What the US needs most ...
Ce dont les Etats-Unis ont le plus besoin ...
...is more free time and fun for its citizens.
a more reasonable outlook on what government's responsibilities are.
are jobs and infrastructure.
better healthcare, less religion, more openmindedness
better policy making process.
chill out.
compassionate community.
government changes, re-evaluation of what is important in life, spirit
is a government that can represent the interests of their large, diverse nation.
is an altered government.
is better health care.
is to get out of debt.
is a solution to help the lower class.
is education and cultural "exposure" for everyone in all parts of the country, and for people to think about politics and voting rather than following what some leader or allegiance tells them to think.
is some new economical advice :), as repetitive as it sounds, people need to be more responsible.
is some perspective.
is a socialist government.
is oil.
is a good education system.
Is that capitalism is not perfect, is the best of the worst...
is to stop fighting other peoples wars.
is to stop trying to be the world's only superpower.
is to take a deep breath.
people willing to make change happen, helpful and concerned citizens.
reforms to make education, health care and food cheaper instead of giving tax money to the military, to chill and enjoy life, good coffee places!!!, education about the world outside of US
strong leadership who can make difficult decisions.
c'est d'une nouvelle équipe de foot.
c'est d'une sécurité sociale.
c'est d'enlever le droit de port d'arme.
c'est de réduire leur consommation en général.
c'est quelque chose que j'ignore.
d'arrêter les OGM, de mieux se nourrir, de moins polluer, de lutter contre la société de consommation
d'interdire le port des armes à feu.
de beaucoup d'humilité dans certains cas.
de plus de démocratie.
de venir voir comme la France est belle !
est de développer des relations pacifistes.
et de ne plus être les justiciers du monde.
est plus d'ouverture envers les pays des autres continents.
est un meilleur système de santé.
est une restructuration de son capitalisme.
ne pas se préoccuper des affaires des autres
respecter les faibles, les aider et non pas les contrôler.
une politique de redistribution conséquente, moins d'individualisme, avoir une bonne image dans le monde arabe.
I do not disagree that Americans are large consumers. I was wondering what things you observe in American culture that demonstrate to you that we need to reduce consumption.
Juliann, from a European point of view: SUVs?
For our French friends: what problems in the US do you believe to be actually fixable?
Les americains ont besoin d'améliorer le système de la sécurité sociale et de la santé. De plus, ils doivent dépasser l'individualisme et opter pour un système plutôt solidaire.
@Juliann :
Je suis d'accord que la réduction de la consommation est une chose bénéfique ne serait ce que pour l'écologie. Mais ne penses-tu pas qu'une réduction de la consommation nuirait à l'économie américaine? Car l'un des piliers fondamentales de l'économie Américaines est la consommation(Comme dans la majorité des pays d'ailleurs).
Je ne pense pas qu'il y a de problème facile à régler pour les USA : Derrière chaque problème il y a des intérêts et derrière chaque intérêt il y a des lobbies pour le défendre.
I think both parties hit on the idea that Americans should stop being what some people call "the international police". The Americans tend to phrase it as not fighting other peoples wars and the French phrase tend to phrase it as bullying weaker peoples. I'm interested in this discrepency. How do French people generally view America's global political involvement? Is it gererally a negative feeling or a positive feeling?
In line with what Amy said, does it seem as though the views in France toward America with respect to "the international police" have changed since President Obama has been elected?
A slight interjection here: I was completely taken by surprise by how similar most of the French and American responses were. I would have expected more different points of view between the citizens of a country and those viewing it from the outside. Why do you think that students in America and in France see so many of the same problems in the United States?
En fait, si on a tendance à parler de "la police du monde", c'est parce qu'on nous a parlé de ça en cours. Mais c'est juste une constatation, je ne pense pas que ce soit péjoratif.
I just saw the answers for that question and I was very surprised that many answers involve the government and politics in general. Do you really think that America needs the most changes in this direction?
I think that what America needs is constantly evolving. So many people have problems with our government and health care and social security because it is difficult to form a system that pleases everybody, so we are constantly working to improve them.
@Juliann Lajoie
je suis d'accord avec toi Juliann, mais je pense que c'est le rôle du gouvernement "ou politiciens" d'améliorer les systèmes de soins médicaux et de la sécurité sociale.