The French seem to be obsessed with ...
Les Français semblent obsédés par ...
...I don't know what they are obsessed with.
a good quality of life.
cafes, sarkozy, having awesome healthcare
food, art, pleasure,
getting what they want, fairness regardless of economic status.
Keeping traditions and complain about the world
long meals, good food, chilling
making sure everyone is equal.
nothing in particular.
politics and individuality.
strikes and protests.
the politics. Helping the Greeks and the Italians doing the wrong reforms.
their own culture.
their own language and culture,
their president.
wine, drinking, pleasure, indulgence.
l'age légal de la retraite et de leurs jours de congés.
les intérêts personnels.
la crise économique.
la cuisine.
la fête.
la gastronomie et les partis politiques.
la gastronomie, l'alimentation, leur bien-être, les vacances.
la liberté d'expression et des pensées.
la liberté,les droits et l'insatisfaction.
la météo.
la mode
La sécurité économique.
le football, l'alcool et le fromage.
le temps de travail, les droits, la nourriture.
les femmes et les fêtes
les revendications.
les vacances et les Américains.
One of the topics that came up a lot was politics. Are politics very important to you personally?
I feel that for the French, because they live in France, they don't really see France as "luxurious" or "cultured" as the Americans do because the French live there while it is a luxury of sorts for Americans even to go there. I think that is why Americans also remark the great culture that France has while French wouldn't notice because it's what they live with every day. So are you happy with the French culture? If there was one thing you would change what would it be?
@Frances Chen
Nous ne sommes pas obsédés par la politique et, par extension, des politiciens qui ne font que décevoir par leurs actions (ou leurs manques d'action). Cela ne signifie pas que nous ne suivons pas la politique, mais ce n'est pas ce qu'on apprécie le mieux.
De mon point de vue, la politique est importante et il est dommage qu'elle soit gâchée par l'incompétence de nos dirigeants.
@amy du
Il est vrai que nous vivons dans un pays avec une importante culture, que ce soit gastronomiquement (fromages, vins, etc), historiquement (grottes, châteaux, monuments, etc) ou autres. Et nous en sommes très fière.
Néanmoins, le fait d'être né en France ne nous fait pas rendre compte de la chance que nous avons d'avoir une telle culture. En tout cas, cela ne se traduit pas dans nos obsessions (excepté la nourriture). En général, c'est du point de vue de l'étranger que notre culture intéresse le plus.
Some of the responses on the French side were very interesting to see. I'm surprised though, to see Americans as a response. Do you agree with this answer? and do you think this response was put down because the French are starting to pick up from American culture?
You suggest that food is perhaps the most important aspects of French culture. Would you say that this belief is shared among the French in general or is this a personal belief? Also, why do you think food in France is so much more important to the French than culterual things like art or history or language?
What I mean was that it seems that the French talk about politics more openly and more often. I understand that it is important to stay informed about the current events of our government. In America, talking about politics is often something that people avoid discussing in public or even with friends. This goes along with American's preoccupation with "political correctness". Is this the case in France?
En France, il est normal de parler politique, mais seulement avec les personnes que ça intéresse. Parce que bien sur, il y a des personnes qui ne s'intéressent pas à la politique et qui trouve cela rébarbatif.
Je pense que ce que Julien voulait dire c'est qu'en France on aime bien manger. L'histoire de France est bien évidemment intéressante, mais elle ne fait pas parti de notre quotidien contrairement à la nourriture. Après, c'est vrai que chacun pense différemment.
@ Romain. Hmmm What do you think the most interesting part of French culture is? Is it the food or the other things such as language and History?
My hypothesis about why Americans thought the French talk a lot about politics is that for the French, talking about politics is everyday life, and that for Americans it's surprising enough for them to notice as it's one of Mark Twain's 3 social faux pas: According to him, Religion, Politics, and Sex are topics best avoided.
Selon moi il y a deux choses à retenir de la France. Elle est la première nation d'Europe en grève et revendications et sa gastronomie est trés réputée. Et celà apparaît largement sur les réponses données par les deux côtés.
@ ami du
Du point de vue du français, ce qu'il préfère le plus de sa culture est sa gastronomie. Le reste nous intéresse occasionnellement, comme par exemple les monuments, mais cela ne signifie pas que nous nous y intéressons pas. Du point de vue de l'étranger, cela peut-être différent.
En tout cas, il n'y a pas réellement de niveaux d'importance dans notre culture, c'est juste que la nourriture nous "obsède" plus que le reste. Rien ne vaut un bon fois gras ou un excellent magret de canard.
Out of curiosity, do you cook for yourselves? What type of foods do you eat on a normal day?
I noticed that in another forum that the French think Americans are obsessed with fast food. From personal experience, at MIT, I do not know many students who cook for themselves. Usually, they buy food from our dining halls or order food from restaurants. Maybe that is why Americans are not very interested in food as much as the French are. That being said, when you say that food is a part of everyday life, do you eat the foods that the French are known for (for example, fois gras, magret de canard) on a daily basis?
hahahaha @ Julien
Hmmm. Well I also noticed that French are supposedly obsessed with girls and parties. Can you elaborate? Is this true (only one person said it but is it what you all think)? Why is this the cae do you think? hahahahah
hahahaha @ Julien
Hmmm. Well I also noticed that French are supposedly obsessed with girls and parties. Can you elaborate? Is this true (only one person said it but is it what you all think)? Why is this the cae do you think? hahahahah
What is your favorite dish, Julien? I had fond memories of enjoying raclette with friends when I visited a while ago.
I find it interesting that there still seems to be somewhat of an idealized view of France and what th French think with themselves. Freedom, food, wine, culture--on both sides, more or less. Some of the American students have identified a bit of francophone elitism. But, nonetheless, there is relatively fewer words which would desribe French obsessions with negative things (when compared with what the Americans are obsessed with).