Social media
Les réseaux sociaux
- addicting, connecting
- addiction, brain change, loneliness
- addiction, harmful
- Addictive, Informative, Inspirational
- a waste of time, sharing, information
- Convenient, toxic.
- distraction, connection, communication
- Facebook, Fortnite
- Facebook, instagram, iphone
- Facebook, Negative, Addicting
- facebook, twitter
- facebook, twitter, addictive
- fun, addictive
- influential, misleading
- Instagram, Snapchat, Unnecessary
- instagram, twitter
- powerful, shaming, dangerous
- snapchat, instagram, waste of time
- spam, entertainment, toilet
- time, false representation
- time consuming, addicting, overwhelming, judgement, likes
- time sink, fun, waste of time
- toxic, addictive
- Twitter, Distraction
- useful, damaging, a part of life
- Whatsapp, global.
- wings, dings, thumbs.
- addictifs
- Addiction, Voyeurisme, Liens humains boulversés
- amis, messages, photos
- amis, partage, insécurité
- amis, échanges, information
- chronophage, utiles
- communauté, liens, organisations
- communication
- communication, controversé
- communication, partage, excès
- Communication, rapidité, dépendance.
- communication à l'échelle mondiale, technologie, Internet
- consommateurs de temps, virtuel
- danger, communiquer, harcèlement
- Facebook, internet
- Facebook, médias
- Facebook, perte de temps
- facebook, snapchat
- facebook , snapchat
- Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram.
- Facebook, Twitter
- Facebook
Twitter - Facilité, surconsomation
- informations, divertissement, dangereux
- internet, connecté
- Internet, modernité, drogue, addiction, superficialité, difficultés à en sortir, vecteur de paresse
- moderne, dangereux, pratique
- outils, controverses, addictions
- ouverture sur le monde, culture, influence, utilisé à tort et a travers, permet communication dans le monde en temps réel rapide
- paratge
- Partages, Internet, Dangereux
- parti intégrante de la vie actuelle, envahi internet, bon et mauvais côté
- pas nécessaires
- publicité, partage, actualité
- temps, image
- Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat
- utile, dangereux
- Utiles, trop
- vie privée, amis, informations
- échange, partage, dialogue, addiction
I find it fascinating how immediately, both lists touch upon the addicting effects of social media and how they both acknowledge Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat as global forms of communication. In addition what I find to be disturbing is how they both see social media as dangerous because it is shared nationwide. I appreciate that within the list for the French they acknowledge the internet as a shared power. This begs the question, does the power of shared knowledge outweigh the danger? That being said, what are the dangers that are presented by world shared social media?
I find it surprising that French students use more of Facebook and U. S. students use more of Instagram and Snapchat. Also in what what ways is social media considered dangerous?
I find it surprising that French students use more of Facebook and U. S. students use more of Instagram and Snapchat. Also in what what ways is social media considered dangerous?
I thought that it was really interesting that most French students said that they use social media for communication, where as on the American side that was not mentioned. Do a lot of people use things social media, such as Facebook, to chat with friends more than standard texting or imessaging? Personally, I exclusively use imessage to communicate with my friends, and only use social media for entertainment.
I find the similarities interesting, too. Also, concerning. jnora asks how to balance the positive and negative aspects of social media. For me, that is the pertinent question, because I think social media is here to stay. We need to learn how to live with it.
I don’t use Instagram or Snapchat. Nominally, I am on Facebook, but I stopped using it during the 2017 presidential primaries. I simply could not longer tolerate the vitriol. Actually, once I stopped using Facebook, I didn’t miss it. Now, every once in a while, I look at Facebook. About once or twice a year, I might post something. On the rare occasions when I go to Facebook, I notice how easy it is to become completely consumed with reading all the posts. Meanwhile, time passes, and when I come to my sense, I regret the time I’ve wasted. I’m not sure my experience is a good example of “balance,” because it mostly revolves around avoiding social media altogether. More, I think my experience shows how hard it is to achieve balance.
Now, if you talk about email … my life revolves around email! As a working professional I have to use it all the time. It’s a great convenience but also a huge annoyance.
Il y a beaucoup de similarités entre nos associassions des mots pour les réseaux sociaux. On utilise les mêmes apps, come snapchat, instagram, et facebook. Je pense que c’est intéressant que ces apps sont très globale et que tout le monde les utilise. Aussi, on a le même association que les réseaux sociaux sont négatif et qu’ils font mal à l’estime de soi.
Pour ma part, je pense que les réseaux sociaux massivement utilisés comme facebook ont un intérêt certain et qu’il serait dommage de les bannir. Cependant ils sont beaucoup trop intrusifs et pour cette raison je pense qu’il serait intéressant de s’orienter vers des réseaux sociaux “alternatifs” plus respectueux de notre vie privée.