A good president is someone who...
Un/a buen/a presidente es alguien que...
adheres to democracy
can lead this nation into prosperity and create peaceful foreign relations.
is fair and can control a large group of people.
is not Oboma.
knows how to take care of the people in his country and makes the right decisions for his people's well-being.
leads his country to prosperity and peace, while respecting their rights.
leads the country to the best of their ability. A president is supposed to represent the people.
listens to the ideas of the people and tries their hardest to better the country.
makes the people's will his/her top priority; and one who shows leadership skills and wisdom.
busca solucionar los problemas de su pais
es justo, carismático y bueno.
esta preparado para ser lider, esta respaldado por personas comprometidas con el pais
que ayuda ala gente pobre a conseguir trabajo da todo lo que tiene para su pais
que no roba plata a los otros
sabe muy bien cuales son las pautas para dirigir bien el pais
Se esmera por mejorar la situacion en todos los campos del pais y quien lo saca adelante a pesar de todos los obstaculos.
vele por el pais y la seguridd de los ciudadanos y no por tener cada ves mas dienero
My generalization for Costa Ricans was that a good president is someone who could better the conditions of the country and who know the guidelines to manage the country.
1. What parts of the country would you all like to see change; what could a President do to better the conditions of your country?
2. If you could set guidelines for a president to follow, what would they be?
1. Bueno en mi opinion me encantaria percibir un cambio en el manejo de los recursos economicos de mi pais ya que la pobreza, la falta de buena infraestructura, las crisis economicas que sufren muchas instituciones estatales, van en aumento.
Que sugerencias haria yo para mejorar dicha situacion? Mejorar la recaudacion de impuestos en mi pais definitivamente! es decir, que los ricos paguen como ricos y que los pobres paguen como pobres.
2. puntos a seguir segun mi criterio:
Que mejore la recaudacion de impuestos
Que destine los recursos a los mas necesitados
Que mejore la infraestructura de las carreteras
The Costa Ricans want a president that won't steal money from others. The U.S. students didn't specifically mention this trait. This is interesting because corruption in government offices (and even with other organizations, such as the police) is very common in CR, but not as big of a concern in the states.
Also, the U.S. students had several mentions of trying to reach peace, but the Costa Rican students had less of an emphasis on this. Without an army, and not being at war with other countries, this is much less of a concern for them.
tambien es importante dar la cara por el pais en todo momento,y reconocer si en algun momento ha fallado