et qu'être étudiant c'est la belle vie! Du travail mais avec beaucoup moins de responsabilités et de problèmes.
