If I am walking down the street and someone infront of me litters, I...
Si estoy caminando por la calle y veo que la persona enfronte de mí bota basuera por la calle, yo...
call them out on it, and if they don't pick it up, i would pick it up if it were a small object and properly dispose of it
have disappointment for their inconsideration.
ignore it
pick it up and throw it out.
pick up their wrapper if it isn't gross and throw it out.
tell them that they dropped something and ask them to pick it up and throw it away.
think of the damage that is happening to our world.
watch them litter, unless its something that I could easily pick up.
would ignore it.
deposito la basura en el basurero.
hago que junte la basura
Le aviso y la pongo en su lugar.
le digo que por favor la junte
le digo recojala
me molesto y le digo oiga se le cayo eso....
no hago nada
talves la recogeria
yo deposito la basura al basurero, no le diria nada ya que a veces uno les llama la atencion y es como si uno no les dijera nada, les entra por un oido y les sale por el otro.
no le digo nada y tampoco la junto porque no fui yo el que la tiro al suelo
lo llamo y le digo disculpe, señor (a), se le cayo eso