I can't stand when people...
Je ne supporte pas quand les gens...
- Act as if they know more than they do, talk behind a person's back.
- are always on their phones, talking about their pets, talk really loudly.
- are impatient, are disrespectful.
- are passive aggressive and do not communicate effectively. Miscommunication is terrible in many circumstances, sometimes all it takes is to sit down and talk to someone about how you feel about anything.
- are pretentious.
- are rude.
- bully, condemn, lie
- chew with their mouth open/ are rude/,
- chew with their mouth open or say "like" too often.
- chew with their mouths open
- complain about "first world" problems that are comparatively trivial when you put them in the perspective of the larger world. , For example, having no hot water for a shower one morning because the hot water heater is broken really isn't a big deal when you remember that there are many places on earth where water is so scarce that people have to walk miles to get it.
- don't ask questions.
- don't believe in clear scientific data, are bad at driving, are pretentious
- do not look at things from other perspectives
- do not take responsibility for themselves, go back on things they say they will do, blame others for their problems
- I can't stand when people are impatient to a point where it affects those around them.
- I can't stand when people are unwilling to listen to one another.
- I can't stand when people push without saying excuse me, stare uncomfortably, and are uncleanly.
- let each other hate, fail to understand humanity, focus on pessimistic conclusions.
- make jokes that are insensitive.
- refuse to listen to the ideas and experiences of others. It makes it impossible to understand perspectives other than your own and closes off oneself to valuable connections.
- Serve themselves a lot of food and don't eat it all.
- support Donald Trump! To me, it means they are incapable of truly caring about anyone other than other than white Americans. I can't stand hypocrisy, sexism, selfishness and racism.
- take their social status/wealth/privilege for granted.
- take themselves too seriously, criticize others because they feel insecure.
- talk too much about themselves.
- they ignore you on purpose
- crachent au sol ou parle de façon vulgaire
- fument et se plaignent de tout et de n'importe quoi.
- hautain, orgueilleux, jugeant sans connaître.
- Je ne supporte pas les gens qui doublent par la droite sur le périphérique.
- Je ne supporte pas quand les gens sont de mauvais humeur, quand ils se plaignent tout le temps, qu'on ne dise pas "bonjour" quand on croise quelqu'un dans la rue.
- jettent des papiers ou leur mégot de cigarette au sol
- jettent leur mégot par terre, écrasent des hérissons et des crapauds avec leur voiture, pensent qu'acheter un petit pot de Nutella ne changera rien, jugent les autres, sont malpolis, sont méprisants, sont irrespectueux, jouent les indifférents alors que leur planète se détruit, jettent leurs déchets n'importe où,...
- jugent en fonction de l'apparence physique
- jugent sans connaître
- jugent sans savoir.
- jugent trop vite
- mangent la bouche ouverte,
- marchent lentement, parlent uniquement d'eux, sont égoïstes
- ne m'écoutent pas et regardent leur téléphone, sont racistes/intolérants.
- Ne sont pas ouverts d'esprit
- ne sont pas respectueux et ne sont pas ouvert d'esprit.
- ont des très mauvais goûts musicaux.
- parlent trop fort quand ils sont au téléphone, surtout maintenant qu'on peut avoir du réseau dans le métro maintenant.
- participent à l'obscurantisme.
- Persistent dans leurs erreurs
- polluent
- quand les gens ne mettent pas leur clignotant.
- qui critiquent tous c'est chercher a améliorer les choses.
- qui ne pensent qu'à l'argent.
- qui se plaignent et râlent toute la journée ainsi que ce qui jugent sans savoir.
- qui sont méchants
- se montrent irrespectueux.
sont méchants gratuitement. - se moquent des autres
- se moquent des autres
- se plaigne, crie
- soit égoïste
- sont des connards
- sont fermés, se laissent porter, ou ont un mauvais esprit.
- sont fermés d'esprit: n'écoutent pas le point de vue de l'autre et tentent d'imposer leur vision des choses.
- sont hautains
- sont malpolies.
- sont narcissique, égoïste, fermé d'esprit.
- Sont stressés, agressifs, de mauvaise foi.
- Sont vulgaires.
- traitent la nature comme étant négligeable, comme si elle était à notre service.
Strangely enough, despite Bowdoin College’s leanings towards environmentalism and sustainability, not one mention of conservation or protection of the environment surfaced there. Of course, it makes sense that the students from Toulouse would be concerned about trash littering the streets and a lack of concern over the future of the planet; even a little jar of eventual waste makes a difference. However, those on the former side focus heavily on miscommunication or ineffective speech: lots of talking. That is to say, lying criticizing, self-centered conversation, insensitive jokes, and blaming others. Although the French students clearly worry about narcissism and haughty, pretentious behavior, a lot of the comments were regarding the mocking or judging of others prematurely and unfairly, having very minimal open-mindedness. This seemingly reflects the sense of freedom of thought and easy-going character espoused in France. Especially in such close contact with European neighbors, one probably has to be hesitant about making assumptions or failing to eliminate one’s initial prejudice, considering such a flow of individuals. Perhaps in the United States the notion of free belief and character is more assumed, though, but not absent in society; for this reason, there could be less responses pertaining to it. Instead of judging or thinking in a certain way, those of Bowdoin complain about the specific actions of individuals, too—but in the present. Considering certain responses about conservation and the need to be optimistic about reform, do students in France have an intensely active zeal for societal advancement and future progress? Is there more of a recognition of social ills, and thus a greater mark of infamy on them compared to in the United States, where much of the responses focus on more confined interactions? (Hopefully someone can understand some of that rambling. In any case, I thank all in advance for any comments.)