One of the things the U.S. needs the most...
Une des choses dont la France a le plus besoin...
- affordable education for all, immigration policy reform.
- an adult for President.
- Barack Obama
- better public education and sustainable energy development,
- compassion, fair justice, recognition of flaws.
- Creativity, innovation, transparency
- equality, acceptance, and education
- equality/
- ideology surrounding gender-based violence whether that means unequal pay in the workplace or non-disclosure agreements in the context of sexual assaults.
- is a functional government, equality for all people, and an important moral code that citizens can ascribe to.
- is a more inclusive culture that respects racial and gender differences.
- is a more politically correct president, more access to healthcare producats.
- Is a new president, certainly one that can keep his government in check.
- is a sense of shared purpose. , Our country is so divided right now. , As a people, we seem unable to find a common belief or ideal to unify us. We've divided ourselves into two opposing factions on important issues like immigration, the environment, and health care. , Nothing gets done, and people suffer because we cannot agree.
- is education reform. Education in the United States has become increasingly stratified and segregated due to local state policies that limit the students from accessing a good education. An example of this is zoning where students are placed into schools in their neighborhood.
- is for the 25 percent of people who support Trump to develop empathy toward others. Every 3 out of 4 Americans do not support Trump and are embarrassed by his insensitivity, sexism and racism.
- is free education
- is more national policy tackling climate change.
- is open-mindedness.
- is open discourse. There is a huge diversity of opinions and thoughts in the U.S., however, this does not always open the doors for vibrant discussion. Often it has led to divisions in ideologies and hostilities amongst different groups of people in the U.S.
- is respect for others.
- More mature leading voices that are able to hold a educated discussion with opposing perspectives, a more inclusive mindset, less of an obsession with and reliance on the concept of money.
- more unity in diversity, e.g less hate speech about different religions and races and more tolerance.
- One of the things the U.S. needs the most is a more welcoming environment for foreigners and also more diversity in some of its schools.
- The U.S. is in need of equality for all, better-eating habits, and more schools and fewer prisons.
- The U. S. most needs a better system of education, one that teaches critical thinking. Our most recent presidential election showed, tragically, how easily swayed people are by biased news broadcasts and how unwilling people are to think "outside the party line." Currently, Americans generally find it impossible to discuss anything. Instead, they hold firm to their positions, and simply lob insults at one another. I believe this tendency is exacerbated by on line commentary, which allows people to state positions anonymously. Because they don't have to reveal who they are, they don't seem to feel the need to be open or polite.
- The U.S is in dire need of a new president.
- abolir les chèques.
- arrêter de râler
- Avoir un meilleur système éducatif
- c'est apporter l'éducation, l'apprentissage, le droit à l'école pour TOUS: c'est-à-dire autant les enfants issus de classe sociales peu aisées que les enfants/adolescents/jeunes adultes ayant un handicap. A mon sens même si la France se dit donner un accès à l'école pour tous c'est faux : nous sommes l'unes des seules institutions où vouloir mettre son enfant handicapé à l'école est difficile : manque d'adaptation de l'école, budget trop serrés, des AVS peu qualifiées n'aimant souvent pas leur travail donc cela n'aide pas l'enfant ...
- c'est d'agir plus rapidement face aux problèmes qu'elle rencontre actuellement.
- c'est d'évolué en termes de façon de penser, se défaire de vieux principe religieux qui ont laissés une trace dan les mentalité
- c'est de l'ouverture d'esprit
- c'est de rester soudée
- c'est de sortir de la crise
- c'est de trouver une solution à tous ces problèmes de chômage pour les jeunes, c'est une meilleure entraide entre les gens.
- c'est investir dans les énergies renouvelables, améliorer ses infrastructures.
- D'arrêter de se plaindre! Râler est typiquement français et je pense vraiment que le pays se porterais mieux si les gens arrêtaient de râler pour tout et pour rien.
- d'entraide, de motivation, de changements.
- d'ouverture d'esprit
- Des routes plus larges.
- est de gérer plus humainement les immigrés.
- est l'optimisme.
- est l'égalité homme/femme
- est la solidarité
- est la tolérance.
- est la tolérance envers les étrangers
- est le changement, la Solidarité
- Faire des économies avec l'ISF et non sur le dos de jeunes étudiants.
- L'ouverture d'esprit et la recherche de l'inconnu
- l'éducation
- l'égalité, la libération de la femme, trouver une solution pour les sans abris qui dorment dans le froid.
- La France a besoin d'arrêter les amalgames, d'argent, l'égalité des sexes, de changer.
- la France a besoin de courage pour garder son âme, ses valeurs et son ambition.
- La France a besoin de faire part de bon sens, de la part des politiques mais aussi de tous les citoyens.
- Le respect, la paix, la sécurité.
- Mettre en place plus d'initiatives pour préserver l'environnement
- Mieux parler anglais.
- Serait une meilleure gestion de l'environnement, serait une meilleure aide aux défavorisés
- Solidarité
- un bon gouvernement.
- Un développement encore plus important des énergies renouvelables.
- Une des choses dont la France a le plus besoin est le retour du beau temps.
- Une ligue des champions et une coupe du monde
- Une meilleure gestion de l'accueil et de l'insertion des migrants.
- Un meilleur apprentissage des langues étrangères.
I find it very interesting how the American students mentioned the desire for a new president. As the current political climate suggests, the Trump administration is controversial, problematic, and embedded with policies and changes that discriminate while benefitting the rich. The comments also connect with each other as the call for open discourse is often shunted as conservative is now seen as embodying Trump, which people generally do not want to associate with. The need for reform and change is an interesting recurring theme that is not only prevalent in this list but throughout the news.
Both sides mentioned improvements to immigration policy. In the United States, this is one of our most politicized issues and has been for decades. I was curious whether or not students in Toulouse think that the French government is handling immigration well, and if not what you think they could do better?
J’ai trouvé très intéressant que l’idée d’une réforme de l’éducation ainsi qu’une volonté d’égalité d’accès à l’éducation revienne autant des deux cotés. Les systèmes scolaires de nos pays respectifs sont très différents (en terme de sélection et de couts ) et pourtant d’aucun des deux cotés nous en semblons satisfait. Selon vous quelle serait la chose la plus importante a changer pour améliorer le système éducatif américain?
MouleneJ, it is interesting indeed how appeals for educational reform emerged on both sides, even though the United States and France have very different education systems. I think what many people believe is the primary concern with our education system is the varying levels of accessibility to education at every level for people coming from different backgrounds (socioeconomic class, race, geographic location, etc.)
Additionally, I found that, while both students from Bowdoin and Toulouse frequently mention the necessity for solidarity and unity, only student from Bowdoin specifically mention the importance of open discourse and respectful conversations between those who hold opposing views. It seems that this is representative of the pervasive divisiveness that is preventing any real compromise or change in the U. S. I agree that educated and respectful dialogue is what the U. S. needs most at this time, as it is a necessary component of any productive decision.