A good education…
Une bonne éducation...
- A good education accommodates to the individual student. The student is able to have access to all resources to assure their success. A quality education consists of well-rounded classes and passionate teachers.
- A good education is dependent on well educated and qualified teachers.
- A good education is one that helps you become a better person
- A good education means reading historical and contemporary books about a variety of subjects and learning to think, read and write critically about modern issues.
- allows for specialization, while still providing a broad range of topics to choose from
- can come in many different forms.
- consists of close relationships with professors, interesting subjects that excite students, and ample resources required to effectively teach.
- First and foremost, a good education should teach people how to think for themselves and not simply adopt and then parrot the views of others. Essential to a good education is the need to include history, cultural experiences, and views that fall outside the mainstream. For example, a good education in America cannot simply portray the history of European conquerors as being normative. It must also portray the history and experiences of indigenous peoples, African slaves, and other people of color.
- is important regardless of whether or not it will get you a good job.
- is important to me, can open doors for people in the United States.
- is one that challenges you to consider different views/opinions than your own.
- is one that fosters holistic learning.
- is power. e.g with a good education, you can become anything you choose.
- is the key to understanding those who are different than us.
- is the right of every person on the planet and essential to a civilized society. , An educated population serves and enriches the community as a whole., A good education is not only learning a skill - how to make a living -but learning how to live also., A good education gives a person skills in mathematics and the sciences, an appreciation for the arts and literature, and an understanding of other cultures.
- Learning multiple facets of education/ Acquiring Social skills/ Being better prepared for the future
- means questioning what is presented as factual and truthful
- produces a well-rounded person, teaches life-skills.
- requires a challenge of intellectual capabilities and provides avenues to explore talent, interests, and skills that a student wants to progress.
- Requires a well-rounded curriculum, where cooking and woodworking sit side by side with mathematics and computer science.
- Requires dedication on the part of the student, motivation and patience on the part of the teacher, and a constant comparison and attachment between concepts taught in the classroom and issues occurring in the wider world.
- should include courses in varied fields including the humanities, the sciences and the arts. Education should also include development of values and finding ways in which to make positive contributions to the world.
- Stimulates higher economy
- teaches all equitably, applies to reality, focuses on shaping a posterity for both what is real and what can be.
- teaches critical thinking and questioning.
- teaches you how to question and think critically.
- think independently and critically
- avec de la politesse et du sérieux
- c'est aider les personnes en difficulté sans qu'elles n'aient rien demandé.
- c'est avoir reçu l'amour de ses parents tout en ayant appris à se débrouiller seul.
- c'est quand on arrive a avoir 31 points de réussite au permis de conduire.
- c'est respecter : pour moi le respect est une valeur fondamentale au XXIème siècle : avec des frontières ouvertes nous nous devons d'être ouvert d'esprit, par conséquent respecter autrui, s'ouvrir a de nouvelles cultures..
- c'est savoir respecter les autres personnes qui nous entourent.
- c'est se respecter les uns les autres
- c'est transmettre le respect des règles et des personnes
- C'est une bonne communication entre les parents et l'enfant.
- c'est être poli, respectueux
- comprends des notions dans tous les domaines, pour avoir de la culture générale, et est gratuite et accessible pour tout le monde.
- consiste à mettre en pratique les théories enseignées en cours.
- devient de plus en plus rare
est important. - doit enseigner l'amour, l'altruisme et la modestie.
- Doit inspirer les élèves à être curieux
- entraide , écoute , souder
- est essentielle
- est essentielle pour aller loin, est quelque chose de primordial pour tout ce que l'on peut faire dans la vie.
- est essentielle pour une vie en société
- Est une éducation basé sur l'apprentissage du respect d'autrui et de l'égalité.
- est une éducation où la curiosité, la politesse et l'entraide sont de mises
- est une éducation qui aide les jeunes à trouver leur voie professionel, qui laisse place à l'imagination, qui n'utilise pas un système de notation lors de contôle.
- est une éducation respectueuse
- est une éducation respectueuse.
- est variée et pluridisciplinaire, juste .
- Etre poli, souriant, être capable de bien se comporter en publique.
- L'accueil, le partage, le respect et l'ouverture d'esprit sont à mes yeux les quatre piliers de l'éducation.
- la politesse, le respect d'autrui et des choses qui nous entourent
- le soin, la discipline et l'instruction
- Met en avant le respect d'autrui.
- ne pas parler la bouche pleine, dire merci
- passe par bien manger
- passe par des règles morales, une ouverture d'esprit et un apprentissage à être autonome.
- politesse, accueillant, serviable
- se base sur le respect envers les autres personnes
- se fait avec des professeurs enthousiastes qui prennent le temps de venir en aide à leurs élèves, et un système scolaire qui encourage la réussite, pas qui nous fais craindre l'échec.
- se reflète par le comportement de chacun.
- Une bonne éducation c'est montrer le bon exemple, inculquer les valeurs justes et honnêtes aux yeux de la société, à nos enfants. Et qu'ils se sentent aimés.
- Une bonne éducation est basée sur des libertés et de la confiance.
- ça se transmet
I noticed that Bowdoin students tended to focus the skills and abilities that a good education provides with, while the students from Toulouse often chose to highlight the features of a good education itself. I think that Bowdoin students tended to focus on the products of an education, specifically learning to look at issues critically, because Bowdoin has a liberal arts curriculum which focuses on developing these general types of skills. I noticed that the students from Toulouse used the word “respect” frequently, while Bowdoin students did not. I am not positive about this, but based on this difference, I can infer that the French student-teacher dynamic may be more strict than the student-teacher dynamic in the United States. Do you think this is fair to say?
ccapello, en France, il est possible que la relation prof-élève soit plus stricte (surtout au lycée). Mais je pense que si on parle beaucoup de respect, c’est parce que l’éducation n’a pas seulement attrait à la scolarité mais aussi à l’éducation donnée par les parents (politesse, respect, …).
I find it interesting that the Bowdoin students’ comments focused on the intellectual and skill-building aspects of education, but the Toulouse students spoke of education in terms of moral values and character. Many Toulouse students said that a good education means good table manners, saying “thank you”, having respect for others, and - as SionedK mentions - children and young people learn from their parents at home as well as from their teachers at school. Parents as teachers, and learning good manners, are not mentioned on the Bowdoin side at all. Many of the Bowdoin students say that a good education teaches critical thinking skills. The Toulouse students talk a lot about respect and politeness, concepts that may seem a little old-fashioned in the US today. The Bowdoin students don’t see learning good manners as part of a good education. Is this because we are so casual in the US? For example, it is common for an American family to eat dinner in front of the television, or to not eat dinner together at all. Children don’t learn good table manners if they don’t eat at a table. In France, people tend to eat together at the table, and part of a child’s education is learning proper manners appropriate to a more formal situation.
L’éducation est un tout. Depuis que nous sommes petits, nos parent nous élèvent pour que nous puissions vivre en harmonie dans la société. Ils nous inculquent des valeurs,des pensées qui sont nécessaire à notre épanouissement.Apprendre la politesse permet d’entrée plus facilement dans un groupe social. L’école n’est présente que pour découvrir le monde, les intéraction à long terme et apprendre pour survivre.