A good job is...

Un buen puesto es...

a job that makes you happy and that makes a difference in someone's life every day.

a job that makes you happy as well as supports you financially

one that makes you happy.

one that offers benefits.

one that pays good money while keeping a person content with their career.

one that pays well.

one that you are happy at but also one that provides you with enough to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

one you work that you enjoy doing, that pays fairly well. If you dread going to work, its not a good job.

something one has a passion for. It does not necessarily mean wealth.


aquel que cada dia al despertar sonries por lo que vas a hacer y aparte te pagan bien por eso que estas haciendo

aquel que ofrece un buen salario.



importante pero no tan importante como esta feliz con el puesto en el que se está

quien le guste hacer lo que estudio

Responsabilidad, Independientemente cual sea el puesto que uno tenga, hay que hacer las cosas no bien, sino con excelencia.


There was a pretty even mix of desiring a job that pays well that is also enjoyable. There was a little more emphasis on "happiness" on the U.S. side, and as Ticos are self-proclaimed as the happiest people on Earth, perhaps they look for less happiness in their work. 

para mi la felicidad no solo es el dinero  el tener salud es el tesoro mas grande porque sin ella no podemos realizar ninguna labor


para mi la felicidad no solo es el dinero  el tener salud es el tesoro mas grande porque sin ella no podemos realizar ninguna labor